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Fw: Appeals for Peace and Routing out the Mafia of War
- Subject: Fw: Appeals for Peace and Routing out the Mafia of War
- From: "Nello Margiotta" <animarg at tin.it>
- Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:23:15 +0200
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe" <peace at expo-net.org> To: <animarg at tin.it> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 7:11 AM Subject: Appeals for Peace and Routing out the Mafia of War > Dear Friend, > > Please take a moment to send yet another appeal to UN > Condemn the Mafia of War & Weaponary that Hides its Crimes behind the > American flag. > 22 Nations Bombed and still counting! > Condemn War as Crimes against Humanity and Expose the Mafia of War. > Click Below for full details on how to proceed. > http://www.geocities.com/women_1st/ > http://www.geocities.com/women_1st/UN.htm > http://www.geocities.com/women_1st/Links.html > http://www.geocities.com/women_1st/index.html > ************************************************* > > In the 1950's, tens of thousands of people sent small bags of grain to > President Eisenhower to encourage him to send food to then-enemy > China during a famine. The existence of the campaign helped dissuade > Eisenhower from attacking China during two international > confrontations. Now a nationwide effort has been launched to send a similar > message to President Bush about Iraq: If we are going to send > something to Iraq it should be food, not bombs. > http://www.riceforpeace.org/ > > ************************************************ > > A Global Appeal for 'No more violence!' > Deeply saddened by the suffering and deaths of thousands in New York, > Washington and Pennsylvania, we, people of many different > backgrounds from around the world, join with millions of others to denounce > these latest acts of terror against innocent civilians. We believe > that military retaliation in response to this mass murder will only > accelerate the cycle of fear, anger and violence. > http://www.flora.org/coat/appeal/ > > ************************************************ > > A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq > to the Commission of Inquiry for the International > War Crimes Tribunal > http://www.deoxy.org/wc/wc-index.htm > > ************************************************* > > Draft Impeachment Resolution Against President George W. Bush > by FRANCIS A. BOYLE > > Wherefore George Walker Bush, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and > trial, and removal from office. > > http://www.counterpunch.org/boyle01172003.html > > ************************************************ > > > >
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