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Stati Uniti - due modi di reagire
- Subject: Stati Uniti - due modi di reagire
- From: Paola Lucchesi <paola.lucchesi at mail.inet.it>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:17:44 +0200
Pesco dalla mia mailbox due esempi di reazione - diametralmente opposti - di cittadini statunitensi. Uno e' un comunicato di un produttore di software (siccome ho un loro prodotto shareware, mi arrivano ogni tanto le loro comunicazioni commerciali), l'altro di un Reiki master che gestisce una mailing list con diverse decine di iscritti sparpagliato negli Usa e nel mondo (il Reiki e' un metodo di cura "alternativo", sia fisica sia spirituale, basato sull'energia universale). Si commentano da soli, quindi io non aggiungo niente: due anime dell'America catturate in poche righe. Quale prevarra' nel prossimo futuro? paola -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Hello everyone, This is Nicholas Longo, the CEO of CoffeeCup Software. As you may have heard the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked about 45 minutes ago. The Team at CoffeeCup would like to send our heart felt sorrow to those that perished in these attacks. We would like to also say on record that if any country is found responsible for these attacks, we call for that country's complete destruction and annihilation. Do not let terrorism which is designed to create fear and stop production, halt your life or work. Stay focused and do not stop what you are doing. -May God bless us all and the decisions we must make. Nick- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Hello my friends, I fear that today's events will unlease a tremendous destructive energy worldwide which will ultimately affect each of us in its own way. Perhaps to address my own feelings of helplessness as I watch from afar, I'm calling on all to join me in activating our Distant Reiki Healing Circle on a full-time basis for the duration of this crisis. I guess I just can't think of anything else I can do, and I hope this may be of some help. I'm ceasing all other activity immediately and will be holding a space in this circle 24 hours a day. I hope you will join me when you can in drawing in and sending all the love and healing possible to those who have been killed or injured and to all who are affected. In spite of the often overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I believe that love is still the answer and I will do my best to hold this focus. Please join me and our Reiki Circle and the many others I'm sure will be sending their prayers and positive energies to this situation. Feel free to circulate this message to others and to respond to me privately if you like. Stay grounded, stay centered, and know that love is the real power. May Peace Prevail, Gordon Rosenberg
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