Libia: non è finita - Libya and the NTC: 12,000 US troops to Libya

Report dalla Libia, 19 gennaio 2011

Truppe USA di rinforzo in arrivo in Libia: la Resistenza e i contrasti in NTC (Governo di 
transizione) creano problemi imprevisti (??). 
La corsa agli oleodotti pure, tra truppe francesi, qatariane e accampamenti italici nel deserto 
a far la guardia ai barili di petrolio (perduti) e ai datteri (sporchi di sangue uranio e fosforo).
Il Progetto per il Nuovo Secolo Americano del National Endowment for Democracy si 
sviluppa nel chaos da esso stesso progettato e messo in opera. 

Tra lavoratori libici espulsi dagli impianti strategici e sostituiti da tecnici occidentali, fame 
carcere e miseria, inquinamento chimico e nucleare, la caccia ai Black Libyans procede nel 
silenzio dei media e di Amnesy International. Chi sulla propria terra resiste risponde: `Let the 
Americans come. We want them to taste our sandwiches. We will give them the same 
serving they got in Vietnam.´

La giornalista autrice dell'articolo, statunitense, invita i connazionali, quando saranno 
chiamati alle urne, a ricordare gli autori e i corresponsabili di questi crimini pianificati. Per 
quanto vale, nei ristretti limiti delle nostre pseudodemocrazie, ricordiamoci anche noi di chi, 
negli organi rappresentativi e governativi e tra le parti sociali, supporta le politiche e i 
finanziamenti alle missioni, alle spese e all'industria militari. Vote for peace, lavorare per la 
pace, costruire la pace. 

"Odio l'indifferenza".

J. Ellero 


Libya and the NTC: 12,000 US troops to Libya

Cynthia McKinney
2012-01-19, Issue 566

There are fears that the US is in the process of sending thousands of troops to Libya, but 
there is a way that you can vote for peace.


It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and 
Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 US troops stationed in Malta and they are 
about to make their descent into Libya.

For those of you who have not followed closely the situation in Libya, the resistance to the 
rule of the National Transitional Council is strong. The National Transitional Council (NTC) 
cast of characters has about as much support on the ground as did Mahmoud Abbas before 
the United Nations request for Palestinian statehood or Afghanistan's regal-looking but 
politically impotent Hamid Karzai or for that matter, George W Bush after eight years.

The NTC not only has to contend with a vibrant, well-financed, grassroots-supported 
resistance, but the various militias of the NTC are now also fighting each other. I believe 
this `sociocide´ of Libyan society, as we previously witnessed in Iraq and Afghanistan before 
it, is part of a carefully crafted plan of destabilization that ultimately serves US imperial 
interests and those of a Zionist state and its US agents who are bent on Greater Israel's 
suzerainty over huge swaths of Arabic-speaking populations. Pakistan is also on the list for 
neutering in Muslim and world affairs, saddled with its own unpopular civilian leadership that 
finds itself in the hip pocket of the United States for survival, often getting sat upon by its 
fiscal guarantor.

The `Arab Spring´ has sprung and the indelible fingerprints of malignant foreign financed 
operations must be erased if the people are to have a chance to truly govern themselves. 
Unfortunately, these foreign-inspired organizations are present and operating in just about 
every country in the world. The threat is ever-present like sleeping cells - all that is needed 
is that the right word to `activate´ be given. Both Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez can write 
tomes on the impact of the National Endowment for Democracy in the political life of their 

In other words, those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they 
usually are the ones who will win. Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with 
the Project for a New American Century - read `A Clean Break´ if you already haven't. 
General Wesley Clark told us of the plan to invade and destroy the governments of seven 
countries in five years: Iraq, Syria Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. `These people 
took control of the policy in the United States,´ Clark continues. He concludes, `This country 
was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup: Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, 
and...collaborators from the Project for a New American Century: they wanted us to 
destabilize the Middle East.´ Clark concludes: `The root of the problem is the strategy of the 
United States in this region. Why are Americans dying in this region? That is the issue,´ he 

Now, from Libya, reports are that even while the Misrata rebels (NATO allies responsible for 
the murder of hundreds of Libyans, including Moatessem Qaddafi) attempted to scale the 
petroleum platforms in Brega (an important oil town in Libya), they were annihilated by the 
Apache helicopters of their own NATO allies. A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist 
reported that all of the petroleum platforms are occupied by NATO and that warships occupy 
Libya's ports. Photographs show Italian encampments in the desert with an announcement 
that the French are to follow.

