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Ecco l'appello in Inglese. Inoltrare, divulgate, mandate!
Greenpeace Australia Action Alert!
In a few days [28th July 2000], Health Ministers from Australia's State governments will meet to take a position on labelling of genetically modified foods. This is your opportunity to act now and push the case for tougher, more stringent laws covering the labelling of genetically modified food.
Send an E-mail to the Health Ministers
The unregulated spread of Genetically Modified Organisms affect us all! Please send a letter to the State and Federal Health Ministers of Australia and New Zealand, urging them to push for tougher labelling. An example letter is provided below. Please cut and paste this into a new e-mail and send to one or all of the ministers listed below. Alternatively, you can write your own letter based on the following.

To: The Minister for Health

As a concerned member of the public, I am calling on ANZFA to proceed with the strict labelling regime on Friday 28 July, that was committed to last year by the Australian and New Zealand Health Ministers.  I think it is unacceptable that the Australia Prime Minister John Howard is pressuring the New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark to water down the promised labelling system.

I believe it is the right of every person to know what is in the food they eat.  The general public have the right to exercise their power as a consumer by deciding whether or not they wish to consume genetically engineered food.  It is unclear at the moment which products contain engineered ingredients, which is a blatant disregard of the consumer's right to know.

As identified by the recent KPMG report, comprehensive labelling would compromise very little of the total cost of production.  Their report indicated that cost is no barrier to mandatory labelling.

Commitment to labelling was made last August, so we have been waiting for progress on this promise for eleven months now.  I would like ANZFA to stop stalling the process and for the Government to realise that the Australian public will not accept a shabby labelling system.

Therefore I demand that you, in the ANZFA meeting on the 28 July, ensure that the labelling system agreed to is water tight, without any thresholds imposed, as these will undoubtedly lead to exploitation of the system.  It is essential that all products that contain genetically engineered ingredients, processing aids and additives are clearly and comprehensively labelled.
Yours sincerely
[fill in your name here]

E-mail addresses
Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon. Dr. Michael Wooldridge MP,
E-mail: Michael.Wooldridge.MP@aph.gov.au
New Zealand Minister of Health, Hon. Annette King MP
Tasmanian Minister for Health & Human Services, Hon. Judith Louise Jackson MLA

New South Wales Minister for Health E-mail: aknowles@parliament.nsw.gov.au
Northern Territory Minister for Health E-mail: stephen.dunham@nt.gov.au
Queensland Minister for Health E-mail: Health@ministerial.qld.gov.au
South Aus Minister for Health E-mail: minister.humanservices@saugov.sa.gov.au
Victorian Minister for Health E-mail: johnthw@werple.mira.net 
West Australian Minister for Health E-mail: dayknewman@mpc.wa.gov.au