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United for Peace and Justice Needs YOUR Help!

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545
To subscribe, visit http://www.unitedforpeace.org/email

United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is at a critical juncture. We need your
financial support now, more than ever.

Since UFPJ was created just 19 months ago we have grown into the largest
and broadest national peace and justice coalition in the U.S., with more
than 800 participating local groups and national organizations. We
organized the largest demonstrations against the Iraq war, coordinated
several local days of action, and lent important support to activities
ranging from the FTAA protests in Miami to the Immigrant Workers Freedom
Ride to the recent Women's March for Our Lives. We provide up-to-date
information, educational and organizing materials, and other resources, and
our web site is an invaluable tool for activists around the country and the

Now, we need YOUR financial support to help ensure our ability to maintain
and expand our efforts. The movement to end the occupation of Iraq must
re-double our efforts; the ongoing Palestinian/Israeli conflict demands our
attention; assaults on everyone's civil liberties, even on our basic right
to protest, must be challenged; the list goes on.

Major parts of our 2004 program of work will unfold in the months ahead. We
are working with others to develop a significant national presence in
Boston when the Democratic National Convention convenes there in late July.
And our August 29th massive march and rally against the Bush agenda on the
eve of the Republican Convention in New York City will kick off a powerful
week of protest. This will be a moment when protest can truly make a
difference: the huge August 29th march and rally will send a message
throughout the world that Bush's illegal and immoral war is a failure, and
that the people of this country are no longer deceived by his lies.

Some of you might think that because we do a great deal of work UFPJ has
lots of money. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, today we
only have funds available to cover our basic operating costs for the next
few weeks, and we need to raise at least $250,000 to successfully complete
our mandate for the next several months.

Our ability to get the work done rests completely on the generous support
of people like you. And right now, as lots of money is being poured
directly into electoral campaigns, we need a large dose of your generosity.
It is critical that our movement show its strength during this election
year: we need to be on the streets and raising the issues! United for Peace
and Justice can help make sure that happens, but only if we can count on
your contributions.

We urge you to take a moment right now, before you do anything else, to
make the largest donation to UFPJ you can:

ONLINE: You can make a secure online donation right now at

CHECK OR MONEY ORDER: Send your donation to United for Peace and Justice,
P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108.

CREDIT CARD: You can also contribute by credit card by calling the UFPJ
office at 212-868-5545.

Contributions of $100 or more are tax-deductible if a check is made out to
the A. J. Muste Memorial Institute and mailed to UFPJ at the address above.

Thank you very much for your continued support; it makes it possible for us
to do this work!

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545
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