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Fw: [ANSWER]: Stay in DC for Youth & Student Action: Jan. 18-19 in DC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 2:35 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: Stay in DC for Youth & Student Action: Jan. 18-19 in DC

> January 18-19 in Washington D.C.
> -Please post widely-
> Over the next week, many students will be returning to 
> school. Now is a great opportunity to circulate the call 
> for Youth & Student Action January 18-19. A downloadable 
> flyer is available to print, copy and circulate in your 
> high school or on your campus.
> Below you will find details on the Youth and Student 
> planning meeting, march and rally taking place January 18 
> & 19 in conjunction with the January 18 National March on 
> Washington DC to Stop the War on Iraq.
> Please fill out the Student Organizing Form (see below) to 
> let us know your plans!
> -----------------------------
> Youth and Student Rally & March
> -Gather at 11 am at the Dept of In-Justice (Pennsylvania 
> Ave. between 9th and 10th NW)
> -March to the Presidential Palace (White House) for a 
> Youth & Student Weapons Inspection
> Gather at 11am at the Department of In-Justice 
> (Pennsylvania Ave. between 9th and 10th NW) to protest the 
> attacks against the Arab and Muslim communities ? 
> including the recent mass arrests in California.  Many of 
> these violations are taking place within our own school as 
> more and more universities are complying with FBI and INS 
> efforts to gather information, interrogate, detain and 
> deport thousands of people.
> March to the Presidential Palace (White House) for a Youth 
> and Student Weapons Inspection.  If George Bush believes 
> that the UN weapons inspectors have the right to look into 
> every building in Iraq, then we should have a right to 
> check out his "Presidential Palace."  It's our schools 
> that have gone without funding and it's our social 
> programs that have been cut to pay for the U.S. 
> government's weapons of mass destruction. A new war in 
> Iraq is estimated to cost almost $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 
> trillion, according to a recent American Academy of Arts 
> and Sciences study). Let's see if Bush provides full and 
> complete disclosure!
> No War on Iraq!
> Disarm the Pentagon!
> Stop the attacks on the Muslim and Arab communities!
> SMASH War & Racism!
> -----------------------------
> Youth & Student Planning Meeting
> 6 pm
> @ the Church of the Brethren
> (4th St. and North Carolina Ave. SE)
> *walking distance from the demonstration*
> (snacks will be provided)
> Come to a youth & student meeting to discuss the January 
> 19th actions and future actions against war and racism.
> As you know tens of thousands of people will be converging 
> in Washington D.C. for the weekend of January 18th to take 
> a stand against War and Racism. On the buses traveling 
> from all over the country will be anti-war activists, 
> labor unionists, members of various religious communities, 
> long time fighters for civil rights and women's rights as 
> well as those who have never before been to a 
> demonstration. Undoubtedly the majority of these diverse 
> participants will be students and young people. In 
> addition to playing a vital role in the anti-war movement, 
> the January 18-19 weekend presents an opportunity for us 
> to take action and develop plans for future action.
> Be a part of Youth and Student A.N.S.W.E.R. and, while you 
> work to stop a war against Iraq, build a movement that 
> upholds the right of self-determination for the people of 
> the world and stands in solidarity with the struggles 
> across the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America 
> against U.S. intervention and neo-colonial domination. 
>  Help build a student movement that fights racism, police 
> brutality, attacks on education, and all manifestations of 
> oppression and exploitation.  We are fighting for a 
> different society, one that values human needs over 
> profit.
> -----------------------------
> What you should do if you're interested:
> 1) Spread the word! Send this announcement to everyone you 
> know, and tell them to post it widely. Download the PDF of 
> the flyer at 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/pdf/j19student.pdf, 
> make copies, and post and distribute them widely!
> 2) Contact us if you have questions. Email 
> youth@internationalanswer.org or call 202-544-3389.
> 3) If you/your group is planning to participate, fill out 
> the Student Organizing Form at 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/j18endorse.html#student 
> (you may need to scroll down) and in the "message" section 
> let us know how many people you expect, and if you'll be 
> participating in the planning meeting and/or march & 
> rally.
> Sponsored by:
> Youth and Student A.N.S.W.E.R.
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/students.html
> ------------------
> Send replies to answer@action-mail.org
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> list. Anyone can subscribe by sending 
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