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Fw: 100+ Organizing Centers for the Million Worker March!

----- Original Message ----- From: "AntiWar 4 the Million Worker March" <antiwar4themillionworkermarch at action-mail.org>
To: <nellomargiotta55 at virgilio.it>
Cc: "Antiwar for the Million Worker March" <antiwar4themillionworkermarch at organizerweb.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 9:57 PM
Subject: 100+ Organizing Centers for the Million Worker March!

100+ Organizing Centers for the Million Worker March!


Momentum is growing for the Million Worker March. There are now more than 100 organizing centers across the country as the word spreads and working people answer the call to organizize in our own name.

***Become an organizer!

We need your help! We need more activists to become bus organizers in their area. you can sign up online to become an organizer:

We also need help with the enormous expenses involved with organizing Anti War 4 the Million Worker March. You can donate online at : http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/index.htm or by mail. Make checks payable to: People's Rights Fund/Oct.17 Buses, and send to:
Antiwar4the Million Worker March
39 W. 14th St. #206
NY NY 10011

New endorsers are signing up daily. The executive board of SEIU 1199 in NYC just voted to endorse. This is the largest union in New York, with over 250,000 members. The union also agreed to provide buses for their members who wish to paticipate in the Million worker March,

Other recent endorsers include: Rainbow/PUSH, the Green Party, AFSCME District Council 37, and many others. (for an updated list of endorsers, see http://antiwar4themillionworkermarch.org/endorsers.htm)

**NYC Rally & Fundraiser for the Million Worker March
Friday, September 24th 2004 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
New York, New York

Food, drinks, music, comedy, poetry, and even a few speeches. Let's get together to have fun and show the bosses we can build a big militant labor movement that fights for jobs, education, health care and not war on other poor and working people around the world. For more information go to our organizing web site or contact by email.

SEIU-32 BJ Union Hall 101 Sixth Ave. near Canal St, Grand and Watts St. New York New York 10013

6-9 pm

For Ticket Information, contact Chris Silvera 718-389-1900 x 21, Brenda Stokely 212-219-0022 x5185, Hetram (Chuck) Mohan 212-210-0022 x5119

This message was sent to nellomargiotta55 at virgilio.it

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