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Come si potrebbe boicottare Amnesty International?
- Subject: Come si potrebbe boicottare Amnesty International?
- From: Mari Cor <mari.liberazioni at yahoo.it>
- Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 09:55:42 -0800 (PST)
Hanno veramente rotto. Adesso mandano messaggi come questo, dopo aver FAVORITO la guerra in Libia (pentendosi forse visto chi hanno contribuito a portare al potere). Un amico che mandava loro soldi anni fa ha choiesto di NON ricevere nemmeno più il loro bolletino, motivando con Libia e Siria. Che fare? MaRINELLA
----- Messaggio inoltrato -----
Da: Sanjeev at Amnesty International USA <alerts at takeaction.amnestyusa.org>
A: Mari Cor <mari.liberazioni at yahoo.it>
Inviato: Sabato 11 Febbraio 2012 18:45
Oggetto: Stop Syria's deadly assault on Homs
Da: Sanjeev at Amnesty International USA <alerts at takeaction.amnestyusa.org>
A: Mari Cor <mari.liberazioni at yahoo.it>
Inviato: Sabato 11 Febbraio 2012 18:45
Oggetto: Stop Syria's deadly assault on Homs
Call for an end to the violent crackdown |
Dear Mari, The death toll continues to rise in Syria. Hundreds of largely unarmed people have reportedly been killed in the city of Homs alone. The crisis in Syria is escalating. The world must do everything in its power to end the Assad regime's violent crackdown. Instead, Russia, a country with influence over Syria, appears to be standing by while crimes against humanity are being committed. Demand that Russia put real pressure on Syrian authorities to end the military assault on Homs. Last weekend, Russia, together with China, vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on Syria, crushing one of the last and best hopes of ending the violence that has claimed thousands of lives since March. The resolution -- though watered-down -- was the closest the global community had come to taking firm action toward ending the violence that has brought Syria to the brink of civil war. While diplomats wrangled at UN headquarters over the weekend, the Syrian government unleashed a barrage of attacks in Homs. The attacks included the use of heavy weaponry such as tanks in residential areas and claimed hundreds of lives, killing more than a dozen children. As the Assad regime's strongest foreign backer, Russia is poised to play a central role in stopping the killing and preventing the bloodbath that will occur if fighting between the government and protesters continues unchecked. Join Amnesty's millions-strong global human rights movement -- demand that Russia take steps to bring an end to the grave human rights violations that are being committed in Syria. When Russia blocked the Security Council from taking meaningful action to stop the massive human rights violations in Syria, it stated that it has a better plan for resolving the crisis. But its veto has only served as a green light to the Assad regime to continue to use any means to crush the resistance. Urge Russia to take public and decisive action to oppose the atrocities being committed in Syria. Sincerely, Sanjeev Bery Advocacy Director, Middle East & North Africa Amnesty International USA |
Russia can exert real influence on the Syrian government. Help step up pressure on Russia to end the escalating crisis in Syria. | |||
© 2012 Amnesty International USA | 5 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001 | 212.807.8400 |
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