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uruknet.info: always fresh news from Iraq

*The "Long Established" Link... Iraq, al-Qaeda and al-Zarqawi*
/GARY LEUPP, CounterPunch/
...If al-Zarqawi did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. The
"Jordanian-born" militant (variously described as "Palestinian" or
"Bedouin") is the link posited by the Bush administration between Saddam
Hussein, the secularist, and bin Laden, the Islamic fundamentalist. (In
his crucial speech to the United Nations before the war, Colin Powell
declared that there was a "sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaida
terrorist network" and asserted that al-Zarqawi was the key figure in
that nexus)...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3648>
    [3648] [ 18-jun-2004 21:06 ECT ]

*Mrs Saddam says Saddam is not Saddam*
/Joe Vialls/
Confused? Now ask yourself why George Dubya Bush suddenly blurted out,
"I want to make sure when sovereignty is transferred, Saddam Hussein
stays in jail." There is little doubt that the International Red Cross
really screwed the White House last week, when demanding that America
release "prisoner-of-war Saddam" when "sovereignty is returned to Iraq
at the end of June". The possibly catastrophic results of handing an
imposer back to the Iraqi people, all of whom can tell the difference
between President Saddam Hussein and one of his body doubles at close
range, had American Administration officials wringing their hands in
panic, while seeking a less-than-lethal compromise...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3649>     [3649] [ 19-jun-2004
01:15 ECT ]

*Iraq, servizi Usa confusero pollai con depositi missili*
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3642>      L'intelligence americana finisce
nell'occhio del ciclone. I servizi Usa, infatti, nell'analizzare le foto
scattate dai satelliti sull'Iraq scambiarono numerosi pollai per
depositi di missili Scud. Sulla base di queste notizie sbagliate, gli
ispettori dell'Onu esaminarono una serie di allevamenti di polli senza
naturalmente trovare nulla di sospetto. E a ricordo di quell'inutile
caccia, un gruppo di esperti d'armamenti delle Nazioni Unite si fece
stampare una serie di magliette con la scritta: "Ballistic Chicken Farm
Inspection Team" (squadra d'ispezione di allevamenti balistici di
polli)...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3642>    
[3642] [ 18-jun-2004 19:07 ECT ]

*Haiti and Abu Ghraib. The US is to "clean up" Haiti's prisons -- just
like it did Iraq's*
/Dominique Esser and Kim Ives/
A U.S. prison consultant sent last year to "reform" Iraq's Abu Ghraib
prison, now world infamous for the torture U.S. soldiers there inflicted
on Iraqis, is doing the same job now in Haiti...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3646>     [3646] [ 18-jun-2004 20:59 ECT ]

*Iraq, 1917*
/Robert Fisk/
...There are no kings to impose on Iraq today, so we have installed Iyad
Allawi, the former CIA "asset", as prime minister in the hope that he
can provide the same sovereign wallpaper as Faisal once did.   continua
/ continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3645>     [3645] [ 18-jun-2004
20:54 ECT ]

*The Torturer-In-Chief*
/Marjorie Cohn, Truthout.org/
...Bush impliedly admitted sanctioning willful killing, torture and
inhuman treatment in his 2003 State of the Union Address. He would be
liable under the doctrine of command responsibility for war crimes
committed in Iraq as well. The captain goes down with his ship. It is
time to call for the Impeachment of George W. Bush...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3644>     [3644] [ 18-jun-2004
20:25 ECT ]

*Armi di distrazione di massa*
/Le Monde / Nuovimondimedia/
...L'ingenuità delle argomentazioni di Bush ci ha indotto a domandarci
se lui abbia mentito, in base a una strategia bellica contro Saddam
Hussein, suo nemico numero uno ancora prima di entrare alla Casa Bianca.
O se invece abbia mascherato la sua politica rendendola "vendibile" a
una massa traumatizzata dagli attentati dell'11 settembre. Sarebbe
ancora più grave se, come non esclude il New York Times, "lui avesse
mentito coscientemente o se avesse avuto una capacità d'autoillusione
politica... il che sarebbe terrificante per il 'mondo del dopo 11
settembre'"...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3643>
    [3643] [ 18-jun-2004 19:15 ECT ]

