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Global Environment facility

Segnalo il sito 'Global Environment facility'
(introduzione sotto)


Alessandro Gimona

What Is the Global Environment Facility?

              The Global Environment Facility was established to forge 
international cooperation
              and finance actions to address four critical threats to 
the global environment:
              biodiversity loss, climate change, degradation of 
international waters, and ozone
              depletion.  Related work to stem the pervasive problem of 
land degradation is also
              eligible for GEF funding.

              Launched in 1991 as an experimental facility, GEF was 
restructured after the Earth
              Summit in Rio de Janeiro to serve the environmental 
interests of people in all parts of
              the world. The facility that emerged after restructuring 
was more strategic, effective,
              transparent, and participatory. In 1994, 34 nations 
pledged $2 billion in support of
              GEF's mission; in 1998, 36 nations pledged $2.75 billion 
to protect the global
              environment and promote sustainable development.

              The GEF can succeed in its global environmental mission 
only as part of a worldwide
              movement toward sustainable development.  GEF brings 
together 166 member
              governments, leading development institutions, the 
scientific community, and a wide
              spectrum of private sector and non-governmental 
organizations on behalf of a
              common global environmental agenda.