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Environment Protection.

Italy, Milan, 20 August 2004.


Most respectful Colleague,

Every century is to be dedicated to a particular discovery that marks the human 

Last century on the contrary, amongst the many respectable discoveries that 
have improved our quality of life, one is still dominating negatively world 
human life, 
jeopardising our vital natural means of survival.

For that reason I am of the opinion present century is to be dedicated to World 
that have discovered a new enthusiastic function named "Environment Protection" 
a mean to defend a previous very bad programmed mistake supporting the 
use of combustibles that have destroied the planet. 

It is a fact that pollution released by combustibles substances is the major 
responsible for world negative unusual natural events, encreasing human 
suffering with 
deseases, allergies, cancers, etc. and further, also responsible to encrease 
Sanitarian expenses to the benefit of Pharmaceuticals Industries and some 

Mineral oil should reach the cost of 100 USA Dollars the barrel, to start for 
of more reliable solutions.

"The Environment Protection" seams a quick passive solution to all our 
without ever mentioning a program to reduce main causes of world damages.
For the purpose have been created: Environment Ministryes, Environment 
and groups of researchers all supported by world tax payers, but results are 
far away.  

I am not surprized if very shortly someone comes up with convincing ideas that 
is good for the lungs, mutch better for the blood, the eyes, the skin, etc. and 
harvesting and vegetables benefit of pollution marvellous merits. 

To obtain major polluting benefits, dissove few pills twice a day in a jar of 
beer, wine or 
strong staff. 
The cost shall be a ridiculous ten dollars per day for each person multiplied 
by 6 billions 
peoples, referring to overall population of the planet.  

To our eyes the problem appears more simple, "stop at once marketing 
substances", but for mayor global interests the matter is obviously more 

Combustibles are important referent for international wars. Giving up 
combustibles means
reducing armaments, reducing Pharmaceutical consums, and socialize with world 

A young boy once asked to his father: Daddy ! Way in major towns buildings look 
blackened by smoke and many people wear protection masks to breath ?? 
Further, way people are increasengly affected by cancer and other allergic 
deseases ??

The father stund paralyzed for a while and then replied:
Dear son, the solution sound simple but is off our control. It depend mostly 
from high 
interests managed by Governments and do not consider how many people will live 
die as a consequence of major reason that affect our lives !! 

Peoples have been instructed since very young to pray, to be good, to forgive 
and to free politicians from observing regulations and prosecutions.

But daddy, if they allow me to espress my opinion in the next international 
I would use all my energies to make them understand that we should be more 
serious on 
the matter that have already reached very critical consequences, damaging all 
our vital 
means of subsistance.

How many of as, are on the side of the young boy, but democratically speaking 
nothing we can do against Governments Programs substaining Globalization 

Many uncompetent authorities push to promote Hydrogen as the appropriated 
for the future, but looking facts on the correct dimension, we shall discover 
Hydrogen is an extremely dangerous combustible, it suits better for terroristic 
and further, its cost is not competitive at all.

When I read about international symposium relative to "Environment Problems 
I hope does not concerns solutions sustaining "Mineral Oil, Gas or any Chemical 
Concoction" that have polluted the world to very critical consequences and 
so many wars.

I also hope the reason of frequent symposium are not directed to convince 
people to 
approve the Nuclear Power, of which, the main problem relays on the 
Waste", responsible for so many losted lives and still harming humanity for 
very long 
periods of time, with large quantities of Waste Disposal at International 
levels, without 
a defined secure location.

As you can note from world encreasing demand of Energy, major interests pivot 
around the production of Electric Power, that at present is mainly generated  
by mean of combustibles.

I remember years ago at the boom of Nuclear Plants, when particular specific 
have engaged well known scientists to advertise for the Atom Energy as the 
unequivocable best and more convenient solution for world supply of Energy. 

At that time they forgot to consider the Environment Protection, otherwise all 
relative to Nuclear Plants would have been turned off.

At later date, the same scientists confirmed that Nuclear Energy has been a 
very bad 
solution and now the world is pressed by huge quantities of harming Nuclear 
Waste without a safe destination. 
Even seas have been largely infected with Nuclear Waste.

Presently on the market there are multiple positive and negative solutions 
producing energy, with conventional or alternative ideas, but examining each 
with deep consideration for the Environment Protection, our selection reduces 
to only  
number two favourable solutions: 

1       WATER FALLS ENERGY PLANTS that are nearly all exploited and cannot 
        resolve the encreaing demand for Energy.

2       GRAVITY ENERGY EXPLOITMENT PLANTS to produce cheap clean Electric 
        Power, and at night re-charge water dams to multiply the capacity and 
        of water falls systems reservoirs.

Other systems are to be turned down for various reasons: some for low 
high costs, non dependable, environment problems, limited performance, 
noisiness of 
Aeolian Plants, great extension of land for Sun Plants, damaging flora and 
fauna of the 
area, creating deserts.  

Gravity Energy is a natural gift, is illimited and continuous, further, it is 
pure, free 
pollution and free cost.

The trend of the discovery exploiting Gravity Energy, relays on the fact that 
it saves the 
cost of combustibles and relative damages caused by pollution to the 
environment and 
to human beings.

The Cheap Generation of Electric Power could be also favourable to develop 
Plants for all countries with low availability of sweet water facilities.

Valuable economical results can be also obtained with the application of above 
Gravity Units to 
local transports, such as: electrification of city tramcar, city buses, 
electric trains and 
vehicles development in general.

I am available for further discussion if needed.

E-mail:  a.ceresa2002 at libero.it