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[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 20 Nov 2004 - Part Two]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

La Resistenza guarda oltre Falluja
Syed Saleem Shahzad
...Il comando e la direzione di una guerra di guerriglia erano stati ben
progettati prima dell'invasione del Paese lo scorso anno. Intorno a
febbraio 2003, circa 35.000 Feddayn (i paramilitari "uomini del sacrificio"
di Saddam Hussein) erano stati addestrati per la guerriglia urbana. E anche
Saddam aveva ristabilito i rapporti con le scuole islamiche di ordine
salafita a Falluja, con i gruppi islamici sufi a Tamim, e mise a punto una
strategia in base alla qua le questi gruppi accettarono di coordinarsi con
i comitati di difesa del Partito Ba'ath.
Un elemento chiave della resistenza era che ufficialmente le milizie
irachene addestrate e i membri del Partito Ba'ath non si sarebbero
impegnati in una battaglia totale...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7425&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7425

Resistance news
I received the following urgent news from Baghdad: "Today morning in an
early hour the resistance controlled the regions Al Amiriyah, Al
Ghazaliyah, Haifa Street and Al Adhamiah for two hours. If you were with me
you wouldn't believe it because the timing, the precision of organisation
and movement was so good that no one can believe it if he was not present
in the place "...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7440&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7440

Barring Bush from Canada
"Lawyers against the War"
George Bush is set to visit Ottawa, Canada November 30 and December 1.
There will be two demonstrations in Ottawa on November 30, one at noon at
Confederation Park which is a protest against Bush's general policies and a
second demonstration at 5:00 on Parliament Hill against Bush's war. There
are demonstrations also in the making in Toronto and other Canadian cities.
In light of this "visit" "Lawyers against the War" have sent a letter to
the Canadian Prime Mi nister and various other officials demanding that
Bush be treated as a war criminal and either indicted or barred from
entering the country as "persona non grata"...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7438&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7438

US soldiers in Iraq suffer horrific brain and mental injuries
Rick Kelly, WSWS
According to official figures, the Iraq war has so far seen 9,000 US
soldiers wounded in action, in addition to the more than 1,200 troops
killed. These wounded, whose numbers may well be underestimated, include
those with gunshot and shrapnel wounds, lost limbs and other injuries
caused by landmines and bombs. Less well known, however, is the terrible
toll enacted through brain and psychological injuries, which frequently
have devastat ing and permanent effects...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7437&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7437

Study Center of Human Rights and Democracy - Fallujah
...It is very clear that systematic crimes of GENOCIDE have been committed
in Fallujah and now across Al Anbar province in Iraq. What you have seen in
recent days are only the images and photos released by the American forces.
Nevertheless, these images and photos contain clear evidence that a large
scale crime of genocide has been committed in Fallujah, and is now being
committing acro ss the whole Anbar province, especially Saqlaweiya, Kermah,
Ameriya and the surroundings areas...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7436&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7436

The Sunni-Shi'ite power play
Pepe Escobar
... The resistance is now spread out all over the Sunni heartland -
contradicting US marine talk that the assault on Fallujah "broke the back
of the resistance" (...) Anger in Sunni-dominated Baghdad has reached a
fever pitch, as an Iraqi physician told a radio station he has examined
bodies of people who seem to have died of banned chemical weapons: the
bodies are swollen, are yellowish and have no smell. Asia Times Online
sources in Baghdad say that people in Fallujah be lieve the Americans may
have used chemical weapons in the bombing of Jolan, ash-Shuhada and
al-Jubayl neighborhoods. They also say the neighborhoods were showered with
cluster bombs...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7434&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7434

US setting up Puppet Protectorate
Christopher Dickey, Newsweek - Iraqwar
..."It's clear the American intention has been to establish a
protectorate," says W. Patrick Lang, formerly one of the Defense
Intelligence Agency's top experts on the Middle East. A military like the
one being organized in Iraq can't threaten its neighbors, to be sure, but
it can't defend itself either—not even internally...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7433&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7433

Violence sweeps Baghdad; insurgents fire on US troops in Fallujah
Insurgents ambushed a U.S. patrol, killing a soldier, gunned down four
government employees and clashed with American troops in neighbourhoods
across Baghdad on Saturday. Nine Iraqis died in fighting west of the
capital - another sign the insurgency remains potent despite the fall of
its stronghold, Fallujah. In Fallujah, where U.S. marines and soldiers are
still battling pockets of resistance, insurgents waved a white flag of
surrend er before opening fire on U.S. troops and causing casualties,
marine spokesman 1st Lieut. Lyle Gilbert said Saturday without

