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Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference

Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference
Call for Proposals

The Challenge of Globalization: Incorporating Peace, Justice and Human Rights
October 14-17, 2004
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Resistance to globalization has led its defenders to speak of globalization
with a human face. Is this a genuine effort to resolve the inequalities and
injustices that have accompanied the globalization phenomenon, or an effort
to deflect criticism and protest? What would it really take to globalize
not only markets, but peace, justice and human rights?

We invite proposals for paper presentations, organized panels, roundtable
discussions, workshops, and other creative contributions on these and
related questions, and on pedagogical innovations designed to tackle these
issues in K-12 and in university classrooms. In addition, we welcome other
contributions consistent with our mission statement (See
These themes would include social justice and social change, peace
movements and social movements, nonviolence, peace studies and peace
education, conflict resolution and transformation, human rights, feminism
and anti-racism, global capitalism and resistance to "globalization from
above," critical pedagogy, popular education and diversity and

Please send an abstract (no more than 200 words) to Margaret Groarke,
Manhattan College, Bronx, NY 10471 or
<mailto:pjsa2004@manhattan.edu>pjsa2004@manhattan.edu (please put your last
name in the Subject line of your message). A brief biographical sketch
would also be helpful. 

The deadline for proposal submission is May 31, 2004. Late proposals will
be reviewed and accepted subject to space on the program.

You will be notified about the status of your proposal by July 15.