Chi puo' essere riferimento per Campaign to Free Palestinian Child Political Prisoners

Sarebbe importante riuscire ad organizzare una campagna per la liberazione dei fancioulli palestinesi incarcerati.
Vi allego alcune informazioni, posso mandarvene altre se servissero.
Proposta chi si fa carico di essere punto di riferimento per questa campagna, che significa traduzione dall'inglese, il testo di un volantino in italiano, lettere da spedire in ogni parte del globo alle istituzione e organizzazioni internazionali, naturalmente Israele e Stati Uniti.
Iniziative in Italia, con anche possibili proteste alle Nazioni Unite, ai consolati e all'ambasciata israeliana.
Insomma un sacco di cose.
Mi auguro di ricevere risposta da tante/i volontarie/volontari.
Cari saluti.
Luisa Morgantini
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Announcement: Campaign to Free Palestinian Child Political Prisoners

Currently around 160 Palestinian children are being held as political prisoners by the Israeli government. Almost without exception, these children face torture while under interrogation, are denied family visits and are incarcerated in circumstances deleterious to their health and well being.

Beginning July 2001, Palestinian lawyers were banned from visiting these children and are thus unable to follow up on the situation inside the prisons. The situation is deteriorating on a daily basis. In the last week cells holding female child prisoners in Ramle Prison were stormed by Israeli Prison Guards and the prisoners were severely beaten and placed in isolation. On 17 September, a Palestinian child in Telmond Prison was cut with a razor blade by Israeli criminal prisoners, a direct result of the illegal incarceration of Palestinian political prisoners with Israeli criminal prisoners. In early September a Palestinian child was placed in Administrative Detention - held without trial or charge - the first administrative detention case against a child since 1996.

In response to this situation, Defence for Children International/Palestine Section (DCI/PS) has launched a new campaign entitled "FREEDOM NOW! Campaign to Free Palestinian Child Political Prisoners." DCI/PS is currently seeking local and international partners to join in the Campaign. A special section of the DCI/PS website has been launched in coordination with the Campaign. see

The website contains a wealth of information about the situation of Palestinian child political prisoners, ideas of how individuals and organizations can participate in the Campaign, and regularly posted CHILD PRISONERS BRIEFINGS, which provide detailed information about the Campaign, its activities, and case studies of child prisoners. 

Also, in preparation for an international day of action, scheduled to coincide with the 20 November anniversary of the signing of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, DCI/PS has prepared a petition calling for the release of all Palestinian child political prisoners. 

The Petition is available for signing at: 

For more information or to join the Campaign, please contact DCI/PS by email at dcipal at

To sign Al-Awda's petition to terminate US aid to Israel go to:
To sign a letter asking Intel Corporation to disinvest from Israel go to:
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition is the largest network of grassroots activists dedicated to Palestinian human rights. Al-Awda develops, coordinates, supports and guides as needed global and local grassroots initiatives for action related to Palestinian refugee rights.  Unless indicated otherwise, all statements posted represent the views of their authors and not necessarily those of Al-Awda or this list's management who may be reached anytime at Al-Awda-moderator at To subscribe, send a blank message to Al-Awda-subscribe at To unsubscribe, send a blank message to Al-Awda-unsubscribe at To find out how to join an Al-Awda action committees in your area, please visit our website at

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