uruknet.info: spread ythe news.

    US Red Cross chief resigns
China Daily
The head of the Washington office of the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC), who had urged the US Government to take action over
the prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq, has resigned for what he said were
personal reasons. Sources in the community of non-government groups that
work with the Red Cross said they believed Christophe Girod was unhappy
with his own organization and with the US Government. "My reading of it
is that he felt they (the Red Cross) should have gone public with their
report"...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=2865>    
[2865] [ 19-may-2004 06:29 ECT ]

Iraqi group linked to questionable intelligence loses U.S. funding
Jonathan S. Landay
...The Iraqi National Congress was informed last Friday that the
$335,000 monthly payment it's received from the Defense Intelligence
Agency would stop in June, they said. The payments were first reported
by Knight Ridder on Feb. 21.
The funding cutoff represents a major setback to administration
hardliners, who had hoped to position INC leader Ahmad Chalabi to head a
democratic Iraqi government that would sign a peace treaty with Israel,
allow the United States to build permanent military bases in Iraq, and
serve as a model for the rest of the Middle East...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=2864>     [2864] [ 19-may-2004
06:23 ECT ]

... and more on:
www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: daily information on
occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and English.
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www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: informazione quotidiana
sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e
in inglese.
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US Red Cross chief resigns
China Daily
The head of the Washington office of the International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC), who had urged the US Government to take action over the
prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq, has resigned for what he said were personal
reasons. Sources in the community of non-government groups that work with
the Red Cross said they believed Christophe Girod was unhappy with his own
organization and with the US Government. "My reading of it is that he felt
they (the Red Cross) should have gone public with their report"...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=2865>continua / continued      [2865] [
19-may-2004 06:29 ECT ]

Iraqi group linked to questionable intelligence loses U.S. funding
Jonathan S. Landay
...The Iraqi National Congress was informed last Friday that the $335,000
monthly payment it's received from the Defense Intelligence Agency would
stop in June, they said. The payments were first reported by Knight Ridder
on Feb. 21.
The funding cutoff represents a major setback to administration hardliners,
who had hoped to position INC leader Ahmad Chalabi to head a democratic
Iraqi government that would sign a peace treaty with Israel, allow the
United States to build permanent military bases in Iraq, and serve as a
model for the rest of the Middle East...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=2864>continua / continued      [2864] [
19-may-2004 06:23 ECT ]

... and more on:

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: daily information on occupied
Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and English.
Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link
coordinates from our homepage.
Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our


<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: informazione quotidiana
sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e in
Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il banner
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