*Saddam's wife appoints lawyers*
/Ahmed Janabi, Aljazeera.net/
The wife of imprisoned Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has ended a long
battle between lawyers who want to defend her husband if he is put on
trial. In an exclusive interview with Aljazeera, Sajida Khair Allah,
wife and cousin of Saddam Hussein revealed she had signed an official
power of attorney authorising a group of 20 lawyers the right to defend
her husband (...)The panel contests the legality of the arrest of
President Saddam Hussein by US occupation troops (...)"Iraq, Iraqi
people, Iraqi law, and the Iraqi president were hijacked," Mjalli said
"the occupation of Iraq was illegal so ipso facto everything that
follows is illegal"...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3627>     [3627] [ 18-jun-2004 11:01 ECT
]       <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3627>

*Bush's Mercenary Army*
/Stewart Nusbaumer/
First, "shock and awe" shocked the Bush Administration because the
Iraqis were not awed into submission. Now, the Administration responds
with "desperation and deception" to win the election...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3638>     [3638] [ 18-jun-2004
15:33 ECT ]

*Baghdad, Vietnam Street*
/Dahr Jamail, Socialpress/
...Come molti medici e amministratori d'ospedale con cui ho parlato, non
vuole rispondere alle mie domande più precise sul ferimento o
l'uccisione di civili, né sulle incursioni dei soldati dentro gli
ospedali per interrogare o arrestare combattenti feriti. Piuttosto,
insiste sulle condizioni di lavoro difficili sotto l'occupazione. "Siamo
a corto di medicinali," dice, e fa notare più volte che è una cosa che
accadeva di rado prima dell'occupazione. "È proibito, ma a volte siamo
costretti a utilizzare più volte le siringhe, anche gli aghi. Non
abbiamo alternative"...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3640>     [3640] [ 18-jun-2004 15:52 ECT ]

*Defiant Bush and Blair insist Saddam had al-Qa'ida links*
/Colin Brown and David Usborne, The Independent/
President George Bush and the Prime Minister's Office yesterday defied
the independent US commission on 11 September and insisted that there
were links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida. The report by the
commission on Wednesday dealt a devastating blow to the credibility to
one of President Bush's reasons for going to war against Iraq by finding
there was no credible evidence linking Saddam's regime to Osama bin
Laden's terrorist organisation...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3639>     [3639] [ 18-jun-2004 15:40 ECT ]

*Human rights first denuncia: molti i centri Usa di detenzione tenuti
Sarebbero migliaia le persone detenute nell'ambito della guerra al
terrorismo in oltre venti centri di detenzione, la metà dei quali opera
in segreto. Si trovano prevalentemente in Iraq, ma anche a Cuba, in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Giordania e a bordo di due navi americane. Per
Human rights first, la segretezza rende "i metodi di detenzione non
appropriati e gli abusi non probabili, ma inevitabili"   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3641>     [3641] [ 18-jun-2004
16:03 ECT ]     <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3641>

*La svolta*
/MARCO D'ERAMO, il manifesto/
La svolta c'è, ed è vera. Ma non in Iraq dove anche ieri un'autobomba ha
ucciso più di 40 aspiranti poliziotti. E neanche alle Nazioni unite, il
cui segretario Kofi Annan ha ribadito che l'Onu non tornerà in Iraq. No,
la svolta avviene nell'opinione pubblica americana...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3636>     [3636] [ 18-jun-2004
12:05 ECT ]

*Occupation, resistance battle near Baquba*
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3637>      Resistance fighters have clashed
with US occupation forces near Baquba for the second time in as many
days, leaving two Iraqis dead. An occupation patrol came under fire in
the town of Buhriz near Baquba, some 50km north of Baghdad on Friday,
said a military spokesman. Two Iraqi activists were killed. Baquba has
been the scene of frequent clashes between the occupation and
resistance. On Thursday, another patrol came under attack in the same
area...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3637>    
[3637] [ 18-jun-2004 12:29 ECT ]

*Ostaggi e riscatto, per i magistrati italiani trasferta in Iraq*
/il manifesto/
I magistrati che indagano sul sequestro delle guardie private italiane
in Iraq stanno studiando la possibilità di ascoltare l'imam di Falluja e
le altre due persone che, secondo il fondatore di Emergency Gino Strada,
sono in vario modo a conoscenza di manovre per il pagamento di un
riscatto di nove miliardi di dollari per la liberazione di Maurizio
Agliana, Umberto Cupertino e Salvatore Stefio...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3635>     [3635] [ 18-jun-2004 12:00 ECT ]

