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Re: (Fwd) The C.I.A. and Afghanistan

E'assolutamente inaccettabile mettere in un trio con Bin Laden e Noriega
anche Saddam Hussein. Questa è roba tossica fatta passare come di sinistra.
Mi si porti uno straccio di prova che Saddam sia stato addestrato dalla CIA,
quando, dalla sua nomina a presidente al giorno d'oggi non ha cessato di
essere perseguitato dagli USA, in particolare dopo il 1979, quando contro la
svendita di Sadat a Camp David riunì il grande Fronte Arabo del Rifiuto e fu
l'unico a sostenere finanziariamente i palestinesi (anche oggi l'Iraq è
l'unico paese arabo che sostiene i famigliari delle vittime palestinesi). Ci
si può, volendo, scatenare contro la forma di governo di tutti i paesi del
Terzo Mondo, compreso quello di Saddam (magari sottolineando che, mentre
altrove governi autoritari usciti dalla perversione del colonialismo, hanno
divorato e accumulato ricchezze per la classe dirigente, in Iraq si è
realizzato una distribuzione della ricchezza di tipo cubano, con uno stato
sociale che gli europei, tanto bravi a fare i grilli parlanti, si sognano).
Si smetta con l'accusa, strumentalissima, che Saddam è stato appoggiato
dagli USA e che ne ha ricevuto armi contro l'Iran. L'Iran finanziò i contras
nicaraguegni e ospitò istruttori aeronautici israeliani. Della guerra
Iraq-Iran Kissinger disse :"E' bene che questi due paesi, potenze regionali
minacciose per Israele e per i nostri interessi, si dissanguino tra di loro"
e, fingendo di acconsentire che l'Iraq si riprendesse la provincia
kuwaitiana, strappata dagli inglesi, mentre lo sceicco kuwaitiano (una
specie di Taleban) aggrediva l'Iraq economicamente, finanziariamente e
rubando petrolio dai suoi giacimenti di Rummaneh., gli USA attirarono l'Iraq
in una trappola. Inoltre armarono e finanziariono le organizzazioni irachene
kurde da sempre sotto controllo CIA (infatti oggi collaborano con i turchi
nel massacro dei lmoro fratelli curdi). Era la risposta al fatto che l'Iraq
aveva difeso tutta la regione contro l'espansionismo, allora virulento,
dell'integralismo khomeinista.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gianni Zampieri" <zampieri.gg@libero.it>
To: <pace@peacelink.it>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: (Fwd) The C.I.A. and Afghanistan

> Giro ai volonterosi troduttori.
> Gianni Zampieri - cdm
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From:           "Eli Pariser" <bulletin@9-11peace.org>
> To:             <9-11peace@complete.org>
> Subject:        The C.I.A. and Afghanistan
> Date sent:      Thu, 15 Nov 2001 08:14:59 -0500
> Send reply to:  bulletin@9-11peace.org
> Available online at http://www.9-11peace.org/bulletin.php3
> If you find this bulletin useful, please forward it to
> others and encourage them to sign up for it at the page
> above.  You can also unsubscribe from the bulletin at any
> time at http://www.9-11peace.org/bulletin.php3. The
> 9-11Peace.org bulletin is sent out weekly; for more
> information, please check the page referred to above.
> ---------
> 1. Introduction: The Origins of Blowback
> 2. Foreign Policy Primer: The Big Picture
> 3. What Did the C.I.A. Know?
> 4. The Future
> 5. Ask an Expert
> 6. Featured Action
> 7. Get Involved
> 8. About the Bulletin
> --------------------------------------
> In spook-speak, the term is "blowback."  Originally, it was
> used to refer to a cloud of radioactive gas left over after
> an atomic bomb test that blows back over the study center.
> Now, it refers to individuals or groups who received
> training from US operatives and who later turned against us.
> Think Manuel Noriega.  Think Saddam Hussein.  Think Osama
> bin Laden.
> The roots of Sept. 11 go back to 1979, just prior to the
> Soviets invasion of Afghanistan.  In response, the United
> States launched the largest covert operation in American
> history, funneling millions of dollars in supplies and
> weapons to fighters in Afghanistan.  The U.S. used Arab
> Afghans -- a group that included Osama bin Laden -- and
> others who were resisting the Soviet invasion as financiers
> and troops in a proxy war that was meant to be the
> U.S.S.R.'s Vietnam.  At the time, Osama bin Laden and others
> like him were hailed as "freedom fighters", not terrorists.
> The guns and money provided by the U.S. were distributed by
> the I.S.I., Pakistan's intelligence agency.  And in an
> unprecedented move, Stinger missiles were distributed to the
> forces that the U.S. was backing.  American troops now face
> Taliban soldiers wielding the missiles we supplied them with
> little more than a decade ago.
> The argument that the U.S. government makes is that
> collapsing the Soviet Union was well worth the price of
> creating well-trained terrorist forces in the Middle East
> (as well as a thriving heroin market that didn't exist
> before the C.I.A. became involved).  In fact, U.S. Senator
> Orin Hatch has been reported to have said that even given
> bin Laden's embassy bombings in 1996, "it was worth it" to
> defeat the U.S.S.R.  But with the deaths of 5,000 Americans,
> people have begun to question the wisdom of arming ruthless
> killers to achieve short-term military success.