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7432&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7432

US to increase troop levels in Iraq
News Telegraph
merican military officials have said that they plan to extend tours of duty
in Iraq and to increase troop levels there through the elections. Troops
could stay longer than expected. Lt Gen Lance Smith, deputy commander in
the region, said that additional troops could be deployed if necessary to
secure the country before the vote, which is due to take place on Jan 27...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7429&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7429

'NY Times' Documents Killing of Civilian in Fallujah
E&P Staff
...The Times story on Saturday by Edward Wong told of a Fallujah family
trying to make a quick dash to safety in their car, to reach a house near a
mosque on Nov. 12. A "barrage of bullets" from marine snipers and gunners
in the mosque hit the car, killing a woman, seriously injuring her daughter
and slightly wounding three men...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7428&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7428

Media Mole: America is not the white face of George Bush
Media Mole
... News editors do pay attention to letters and phone calls from readers.
Tell them their reporters are doing a shitty job, name names. Organize
boycotts of the worst media in town; build alternative media, real
alternative media. Reach out to people all over the world, on the Internet,
let them know that Americans do care that genocide was just carried out in
Fallujah; post comments to news media online around the world...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7431&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7431

Iraqi insurgent video shows graphic death of US Marines
Ernesto Cienfuegos, La Voz de Aztlan
La Voz de Aztlan has obtained a copy of a video that sheds light on how 5
US Marines met their tragic death in Ramadi, Iraq on April 5, 2004. The
video specifically shows the death of 19 year old Private 1st Class Moises
A. Langhorst of Moose Lake, Minnesota. The Pentagon presently does not know
how Private Langhorst and the other 4 U.S. Marines were killed. The video,
all in Arabic, depicts a "suicide operation" and start s with a moving
white sedan being film through the rear of another vehicle on a road in
Ramadi (...) We are making the video available to show that "war is hell"
and to hopefully help in a small way in bringing this insane war to an

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7427&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7427

IMAS Backs Iraqi Resistance, Opposes Killing Civilians
Ayman Al-Masri, IOL Correspondent
The International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS) ruled that
resisting occupation troops in Iraq is a "duty" on able Muslims in and
outside the war-torn country and that aiding the occupier is impermissible.
"The IAMS ex officio underlines and underscores that helping the Iraqi
people in their uphill struggle against the ( US ) occupation is a duty on
every able Muslim in and outside Iraq," the pan-Muslim body said in a
statement Friday, November 19...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7426&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7426

Chaos in Iraq Imperils Voting
Esther Schrader and Mark Mazzetti
Despite the recent U.S. offensive to wrest Fallouja from militants,
security in many Sunni Muslim-dominated areas of Iraq has worsened,
thwarting reconstruction efforts and threatening planned January elections,
U.S. officials said Friday. Security in the so-called Sunni Triangle, as
well as the northern city of Mosul, is poorer than it was six weeks ago,
said William Taylor, director of the reconstruction office at the U.S.
Embassy in Baghdad...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7424&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7424

Fighters attack US forces across Iraq
Fighters opposed to the US-led government in Iraq have attacked Iraqi and
US forces in Baghdad in daylight, with violence continuing to rage across
the country. A dawn assault with rocket-propelled grenades on a police
station in the mainly Sunni district of Adhamiya on Saturday killed at
least three officers - a day after Iraq's US-backed National Guard raided a
historic mosque...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7421&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7421

Clashes intensify in Mosul
The bodies of nine purported members of the Iraqi National Guard have been
found in Mosul, where clashes between the troops, supported by US forces,
and armed fighters continued for a third day. The bodies of what were
believed to be nine members of the Iraqi National Guard fighting anti-US
forces have been found in the northern city of Mosul on Saturday...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7422&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7422

Uranium-Enrichment Myths Busted
Gordon Prather, AntiWar
To get your support for the application of the Bush Doctrine to Iraq last
year, the neo-crazies claimed to have slam-dunk intelligence that Saddam
had secretly reconstituted his uranium-enrichment program and would,
therefore, soon have nukes to give to terrorists (...)To get your support
for the application of the Bush Doctrine to Iran next year, the neo-crazies
are now claiming to have slam-dunk intelligence that the mullahs have
secretly been enriching ura nium for years and, therefore, will soon have
nukes to give to terrorists...

<http://www.uruknet.info?s1=1&p=7423&s2=21>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=7423

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: a site gathering daily
information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
of iraqi resistance available in Italian and English.

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