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I: (en/ca) U'Wa comunicano una marcia di solidarietà internazionale
- Subject: I: (en/ca) U'Wa comunicano una marcia di solidarietà internazionale
- From: "yltche" <yltche at iol.it>
- Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 12:30:34 +0100
>MARCH 9TH INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY FOR THE U'WA! > >TELL FIDELITY INVESTMENTS - STOP THE DRILLING ON U'WA LAND! > >In the US find your nearest Fidelity Investor center at : >http://personal400.fidelity.com/gen/centers/invstctr.html.tvsr > >Internationally get free phone numbers to call Fidelity from around the >world at : http://www100.fidelity.com/about/contact/inter.html > >Send letters of protest to Fidelity's CEO : >Mr. Edward Johnson III, Chairman Fidelity Investments >82 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA 02109 >fax # = 617-476-4164 > > >Let Patrick know if you are planning something! >1-800-989-RAIN or organize at ran.org > >downloadable fact sheets at www.ran.org. >-------------------------------------------------------------------- >(version en espanol abajo) > >Gibraltar, North of Santander, March 1st 2000 > >PUBLIC STATEMENT > >The traditional U'wa authorities, their legal organisms, ASOUWA and >CRIA,and the social movement of Arauca, Boyaca, and North of Santander, >assembled today in Gibraltar since the 20th of February this year, >declare to the public and the media the following: > >1. That now more than ever we reaffirm our solid decision to defend our >culture, our human rights, our environment, and our sovereignty; > >2. We acknowledge the International Red Cross for their humanitarian >work and their role as observers during their visit to our camps, where >they recorded our concerns; and for being on the watch for developments >of our blockade, in their capacity as an international organization; > >3. We are pleased to receive the support and solidarity of the people of >the region of Santander and North of Santander, who have sent us >medicines and provisions, among other things; > >4. We denounce the continuous harassment we suffer by some members of >the National Army, who wander around our camp site filming and taking >photographs, as well as asking ill intentioned questions of the people >who are picketing. We also denounce the treatment given yesterday by the >armed forces quartered in the municipality of Fortul to a group of >people on their way back to the camp, who were stopped, photographed, >and had their names taken down. In view of this incident, we hold the >National Army responsible for any occurrence that threatens the physical >and moral integrity of the protesters; > >5. We reiterate that our movement is of a passive and respectful nature; >and so is our position to keep protesting continuously until the >government sends an official committee with decision making ability, to >Gibraltar or Cedeno, to guarantee a solution to the problem brought >forward by the U'wa people. > >In representation of the traditional authorities >Bukoo Tegria, Yashooa Banara, Roberto Perez, President ASOUWA > >In representation of the social organizations: >Juan E. Rocha, Antonio Cruces, Rodolfo Angarita. > >Translated by Florencia Valle, Rainforest Action Network. > >----------------------------------------------------------- >Gibraltar, Norte de Santander, marzo 1 de 2000 > >PRONUNCIAMIENTO PUBLICO > >Las autoridades tradicionales Uwas, sus organizaciones legales, ASOUWA y >CRIA, el movimiento social de Arauca, Boyaca y Norte de Santander, >movilizados hoy en Gibraltar, desde el 20 de febrero de este ano, >manifestamos lo siguiente ante la opinion publica nacional e >internacional y medios de comunicacion radiales escritos y televisivos: > >1. Que hoy mas que nunca reafirmamos nuestra firme decision por la >defensa de la cultura, los derechos humanos, el medio ambiente y la >soberania nacional. > >2. Resaltamos la labor humanitaria y veedora de la Cruz Roja >Internacional, en visita realizada a nuestras concentraciones, quienes >han recogido las inquietudes y como Organo Internacional manifiesta >estar a la expectativa del transcurrir de nuestra movilizacion. > >3. Recibimos con beneplacito la ayuda y apoyo solidario de los >municipios de Santander y Norte de Santander, manifestados en el envio >de medicamentos y viveres entre otros. > >4. Denunciamos la actitud reiterada de hostigamiento por algunos >miembros del Ejercito Nacional, que rodean y transitan por el sito de >nuestra concentracion haciendo filmaciones, tomas fotograficas y >preguntas mal intencionadas a las personas que estamos movilizadas- >igualmente, el trato que la Fuerza Publica, acantonada en el municipio >de Fortul, dio el dia de ayer a varios companeros que regresaban de >nuestra concentracion, reteniendolos, elaborando una lista con sus >nombres y fotografiandolos. Ante estos hechos responsabilizamos al >Ejercito Nacional, por lo que pueda >ocurrir a la integridad fisica y moral de los movilizados. > >5. Reafirmamos el caracter pasivo y respetuoso de nuestra movilizacion, >al igual que la posicion de mantener firme la protesta hasta que el >gobierno central, haga presencia en Gibraltar o Cedeno, con una comision >con poder decisorio que garantice la salida a la problematica planteada >por el pueblo U'WA. > >POR LAS AUTORIDADES TRADICIONALES >BUKOO TEGRIA YASHOOA BANARA ROBERTO PEREZ >Presidente de AsoUwa > >POR LAS ORGANIZACIONES SOCIALES >JUAN E. ROCHA ANTONIO CRUCES RODOLFO ANGARITA >_____________________________________________________________ >Want to find the best email lists? Check out the Topica 20! >http://www.topica.com/topica20
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