*Arab Press Note: June 17, 2004.*
/Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report/
...Dr. Mohamad al-Musfir of Qatar University, in an article in the
al-Quds al-Arabi daily of London, said about the difference between the
occupation of Kuwait and that of Iraq: "In the first, Arab rulers rushed
to support the American war plan against Iraq and sent their armies and
took part in the so-called liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
Thus they took part in destroying their sisterly country by enforcing
the terrible sanctions regime since August 1990 for 13 years and
facilitating and taking part in the devastating 1991 war which continued
intermittently for the next 12 years. However, in the second case, where
a bigger and much more important Arab country was occupied, many Arab
rulers rushed to support the occupation of their sisterly country and
opened their territories, waters, and airspace to invading armies aiming
to occupy Iraq, destroy its state, play havoc with the life of its
people, and install a government whose members boast of being CIA
puppets...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3633>    
[3633] [ 18-jun-2004 11:35 ECT ]

*I prigionieri «scomparsi»*
/Stefano Chiarini, il manifesto/
Il Segretario alla difesa Usa, Donald Rumsfeld, su richiesta dell'allora
capo della Cia, George Tenet, nell'ottobre del 2003 autorizzò la
detenzione di un sospetto «terrorista» in Iraq, senza che la sua
presenza venisse registrata o comunicata, come esige la Convenzione di
Ginevra, alla Croce rossa internazionale. Lo ha ammesso ieri in serata
lo stesso Donald Rumsfeld, confermando non soltanto la violazione della
convenzione di Ginevra da parte dell'Amministrazione americana nel caso
del misterioso detenuto, forse un islamista del gruppo Ansar al Islam,
ma anche, per la prima volta, l'esistenza del fenomeno dei «prigionieri
fantasma», centinaia, forse migliaia, tenuti in carcere, interrogati e,
in alcuni casi, torturati, senza che nessuno sappia nulla della loro
sorte...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3634>    
[3634] [ 18-jun-2004 11:56 ECT ]        <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3634>

*The Rule of the Turban*
/Mary Jacoby/
Paul Wolfowitz eulogized the fallen Shiite leader as an Iraqi Abraham
Lincoln. But his group seems more intent on making Iraq conform to the
principles of the Ayatollah Khomeini...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3632>     [3632] [ 18-jun-2004 11:33 ECT ]

*Here Come the Death Squad Veterans*
/Louis Nevaer, Pacific News Service/
If José Miguel Pizarro has his way, he will recruit 30,000 Chileans as
mercenaries to protect American companies under Pentagon contract to
rebuild Iraq. And undoubtedly, within those ranks will be former members
of death squads that tortured and murdered civilians when dictatorships
ruled in Latin America...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3631>     [3631] [ 18-jun-2004 11:29 ECT ]

*Legal scholars say condoning abuse could be impeachable offense*
/LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer/
More than 400 legal scholars from across the country urged Congress
Wednesday to consider impeaching President Bush and any high-level
administration officials who approved the Iraqi prisoner abuses...
  continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3630>     [3630] [
18-jun-2004 11:25 ECT ]

*Saddam's lawyer confirms that his client was tortured*
/Arabic News.com/
Muhammad al-Rashdan, the lawyer of the former Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein said that he had received a report from the International
Committee of the Red Cross confirming that Saddam Hussein -- who is held
by the American forces -- has painful wounds in various parts of his
body...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3629>    
[3629] [ 18-jun-2004 11:20 ECT ]

*Official verdict: White House misled world over Saddam*
/Andrew Buncombe, The Independent/
The Bush administration's credibility was dealt a devastating blow
yesterday when the commission investigating the attacks of 11 September
said there was no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had
assisted al-Qa'ida - something repeatedly suggested by the President and
his senior officials and held up as a reason for the invasion of Iraq...
  continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3628>     [3628] [
18-jun-2004 11:08 ECT ]

*Military Contractors in Iraq:Privatizing Unaccountability and Torture?*
"Occupation authorities in Iraq have awarded a $293 million contract
effectively creating the world's largest private army to a company
headed by Lieutenant Colonel Tim Spicer ... who has been investigated
for illegally smuggling arms and planning military offensives to support
mining, oil, and gas operations around the world"...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3626>     [3626] [ 18-jun-2004
10:04 ECT ]

*Who's Sovereign Now?*
/Michael Schwartz/
...However, the notion of "Iraqi sovereignty" can't be anything but a
fiction, not only during the interim administration, but well past the
projected December, 2005 date when an elected government is scheduled to
take over...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3625>
    [3625] [ 18-jun-2004 09:58 ECT ]

*Friends of Al Qaeda*
/Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek/
While rejecting claims that Al Qaeda had collaborated with Saddam
Hussein's regime on strikes against the United States, the federal panel
investigating the September 11 attacks today disclosed intriguing new
evidence that Osama bin Laden's organization may have cooperated with
Iraq's volatile next door neighbor: Iran...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3623>     [3623] [ 18-jun-2004 09:49 ECT

