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L'Enel taglia le emissioni

Italy's Enel agrees to cut gas emissions
ITALY : July 21, 2000
ROME - Italy's Enel yesterday signed an agreement with the ministry of the environment to cut gas emissions, an accord which will require an investment of 8 to 10 trillion lire ($3.8-4.8 billion) by 2006.
The announcement was made during the presentation of Enel's 1999 Report on the Environment. According to the agreement, emissions of carbon dioxide will be reduced by 20 percent from 1990 levels as part of a programme which will involve all Enel's plants increasing production efficiency and investing in renewable resources.
Enel invested around 1.3 trillion lire ($650 million) in the environment in 1999 and achieved a 17 percent reduction in the emission of sulphur dioxide.