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Fw: Wateraid

lo rigiro come ricevuto
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laila Zadeh" <shortarsewoman@yahoo.com>
To: <shortarsewoman@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 2:50 PM
Subject: FW: Wateraid

> > >Water Aid
> > >Thames Water (UK) has set up a website associated
> > with Water Aid and if
> > >2 million people click on it, they will donate
> > £150,000 to provide safe
> > >drinking water in Africa and Asia for 10,000
> > people. There are only a few
> > >more weeks left and 400,000 more clicks are still
> > required to meet the
> > >target.  Please take a hit at www.givewater.org
> > <http://www.givewater.org/>
> > >and pass this e mail on to everyone you can think
> > of.
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