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New semester for Transcend Peace University - September 2004

The following is an announcement for the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU),
the world's first ever global peace university for policy makers,
practitioners, scholars, students, UN staff and others working in
peacebuilding, conflict transformation, post-war reconstruction,
rehabilitation and reconciliation, development, human rights, and other
related fields. Please forward this announcement to individuals,
organisations, UN agencies and governments which you believe may be
interested in participating in the TPU's September Semester 2004. For more
information or to apply on-line, please visit www.transcend.org/tpu. Please
note, the dead-line for applications for the September Semester is September
17, 2004.
 <http://www.transcend.org/tpu> TRANSCEND PEACE UNIVERSITY (TPU)
September Semester 2004 <http://www.transcend.org/tpu>

 <http://www.transcend.org/tpu> Johan Galtung, the Rector of TPU and one of
the founders of peace studies, invites you to join practitioners and
students from around the world online.
 <http://www.transcend.org/tpu> TPU is the worlds first truly global,
on-line Peace University designed for government and NGO practitioners,
policy makers and students at any level working in the fields of peace,
transformation, development and global issues. Since 1996 300+ on-site
skills institutes have been offered for 6,000+ participants around the
world, using the TRANSCEND manual "Conflict
Transformation By Peaceful Means," published by the United Nations. There
will be certificates; for single courses, diplomas for clusters of courses
and eventually BA, MA; and PhD degrees.
Participants may combine online and onsite courses.
 <http://www.transcend.org/tpu> In the 2004 September Semester TPU will
offer the following 13 courses:
1.Peaceful Conflict Transformation, Johan Galtung
2.Nonviolence as Political Tool and Philosophy, Jorgen Johansen
3.Peace Journalism, Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick
4. Peace, Music, Literature and the Arts, Olivier Urbain
5. Deep Culture in Conflict, Johan Galtung and Wilfried Graf
6. Democratization and Development, Paul D. Scott
7. Conflict Prevention, Intervention, Reconciliation and Reconstruction,
S.P. Udayakumar
8. Dialogue, Peace and Development, Katrin Kaeufer and Claus Otto Scharmer
9. Peace and Tourism, Lynda-Ann Blanchard and Freya Higgins-Desbiolles
10.Peace Business, Jack Santa Barbara and Sara Horowitz
11 Peace and Macro-history, Sohail Inayatullah
12. Peace Museums, Christophe Bouillet
13. Peace Zones, Christophe Barbey

Starting Date: September 27, 2004
Ending Date: December 17, 2004
Deadline for Registration: September 17, 2004
Cost per one Course: For EU, North American and South-East Asian/Australian
participants 300 Euros. For all others 150 Euros.
For more information or to register, please contact the TRANSCEND
Peace University Global Center in Cluj, Romania with a staff to
handle information, applications, payments, course related
questions, and computer problems: <tpu at transcend.org> Fax
+40-264-420298, Tel +40-724-380551; web-site www.transcend.org/tpu