> Below, we present a clear picture of the US intelligence
> effort in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and show how the United
> States helped to arm and train Osama bin Laden and his
> allies.
> Next week: Who's Who in the Northern Alliance
> ---------------------------------------
> In "Bin Laden comes home to roost," Michael Moran of MSNBC
> explains how the U.S. helped to create bin Laden.  Although
> the article was written in 1998, it's still a compelling
> case for U.S. complicity.
> http://www.msnbc.com/news/190144.asp
> A funny and educational article that could also have been
> titled "Afghanistan for dummies".  Read it to find out who
> is "good", who is "bad", and why.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=16
> David Corn argues that although the C.I.A. may not have had
> direct contact with Osama bin Laden, they are ultimately
> responsible for the conditions that created him.
> http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11757
> "Blowback chronicles": An article summarizing information
> from several books on past actions of the C.I.A. and U.S.
> foreign policy.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=18
> A clear, cogent summary of the actions of the C.I.A. in
> Afghanistan prior to September 11.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=15
> Did the C.I.A. back the wrong factions in the war against
> the Soviet Union?
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=19
> More on U.S. policy in South-western Asia.  This article
> helps complete the picture by discussing C.I.A. intrigue in
> Iran, the oil factor, Iraq, and the devastating effects of
> U.S. foreign policy for the last fifty years.
> http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=11796
> --------------------------
> The attacks on September 11 have been called a massive
> intelligence failure.  The C.I.A. has even publicly admitted
> that it had no prior knowledge that the destruction of 9-11
> would occur.  But other evidence suggests that the C.I.A.
> may have known more than it's letting on.  While we are
> skeptical of conspiracy theories, there remain some
> startling and inexplicable events that suggest that we're
> not getting the whole story.  We leave you to make the final
> judgment for yourself.
> Guerrilla News has provided an extremely well sourced
> timeline regarding the C.I.A.'s involvement in September
> 11th, written by one of the journalists who exposed the (now
> admitted) C.I.A. drug-running scheme in the mid-80s.
> http://www.guerrillanews.com/newswire/211.html
> George Bush Sr. has a longstanding connection to bin Laden's
> family.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=17
> An Indian report has exposed the fact that Pakistan's chief
> spy, Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, had links with the presumed
> "ring leader" of the WTC attacks, Mohamed Atta.
> http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html
> -----------
> The tragedy of September 11 is generally being used as an
> opportunity to push for policy changes that will "unleash"
> the C.I.A.  This will allegedly help prevent more tragedies
> in the future.  This begs the question of whether giving the
> C.I.A. more money and more free reign in deciding who to
> work with will indeed make the world a safer place, or
> whether it will simply create more people like Osama bin
> Laden.
> William Blum from the newsletter Counterpunch argues that
> the C.I.A. was never really shackled in the first place.
> http://www.counterpunch.org/blum1.html
> This article argues that more money will not solve the
> C.I.A.'s intelligence problem, since what they really need
> is more low-tech human intelligence. The involvement of the
> ISI is highlighted.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=20
> What the current intelligence war looks like.  Includes
> information on the Taliban's intelligence agency.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=21
> The C.I.A. is already unleashed anyway.  Bush decides to
> allow the C.I.A. carry out a number of covert
> assassinations, and not just in Afghanistan, either.
> http://www.9-11peace.org/r.php3?redir=22
> -----------------
> First, we encourage you once again to seek out the news that
> the mainstream media will not give you.  Here are two more
> sites that you may want to look at:
> http://www.projectcensored.org/default.htm
> http://www.commondreams.org/
> One of our readers also submitted a site where you can read
> Al Jazeera in English:
> http://tarjim.ajeeb.com/ajeeb/default.asp?lang=1
> As an organization of spies, the C.I.A. is hard to target or
> pin down.  Since so much of what it does will never see the
> light of day, it is difficult to keep the organization
> accountable to the people and values it purportedly serves.
> It seems to us that the most effective thing that you can do
> is to spread the information presented in this bulletin, and
> seek out more information as well.  Talk about it with
> people, both those you know and strangers.  Post it to
> discussion boards.  Email it to your friends.  Write letters
> to key officials questioning C.I.A. involvement in
> Afghanistan.  After all, the American government and the
> C.I.A. won't have to answer for their actions unless
> American citizens, and the rest of the world, question them.
> -------------
> If you would like us to include an action, giving idea, news
> article, or source in the bulletin, please write to
> bulletin@9-11peace.org and describe your item in the subject
> line.
> If you are an organization that would like to partner with
> 9-11Peace.org, we would also like to hear from you.
> The 9-11Peace.org bulletin is looking for volunteers to help
> us deal with the immense amount of email we receive.  If you
> think you've got the time, know-how, and energy to do this
> well, please write to Susan at editor@9-11peace.org.  Put
> "Volunteer" in the subject line, and add a brief paragraph
> summarizing your experience and interest.
> -------------------
> The 9-11Peace.org bulletin is a weekly newsletter providing
> resources, news, and action ideas to over 17,500 people
> around the world.  The full text of the bulletin is online
> at http://www.9-11peace.org/bulletin.php3; users can
> subscribe to the bulletin at that address also.  The
> bulletin is a project of 9-11Peace.org.  Contact
> bulletin@9-11peace.org for more information.
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> "Non temo le parole dei violenti,
> mi preoccupa molto il silenzio degli onesti" (M.L.King)