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Fw: [ANSWER]: SAT, APRIL 12: National March on Washington

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: [ANSWER]: SAT, APRIL 12: National March on Washington

> Gather at 12 noon
> March on the White House
> On Saturday, April 12, join the tens of thousands of 
> people of conscience who will surround the White House. 
> The whole world is watching to see if the people of the 
> United States can intensify the power of the anti-war 
> movement at the moment that the Bush Administration is 
> intending to slaughter tens of thousands of Iraqi people 
> and occupy their country. We urge every anti-war organizer 
> and concerned person to bring your friends, neighbors and 
> family members to this all-important mobilization on April 
> 12.
> The world is in a state of Shock and Revulsion as the 
> murderous Bush Administration follows through on its 
> promise to "Shock and Awe" the Iraqi people by dropping 
> thousands of bombs and missiles on their capital, a city 
> that is home to 4.5 million human beings. Baghdad has been 
> bombed relentlessly, terrorizing the occupants of that 
> city and of the entire country. U.S. "precision" bombs 
> have slammed into poor residential neighborhoods in 
> Baghdad and a busy shopping street. U.S. and British 
> troops are leaving a "trail of death" in their wake as 
> they invade and bomb Iraq and reporters describe charred 
> corpses littering the roads to Baghdad as well as in its 
> streets. U.S. and British forces have laid siege to Basra, 
> bombing and destroying the electrical supply to the main 
> water plant and blocking the Iraqi food distribution 
> system into Basra. The people of Basra are now starving 
> and without water; various U.N. agencies state that Basra 
> is in humanitarian crises and on the verge of a major 
> cholera outbreak and massive child mortality. This crisis 
> is caused by the U.S. attack coupled with the effect of 12 
> years of U.S.-led U.N. economic sanctions. The United 
> States government is telling the people of Basra that they 
> may only have food and water if they rise up against the 
> Iraqi government and accept the U.S. occupation.
> The Iraqi people and the U.S. GIs who have been killed and 
> wounded and are suffering are the casualties of George W. 
> Bush's unprovoked war of aggression. We extend our 
> heartfelt sympathies to the families of all those who have 
> been killed and wounded as a consequence of this illegal 
> imperialist war.
> This horrific unprovoked attack on Iraq must be understood 
> as one of the extreme terrorist acts of modern times. 
> Cruise missiles launched from submarines and aircraft 
> hundreds of miles away and 2,000 lb. bombs dropped from 
> 30,000 ft. up are the latest example of the Bush 
> administration's criminal resort to limitless violence and 
> terrorism in order to achieve its objectives of conquest 
> and occupation. The hypocrisy of the war against Iraq is 
> extreme: the most powerful military in the world waging 
> first strike war with the most advanced weapons against an 
> impoverished country on the pretext that it someday may 
> possess such weapons.
> The world has entered a new phase. The Bush Administration 
> is hell bent on world domination. The war on Iraq was 
> meant to signal that the U.S. use of raw military power 
> will be the means to create a new era of Empire. We 
> understand that the war on Iraq is only one of the fronts 
> on which the United States government is determined to 
> build a world empire. The U.S. is also waging war in 
> Colombia, training future death squads at the dreaded 
> School of the Americas/WHISC, and waging economic war 
> through the IMF, World Bank, and free trade treaties such 
> as the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement.
> To the shock of the warmakers, their plans have ignited a 
> world movement of opposition and solidarity. In addition 
> to the well publicized demonstrations in Europe and the 
> Middle East, nearly every country in Latin America has 
> participated in massive street demonstrations and the 
> continent has nearly unanimously rejected Bush's 
> "Coalition of the Willing." For months this movement has 
> delayed and restrained the war plans for Iraq. Bush and 
> Co. have lost all legitimacy and they are isolated. The 
> people's movement has deprived them of the any threadbare 
> claim to legality.
> April 12 comes in the midst of the long-planned 
> "Mobilization Against Military and Economic Intervention 
> in Latin America and the Caribbean" organized by the Latin 
> America Solidarity Coalition (LASC). This coalition, which 
> includes some members of the A.N.S.W.E.R Steering 
> Committee, has called for a series of actions from April 
> 10- 15. In addition to converging in Washington on 
> Saturday April 12 for the mass march on the White House to 
> Stop the War on Iraq, A.N.S.W.E.R. encourages you to 
> travel to DC in time for the public opening plenary of the 
> LASC conference on Friday evening, April 11, and to stay 
> for a demonstration on Sunday, April 13 focusing on Latin 
> America Solidarity which will march to several corporate 
> and financial institutions before arriving at the World 
> Bank. Visit the LASC web page at www.lasolidarity.org for 
> full details.
> Today our hearts are filled with both anger at the war and 
> sadness for the suffering people of Iraq who are enduring 
> this unprovoked terrorist attack, and for the grieving 
> families of the sons and daughters of America who Bush has 
> sent to kill and be killed for his war of aggression and 
> conquest. But sadness and grief should be coupled with a 
> profound understanding that the sudden emergence of a new 
> global movement offers the best and only hope that the 
> U.S. government's plans for militarism, war and domination 
> -- the doctrine of endless war -- can and will be 
> overcome. In the days ahead we must intensify the struggle 
> against this cruel war.
> * SPREAD THE WORD! Forward this email, and download 
> flyers, posters and stickers from the A.N.S.W.E.R. web 
> page (available by Thursday).
> * ORGANIZE BUSES TO DC. Let us know about transportation 
> from your city. Fill out the form at 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/a12/index.html#transp 
> (if this link does not take you directly to the form, 
> scroll down) to list your transportation plans.
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/a12/index.html#endo 
> (if this link does not take you directly to the form, 
> scroll down)
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