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ISODARCO winter 2000
- Subject: ISODARCO winter 2000
- From: Alessandro Marescotti <kfqma at tin.it>
- Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 19:27:40 +0100
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 11:23:13 GMT From: Carlo.Schaerf at roma2.infn.it To: PAOLO.COTTA at MI.INFN.IT, CRANSHAW at TRIESTE.INFN.IT, SDEGLIES at ECNO1.CINECA.IT, ELENA at SCIENCE.UNITN.IT, PAOLOF at KEPLERO.DM.UNIPI.IT, MANITESE at PLANET.IT, FERRARIO at MI.INFN.IT, FONTANA at PARMA.INFN.IT CC: SCHAERF at roma2.infn.it, SCHAERF at roma2.infn.it X-Vmsmail-To: @ISOQUATTRO.DIS X-Vmsmail-Cc: SCHAERF,SCHAERF Subject: Isodarco winter 2000 Dear Colleagues, I am sending to you the announcement of the XIII Isodarco Winter Course. Your collaboration in bringing the enclosed material to the attention of possible participants will be highly appreciated. Best personal regards Carlo Schaerf UNIVERSITY OF ROME "TOR VERGATA" ISTITUTO TRENTINO DI CULTURA UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO OPERA CAMPANA DEI CADUTI Rovereto UNIONE SCIENZATI PER IL DISARMO "FORUM TRENTINO PER LA PACE" USPID - Sezione di Trento AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO ITALIAN PUGWASH GROUP ISODARCO Founded in 1966 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON DISARMAMENT AND RESEARCH ON CONFLICTS 13th WINTER COURSE " SECURITY IN GREATER EUROPE AFTER KOSOVO: ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS " ANDALO (TRENTO) - ITALY 23 - 30 January, 2000 ISODARCO has been organizing residential courses on disarmament and arms control since 1966, and has already held twenty summer courses and twelve winter courses. The courses are intended for people already having a professional interest in the problems of disarmament and conflicts, or for those who would like to play a more active and technically competent role in this field. The courses have an interdisciplinary nature, and their subject matters extend from the technical and scientific side of the problems to their sociological and political implications. PRINCIPAL LECTURERS: RUTH ADAMS University Of California At San Diego, La Jolla, California, Usa ALEXEI ARBATOV Defence Committee, State Duma, Moscow, Russia NADIA ARBATOVA Institute Of World Economy And International Relations, Moscow, Russia DAVID CARLTON University Of Warwick, Coventry, U.K. DOMINIQUE DAVID Institut Francais Des Relations Internationales, Paris, France ANNA MARIA DUPRE' Refugee And Migrant Service, Federation Of Protestant Churches in Italy ALEXANDER DYNKIN Institute Of World Economy And International Relations, Moscow, Russia VICTOR GILINSKY Maryland, USA. HANS-D. JACOBSEN Freie Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, Germany CATHERINE KELLEHER Aspen Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany RITA ROGERS University Of California Medical School, Los Angeles, California, USA STEFANO ZAMAGNI Universita' Di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Confirmations are expected from additional eminent scholars who have been invited to lecture at the School. The course will be articulated in formal lectures, seminars offered by the participants, round tables and general open discussions. ____________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION A) English will be the working language of the School. B) There will be approximately 50 participants. They are expected to attend all lectures and seminars. C) Applications should be submitted with the following information which is compulsory also for those who have previously attended: - Full name, date and place of birth, sex, full address (including Email address, telephone and fax numbers if available); - Present nationality; - Degree and/or other academic qualifications; - Present professional activities and work address; - Publication list and fields of interest; - In lieu of publications, a letter of recommendation from a professor or a scholar in the field. No special application form is required. D) Letters of application should arrive not later than December 6, 1999, and should be addressed to the Director of the School: Prof. CARLO SCHAERF Department of Physics University of Rome "Tor Vergata" Via della Ricerca Scientifica I-00133 Rome, Italy Tel. : (+39-06) 7259-4560/1 Fax.: (+39-06) 2040309 E-mail: schaerf at roma2.infn.it E) Applications will be considered by the Organizing Committee on the basis of the information submitted. All the applicants will be informed of the Committee's decision as soon as possible but not later than December 21, 1999. F) Participants are requested to arrive at Andalo (Trento) any time on January 23 and leave in the morning of January 30, 1999. G) The nominal admission fee which includes attendance, accommodation and full board is Lit. 320,000 (approximately US$180) and Lit. 220,000 (approximately US$125) for students without a salary up to the age of 26 who ask for it. Participants will be housed in double or triple rooms. The admission fee for single rooms, if requested and available, will be Lit 500,000; participants asking to share a room with somebody in particular, if this is possible, will be charged Lit. 100,000 extra for each person. The School is unable to provide any contribution towards travelling expenses. H) The Course will meet at the Hotel Gruppo Brenta, via Strigole 1, 38010 Andalo (Trento) Italy, Tel. +39-0461-585813 and Fax +39-0461-585269. I) A limited number of family members can be accommodated at the Hotel Gruppo Brenta. Room and board for each member is Lit. 550,000 for the entire period. Admission of families is limited and will be examined on an individual basis. Participants wishing to bring their families are requested to submit their applications as soon as possible. J) Participants wishing to present a seminar should enclose a short abstract of their proposed contribution in their application. The Director of the School will reserve some time for seminars considered particularly relevant to the programme of the Course. K) The Organizing Committee reserves the right to introduce any necessary changes to the programme. L) Please mention in your application if you need a visa, indicating to which Italian Consulate you intend to apply. As it could take some time to get a visa, it is advisable to apply for it immediately after being accepted to attend the School. _________________________________________________________________________ DAVID CARLTON CARLO SCHAERF GIANCARLO TENAGLIA DIRECTORS OF THE COURSE DIRECTOR OF THE SCHOOL --------------------------------------------------------------- Alessandro Marescotti c/o PeaceLink, c.p.2009, 74100 Taranto (Italy) http://www.peacelink.it --------------------------------------------------------------- Ipertesto per una cultura della pace: http://www.peacelink.it/pace2000 PeaceLink Database (file in formato DBIII con le schede di 580 associazioni) http://www.peacelink.it/database/
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