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poetry contest on Palestine Think Tank
- Subject: poetry contest on Palestine Think Tank
- From: mary <humdrum2 at libero.it>
- Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 15:42:46 +0200
Poetry Contest!! A Crunch Into Niemoller’s Credit
By Gilad Atzmon • Oct 11th, 2008 at 13:16 • Category: Gilad Atzmon, Gilad's Choice, Newswire, Our Authors, Religion, ZionismA Palestine Think Tank Poetry Contest! Have fun, express yourself and get jazzed up!
Using the Niemoller Paradigm as the basis to express what is troubling you about the world today, create one, two or three poems. Put them in the comments section of Palestine Think Tank and the best will win the prize of an autographed copy of Gilad Atzmon’s “In Loving Memory Of America” (soon-to-be-released album).
Penniless United
First they came for my holiday home
and I didn’t speak up,
because I couldn’t afford a break anyway.
Then they came for my new car
and I didn’t speak up,
because I didn’t have the money to fill the tank.
Then they came for my fridge
and I didn’t speak up,
because I couldn’t find the cash to buy some sausage and mash.
Then they came for my pillow,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I couldn’t put my mind to rest.
Then they came for me,
but with no debts to pay back I was a penniless hack.
They moved on,
and left me alone.
The Road Map to Peace
First they came for the Neocons,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Neocon.
Then they came for the Bankers,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Banker.
Then they came for the Zionists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Zionist.
Then they came for me,
I invited them in for biscuits and tea.
They found me charming,
They left me alone.
They simply moved on.
Once they left
I stepped out of my door.
It was pretty quiet around,
It seemed as if we had fair chance for a new clean start.
The Chameleon
First they came for the Egalitarians,
and I didn’t speak up
because I only pretended to be an Egalitarian.
Then they came for the Libertarians,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I just claimed to be a Libertarian.
Then they came for the Cosmopolitans
and I didn’t speak up,
because I merely insisted to be a Cosmopolitan.Then they came for the Islamophobes,
and I kept quiet,
because I was an Islamophobe.
When they came for me,
no one could make up their mind whether I was an Egalitarian, a Libertarian, a Cosmopolitan or an Islamophobe.
There was no one left to speak up for me.
A Cosmopolitan Against Discrimination
First they came for the Marxists,
and I didn’t speak up
because I wasn’t a true Marxist.
Then they came for the Working Class,
and I didn’t speak up,
because though I support the unemployed, I’ve never worked a day in my life.
Then they came for the Muslims,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I didn’t care at all.
Then they said something about the Jews
and I freaked out
because I happen to be Jewish.
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