*www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: daily information on
occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and
English. *
/Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link
coordinates from our homepage.
Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our

*www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: **informazione quotidiana
sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e
in inglese. *
/Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il
banner e trovare le coordinate sulla testata della ns. homepage.
Informateci di ogni nuovo link, in modo da poter contraccambiare e
segnalarlo. grazie!/

The "Long Established" Link... Iraq, al-Qaeda and al-Zarqawi
GARY LEUPP, CounterPunch
...If al-Zarqawi did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. The
"Jordanian-born" militant (variously described as "Palestinian" or
"Bedouin") is the link posited by the Bush administration between Saddam
Hussein, the secularist, and bin Laden, the Islamic fundamentalist. (In his
crucial speech to the United Nations before the war, Colin Powell declared
that there was a "sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaida terrorist
network" and asserted that al-Zarqawi was the key figure in that nexus)...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3648>continua / continued      [3648] [
18-jun-2004 21:06 ECT ]

Mrs Saddam says Saddam is not Saddam
Joe Vialls
Confused? Now ask yourself why George Dubya Bush suddenly blurted out, "I
want to make sure when sovereignty is transferred, Saddam Hussein stays in
jail." There is little doubt that the International Red Cross really
screwed the White House last week, when demanding that America release
"prisoner-of-war Saddam" when "sovereignty is returned to Iraq at the end
of June". The possibly catastrophic results of handing an imposer back to
the Iraqi people, all of whom can tell the difference between President
Saddam Hussein and one of his body doubles at close range, had American
Administration officials wringing their hands in panic, while seeking a
less-than-lethal compromise...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3649>continua
/ continued      [3649] [ 19-jun-2004 01:15 ECT ]

Iraq, servizi Usa confusero pollai con depositi missili
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3642>  L'intelligence americana finisce
nell'occhio del ciclone. I servizi Usa, infatti, nell'analizzare le foto
scattate dai satelliti sull'Iraq scambiarono numerosi pollai per depositi
di missili Scud. Sulla base di queste notizie sbagliate, gli ispettori
dell'Onu esaminarono una serie di allevamenti di polli senza naturalmente
trovare nulla di sospetto. E a ricordo di quell'inutile caccia, un gruppo
di esperti d'armamenti delle Nazioni Unite si fece stampare una serie di
magliette con la scritta: "Ballistic Chicken Farm Inspection Team" (squadra
d'ispezione di allevamenti balistici di polli)...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3642>continua / continued      [3642] [
18-jun-2004 19:07 ECT ]

Haiti and Abu Ghraib. The US is to "clean up" Haiti's prisons -- just like
it did Iraq's
Dominique Esser and Kim Ives
A U.S. prison consultant sent last year to "reform" Iraq's Abu Ghraib
prison, now world infamous for the torture U.S. soldiers there inflicted on
Iraqis, is doing the same job now in Haiti...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3646>continua / continued      [3646] [
18-jun-2004 20:59 ECT ]

Iraq, 1917
Robert Fisk
...There are no kings to impose on Iraq today, so we have installed Iyad
Allawi, the former CIA "asset", as prime minister in the hope that he can
provide the same sovereign wallpaper as Faisal once did.
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3645>continua / continued      [3645] [
18-jun-2004 20:54 ECT ]

The Torturer-In-Chief
Marjorie Cohn, Truthout.org
...Bush impliedly admitted sanctioning willful killing, torture and inhuman
treatment in his 2003 State of the Union Address. He would be liable under
the doctrine of command responsibility for war crimes committed in Iraq as
well. The captain goes down with his ship. It is time to call for the
Impeachment of George W. Bush...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3644>continua / continued      [3644] [
18-jun-2004 20:25 ECT ]

Armi di distrazione di massa
Le Monde / Nuovimondimedia
...L'ingenuità delle argomentazioni di Bush ci ha indotto a domandarci se
lui abbia mentito, in base a una strategia bellica contro Saddam Hussein,
suo nemico numero uno ancora prima di entrare alla Casa Bianca. O se invece
abbia mascherato la sua politica rendendola "vendibile" a una massa
traumatizzata dagli attentati dell'11 settembre. Sarebbe ancora più grave
se, come non esclude il New York Times, "lui avesse mentito coscientemente
o se avesse avuto una capacità d'autoillusione politicaŠ il che sarebbe
terrificante per il 'mondo del dopo 11 settembre'"...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3643>continua / continued      [3643] [
18-jun-2004 19:15 ECT ]

