L'obiezione di coscienza di due militari inglesi

Fonte: Abc News Online - http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s821206.htm

British soldiers sent home for refusing to fight

Two British service personnel have been expelled from Kuwait because of dissident views on the war in Iraq.

The two service personnel separately expressed conscientious objections to the war in Iraq.

Their legal representative, Gilbert Blades, says the soldiers "don't want to be involved in killing innocent civilians".

Mr Blades says the soldiers were stationed in the Gulf before war began but decided not to participate after learning of limited international support for the conflict.

"When all these people who were giving protests of an unjust war, they said to themselves 'hang on a minute, what are we doing here?'" he said.

The Ministry of Defence has indicated the pair will not face punishment and says talk of troops' reservations about their role in the Gulf will be kept to a minimum.