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Fwd: A proposal from the European Antiwar Coalition

The attached is a letter to the secretariat in P.Alegre sent from the
European Antiwar Coalition and forwarded to you to ask your support and
participation to the meeting in P.Alegre and to the anti-manifestation on
february 15.
Please answer to
in solidarity

Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 02:18:05 +0100
To: secr inter wsf br
From: Paola Manduca <magma2@libero.it>
Subject: A proposal from the European Antiwar Coalition
To the Secretariat of the Forum Social Mundial 2003 from the European
coalition of anti war movements.

We, the antiwar coalitions of  European countries, got together a first 
time informally in Florence  during the European Social forum and a second
time the delegates of 11 countries met in Copenhagen on December 15, 2002.
There we decided to undertake a common path in contrasting the even too
real menace of war to Iraq by United States with the support of NATO and
with or without the consensus of the United Nations:
There we also agreed that, while informing people and contrasting our own
governments in their choice to support the war to Iraq, we would also work
towards a lager coalition against war, involving  the social movements and
anti war coalitions in other countries.
Our first common day of action will be on January 18, with local actions 
against NATO and in support and together with the USA antiwar movement.
We have decided to endorse the Florence  social forum recommendation for a
massive mobilization in the capital cities all over Europe on February 15.
We are receiving adhesions to this day of action from other European and
not European countries in the middle east, the far east and from USA.
Within the program of the Porto Alegre 2003 social forum we will held  a
meeting of the anti war movements and groups of the whole world that we
invite to a joint effort for a coordinated opposition.
Such a meeting will have the purpose of sharing the perspectives of the
movements in different countries and cultures and with different situations
with respect to the menace and the practice of war.
We would like to encounter the people from all over the world to talk about
war policies and military war. We would like to explore if it is possible
to coordinate our actions against war and to reciprocally support and
profit of each other's knowledge and resources.

War is presently waged in armed fashion against Afghanistan and menaced to
Iraq, but war policies are implemented in too many countries of the world
through paramilitary intervention or/and by enforcing the loss of
sovereignty on primary resources and food, through the impositions by WTO
and IMF of directives of development and of trade regulations.

In our line of action we would like to suggest that the march against ALCA
that will take place during the Mundial Social forum, should have a clear
connotation against war on Iraq and also banners and slogans that stress
and evoke clearly the connection between the present menace of armed attack
to Iraq and the continuing blackmail that is imposed through the WTO by
forcing bilateral and multilateral agreements on the control of primary
resources and which is often accompanied by real forms of militarization of
the conflicts.

We hope you will be able to consult with the group of coordination of the
Forum Social Mundial and that we will receive a solicit answer to our

The European antiwar coalition of social movements
Included below are the countries represent in the European coordination
meeting in Copenhagen,
Danemark, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Norway,
Sweden, UK, and joined in the meeting representatives of Philippines and
Adhesions to the February 15 have arrived from Switzerland, Egypt,
Palestine and are presently discussed in many other countries.

Paola Manduca