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(Fwd) Solidarity Sergio Yahni

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Subject:        	Solidarity Sergio Yahni
From:           	fsm2002imprensa@uol.com.br
Date sent:      	Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:34:12 -0300 (BRT)

Sergio Yahni, active partner of the World Social Forum and Co-Director of the Israeli Alternative Information Center (member of the World Social Forum’s International Council) was sentenced on march 19th to 28 days in prison for refusing to serve reserve duty in the Israeli military. 

Letters of objection to the Ministry of Defence can be send to:

Minister of Defense: Mr. Benyamin Ben Eliezer sar@mod.gov.il 
Deputy Minister: Ms.Dalya Rabin-Philosof sgansar@mod.gov.il
Managing Director: Mr.AmosYaron mankal@mod.gov.il
Spokesman: Mr.Shlomo Dror dover@mod.gov.il

Letters of solidarity to Yahni may be send to the Alternative Information Center\'s e-mail: rtic@alt-info.org  
or Alternative Information Center, 
POB 31417, Jerusalem. 

All letters will be taken to Sergio when he gets visit permission (in approximately ten days).

Brazilian Organizing Committee


To: Minister of Defense Mr. Benyamin Ben Eliezer 

The Brazilian Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum strongly
condemns  the treatment given to Mr. Sergio Yahni, active partner of the
World Social Forum and Co-Director of the Israeli Alternative Information
Center (member of the World Social Forum\'s International Council), sentenced
to 28 days in prison in behalf of his refusal to serve reserve duty in the
Israeli military.
 We understand that the Middle East conflict will not be solved through
military actions and violence. We also understand that it is the right of
every human being, including the Israeli citizen, to defend a peaceful
solution to the problem and to demand respect for the human rights of the
Palestinian population, precisely as proposed by Mr. Yahni.
That being so, we demand his immediate release and his freedom to
collaborate in the peace process in the region by not joining any armed
attacks against Palestine and  its people.

Brazilian Organizing Committee of the World Social Forum
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