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Portland Police Brutality: Activist's Arm Broken by Police; Novi Sad Conference on NATO Aggression Opens

(1) Police Brutality: Activist's Arm Broken by Police (Portland, Oregon, USA)
(2) Novi Sad Conference on NATO Aggression Opens (YU)



--- Forwarded Message from Portland Copwatch <copwatch@teleport.com> ---
>Subject: mvtOR10-Activist's Arm Broken by Police 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
After attending a peaceful protest in support of political prisoner Mumia
Abu Jamal Friday, October 15th, 6 people were arrested, at least two of
these individuals suffered extreme brutality from the Portland Police.
Craig Rosebraugh, locally and nationally known activist with Liberation
Collective had his arm seriously broken, was trampled by police horse and
was dragged a block and a half by his broken arm to the "Justice Center."
Pain holds were being applied to Rosebraugh's arm throughout the arrest
and transport. He was charged with "disorderly conduct" and "failure to
obey a park officer" and was immediately rushed by ambulance to Emanual
Hospital. Rosebraugh has been diagnosed with an aggravated spiral fracture
to his humorous.  	
Elaine Close, another well known activist with Liberation Collective was
forcefully pushed to the ground in the street full of moving vehicles. Both
a bus and a car  barely missed hitting her. Close was then arrested and
dragged into the "Justice Center."
Her arm and wrist was severely bruised from pain compliance holds from the
Portland Police Department.  
What You Can Do: 
a) Contact the mayor to demand an investigation into the use of excessive
force and false arrests that occurred at the October 15th demonstration.
Mayor Vera Katz 	1221 SW 4th Suite #340 	Portland, OR 97204-1995
tel: (503)823-4120 	fax: (503)823-3588 	mayorkatz@ci.portland.or.us
b) Call the Auditors office at (503) 823-4078 to set up a time to go
before the city council to demand an investigation into police misconduct
in October 15th.  
15TH. Organize demonstrations outside the "Justice Center" and courthouse
to keep the pressure on the city. The six have an arraignment scheduled
for November 8th at 8:30 am at the "Justice Center."  
3) Write letters to the editors of local papers including the Oregonian
and Willamette Week again demanding an investigation into the police
misconduct on October 15th.  
4) ORGANIZE! The pressure needs to be kept up against the city of Portland
Police Department so that they understand that their policy of brutality
will not be tolerated. Organize further protests against police brutality.
Try protesting at the homes of officers who have a history of brutality.
The only way this police violence will end is if we as a community
organize, speak out and say NO MORE!  
For more information contact:
Liberation Collective 		P.O.BOX 9055 		Portland, OR 97207
(503) 525-4975		libcoll@aracnet.com  


--- Forwarded Message from "Tom Warner" <warner@foxinternet.net> ---
>Subject: Fw: Novi Sad: Conference on NATO Aggression Opens
>Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:53:53 -0700

> By Pat Chin
> Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
> An international conference on the United States-backed 
> NATO war against this small Balkan country opened here Oct. 
> 15.
> The International Symposium on NATO Aggression Against the 
> Federal Republic of Yugoslavia heard testimony for two days 
> from experts on international law.
> About 60 reports were delivered at the symposium. Topics 
> included criminal and international law, NATO crimes, court 
> and medical proceedings, children as victims of aggression, 
> economic and ecological aspects, responsibility and 
> compensation for war damages.
> Members of the academic community, government officials, 
> officers from the military institute and others made 
> presentations.
> All speakers denounced the NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia, 
> which took place March 24 to June 10.
> The international team included representatives from 
> Italy, Greece, Holland, Germany, Russia, Canada, France and 
> Belgium.
> A four-person delegation from the United States 
> represented the International Action Center. The IAC 
> delegation also raised the case of death-row inmate and 
> political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to the assembly.
> The proceedings were hosted by the President of the 
> Parliament of Voyvodina, an autonomous region of Yugoslavia 
> that has Novi Sad as its capital.
>                          - END -