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una lettera da Karl Guillen

Cari amici,
come ci e' stato piu' volte richiesto, diamo notizie di Karl man mano che riceviamo 
sue lettere.
Ecco l'ultima, spedita l'11 novembre. (abbiamo omesso solo alcune parti rivolte 
personalmente a chi l'ha ricevuta, le parti in italiano lo sono anche  nel testo 
Dunque il processo sara' il 6 dicembre.
Ripetiamo l'invito a scrivere lettere all'avvocato, che le rigirera' al giudice, per 
comunicare e dimostrare che Karl ha qui in Italia molti amici che lo stimano e che si 
danno da fare per lui e per la sua richiesta di un giusto processo. Serviranno a 
ottenere una sentenza piu' clemente.
L'avvocato e':
Michael A. Villarreal
175 North Bailey Street
P.O. Box 925
Florence, Arizona 85232
Si puo' anche mandare un fax: (520) 868-9486
Indicare Il numero del caso: CR9301-18631.

... and don't dare be sorry. You all have done - are doing - what you must, what you 
can. The letters had - are making a big difference too - each one counts. We have 
until december 6, 1999. That's the new sentencing date, so there's still time....
I'm having typewriter ribbon problems, because ADOC is still playing games; not 
allowing them in, not selling them; not telling me how to get them in. So I'm 
stressed. - sotto la spinta del bisogno - 
I'm pretty sure I have a NY agent in a Ray Powers, but is weird. There's no contact, 
but he keep writing - for the new novel: "Castles in the Sand", about the prison 
system, etc.
I sure hope they don't kill Mumia - It's difficoult to stay complacent - non-active - 
while USA rolls over human life due to classism end racism.
And now that they don't sell us store the effect of hunger are now being seen and 
experienced Ist hand. Cruelty blossoms in many for us. Che sara'-sara'?
I just spent 6 hours in a 3 foot by 3 foot box, from 4 AM to 10 AM. When I returnes 
my cell had been torn apart by these... cops. So after such a shit day, only you 
made me smile...
They killed an old man last week, Ortiz, who's been on the "row" for over 20 years. 
Why do I tell you this. Well a few days before he was executed I was put into a 
visitation cell next to him. We talked for a while. He was waiting to see the chaplain, 
but he was a "normal" human being. He was resigned to his date with the table, but 
there was still that human mark of hopefullness. I said "I'll say a prayer for you, 
man". He said, "God bless" as I was being taken away.
It was unreal because we spoke not about mondane prison topics, but of how to 
save his life. After 20 years on the row his living was a embarassment to the 
system, so he was going to die - and I knew he knew. I felt so bad for him. Surely 20 
years had changed him... (?)
But the system ate him; it eats all...
Have a great day! Thanks for being there and rounding up the troops. Each letter 
counts. Happy Thanksgiving
Smile from Karl

Grazie per tutto quello che state facendo per Karl e per la Giustizia.
Il Comitato per Karl Guillen e la giustizia negli USA