Another news outlet reports that Qataris and Emiratees are the engineers now at the oil 
plants, turning away desperate Libyan workers. While long lines exist for Libyan drivers to 
get their gas, foreign troops ensure the black gold's export. Libyans lack enough food and 
the basics, the country has been turned upside down, and contaminated with uranium while 
the true number of dead and unaccounted for remains high and unknown. Thousands of 
young Libyans, supporters of the Jahamiriya, languish under torture and assassination in a 
Misrata prison where a humanitarian disaster is about to unfold because Misrata rebels want 
to kill them all and have already attacked the prison once to do so.

An urgent appeal to contact the International Red Cross was issued to help save the lives of 
the prisoners. And finally, Black Libyans continue to be targeted for harassment and murder 
in Libya by US/NATO allies on the ground. Teaching hate, given the images of US soldiers 
in Afghanistan urinating on Afghani dead bodies, is not a difficult thing to do, it would seem. 
Videos are posted of Black Libyans being beaten, whipped, threatened, harassed, and 
humiliated. These videos remind me of the antebellum South - reminiscent of the days of 
slavery and The Confederacy. So, when I use the word `descend´ to describe US anticipated 
actions, I mean just that: US troops are about to descend into the hell on Earth created by 
their President and the leaders of other countries who approved of, aided, or participated in 
the death of Libyan-owned society. A report from last night indicates that one militia, fearing 
other militias, even invited foreigners in to protect them.

I hope the report that I'm reading from 12 January 2012 is not true. I hope our President has 
not sent 12,000 troops of occupation to Malta destined for Libya. Lucy Grider-Bradley (of our 
DIGNITY Delegation) reminded me of the words of a high-ranking Libyan Jahamiriya 
Foreign Ministry representative who just happened to be at the Tunisia/Libya border office at 
the same time we were waiting there. He said, `Let the Americans come. We want them to 
taste our sandwiches. We will give them the same serving they got in Vietnam.´

Please write to our President (at and ask him not to send troops of 
occupation (or whatever `euphemism de jour´ this Administration chooses to use) to Libya.

To save the lives of the young men in prison, please e-mail the International Red Cross at 
any or all of the e-mail addresses given below:

in Tripoli 218213409262 / Croix rouge
218919418066 / 218925236582
  : tri_tripoli at

     Le président de la croix rouge
  41227346001/  41227332057
webmaster at

  : Organisation de protection des droits de l'homme
   : à London
David Mepham
UK Director

Eleanor Blatchley
Tel: +44 (0) 20-7713-2788
blatche at

    : En Suisse
Tel: +41-22-738-0481
fax: +41-22-738-1791


And then, please view the most recent addition to the extremely valuable work of a young 
documentarian, Julien Teil, who caught Amnesty International red-handed in proselytizing 
the lies in the lead-up to this Libya debacle that they tried to take back. In short, Amnesty 
admits that the `African mercenaries´ was just a rumor from the start. How many Black 
Libyans are suffering and have died because this woman and others like her safely 
ensconced in their seats of authority used them to proffer lies instead of protect the truth? 
The video is in both French and English and can be viewed here.

Lastly, there is one thing you can do: refuse to vote for war. Your vote is your most precious 
political asset. When you vote for Congressional representatives who, in turn, vote for war, 
you allow the people who made the coup - the people that General Wesley Clark talked 
about - you allow them to win. Overturn the coup by voting for peace. Cast your vote for 
peace. Ignore the pundits on the Sunday morning talk shows and vote for peace. Turn off 
the crap TV and vote for peace. Don't even listen to your friends who think you've gone 
crazy, just vote for peace.

Cindy Piester, a documentarian who hosted the last event that I attended with my aunt in 
Ventura, California, just finished a film, `On the Dark Side in Al Doura - A Soldier in the 
Shadows´ in which Dick Cheney says that the United States has to `work toward the dark 
side, spend time in the shadows, in the intelligence world.´ He goes on to say, `A lot of what 
needs to be done will have to be done quietly without any discussion, using sources and 
methods that are available to our intelligence agencies.´ View her extremely well-done and 
sad film here and please, don't let this gang of coup plotters take you and this country into 
the shadows where we don't need or want to be.

Vote peace.

---  from : jure ellero <glry at> 
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