Convenzione di Stoccolma sugli inquinanti organici persistenti (POPs)

Stockholm Convention - Invitation to participate in the review of the
guidance document for the development of the clearing-house mechanism
regional and national nodes

Per chi fosse interessato a partecipare, rigiro (con un po' di ritardo...)
questa email che ho ricevuto da IPEN Network (a cui PeaceLink aderisce,

Per informazioni sulla Convenzione di Stoccolma:

L'Italia non ha ancora ratificato la Convenzione.



Da: Jennifer Federico tramite a ipen

Dear IPEN POs,

If you are interested in the email below, please send your nomination to
the Stockholm Secretariat directly. Participation is open to everyone and
the deadline has been extended until 22 September.

If you plan to participate, please also let me know.


With kind regards,


Jennifer Federico
IPEN Secretariat
1962 University Ave., Suite 4
Berkeley, CA 94704
Telephone + 1 510 704 1962
Fax + 1 510 883 9493

Working for a Toxics-Free Future
From: Andrea Warmuth [mailto:aWarmuth at]
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 8:36 AM
To: Andrea Warmuth
Cc: julien Hortoneda; Osmany Pereira; ssc
Subject: Stockholm Convention - Invitation to participate in the review of
the guidance document for the development of the clearing-house mechanism
regional and national nodes

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached an invitation from the Executive Secretary of the
Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions to nominate persons interested
in participating in a consultative process to complete the guidance
document for the development of the clearing-house mechanism regional and
national nodes.

Kindly submit your nominations to ssc at  / opereira at no
later than 15 September 2011.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Best regards,

Andrea Warmuth (Ms.)
Associate Programme Officer
Stockholm Convention Secretariat
United Nations Environment Programme
International Environment House
11/13 Chemin des Anémones
CH-1219 Châtelaine
Geneva - Switzerland
Tel:   (+41)  22 9178853
AWarmuth at

Alessandro Marescotti
Sostieni la telematica per la pace, versa un contributo sul c.c.p.
13403746 intestato ad Associazione PeaceLink, C.P. 2009, 74100 Taranto