Saddam's wife appoints lawyers
Ahmed Janabi, Aljazeera.net
The wife of imprisoned Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has ended a long
battle between lawyers who want to defend her husband if he is put on
trial. In an exclusive interview with Aljazeera, Sajida Khair Allah, wife
and cousin of Saddam Hussein revealed she had signed an official power of
attorney authorising a group of 20 lawyers the right to defend her husband
(...)The panel contests the legality of the arrest of President Saddam
Hussein by US occupation troops (...)"Iraq, Iraqi people, Iraqi law, and
the Iraqi president were hijacked," Mjalli said "the occupation of Iraq was
illegal so ipso facto everything that follows is illegal"...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3627>continua / continued      [3627] [
18-jun-2004 11:01 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3627>

Bush's Mercenary Army
Stewart Nusbaumer
First, "shock and awe" shocked the Bush Administration because the Iraqis
were not awed into submission. Now, the Administration responds with
"desperation and deception" to win the election...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3638>continua / continued      [3638] [
18-jun-2004 15:33 ECT ]

Baghdad, Vietnam Street
Dahr Jamail, Socialpress
...Come molti medici e amministratori d'ospedale con cui ho parlato, non
vuole rispondere alle mie domande più precise sul ferimento o l'uccisione
di civili, né sulle incursioni dei soldati dentro gli ospedali per
interrogare o arrestare combattenti feriti. Piuttosto, insiste sulle
condizioni di lavoro difficili sotto l'occupazione. "Siamo a corto di
medicinali," dice, e fa notare più volte che è una cosa che accadeva di
rado prima dell'occupazione. "È proibito, ma a volte siamo costretti a
utilizzare più volte le siringhe, anche gli aghi. Non abbiamo
alternative"...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3640>continua / continued
[3640] [ 18-jun-2004 15:52 ECT ]

Defiant Bush and Blair insist Saddam had al-Qa'ida links
Colin Brown and David Usborne, The Independent
President George Bush and the Prime Minister's Office yesterday defied the
independent US commission on 11 September and insisted that there were
links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida. The report by the commission on
Wednesday dealt a devastating blow to the credibility to one of President
Bush's reasons for going to war against Iraq by finding there was no
credible evidence linking Saddam's regime to Osama bin Laden's terrorist
organisation...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3639>continua / continued
[3639] [ 18-jun-2004 15:40 ECT ]

Human rights first denuncia: molti i centri Usa di detenzione tenuti segreti
Sarebbero migliaia le persone detenute nell'ambito della guerra al
terrorismo in oltre venti centri di detenzione, la metà dei quali opera in
segreto. Si trovano prevalentemente in Iraq, ma anche a Cuba, in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Giordania e a bordo di due navi americane. Per Human
rights first, la segretezza rende "i metodi di detenzione non appropriati e
gli abusi non probabili, ma inevitabili"
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3641>continua / continued      [3641] [
18-jun-2004 16:03 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3641>

La svolta
MARCO D'ERAMO, il manifesto
La svolta c'è, ed è vera. Ma non in Iraq dove anche ieri un'autobomba ha
ucciso più di 40 aspiranti poliziotti. E neanche alle Nazioni unite, il cui
segretario Kofi Annan ha ribadito che l'Onu non tornerà in Iraq. No, la
svolta avviene nell'opinione pubblica americana...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3636>continua / continued      [3636] [
18-jun-2004 12:05 ECT ]

Occupation, resistance battle near Baquba
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3637>  Resistance fighters have clashed with
US occupation forces near Baquba for the second time in as many days,
leaving two Iraqis dead. An occupation patrol came under fire in the town
of Buhriz near Baquba, some 50km north of Baghdad on Friday, said a
military spokesman. Two Iraqi activists were killed. Baquba has been the
scene of frequent clashes between the occupation and resistance. On
Thursday, another patrol came under attack in the same area...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3637>continua / continued      [3637] [
18-jun-2004 12:29 ECT ]

Ostaggi e riscatto, per i magistrati italiani trasferta in Iraq
il manifesto
I magistrati che indagano sul sequestro delle guardie private italiane in
Iraq stanno studiando la possibilità di ascoltare l'imam di Falluja e le
altre due persone che, secondo il fondatore di Emergency Gino Strada, sono
in vario modo a conoscenza di manovre per il pagamento di un riscatto di
nove miliardi di dollari per la liberazione di Maurizio Agliana, Umberto
Cupertino e Salvatore Stefio...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3635>continua / continued      [3635] [
18-jun-2004 12:00 ECT ]

Arab Press Note: June 17, 2004.
Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report
...Dr. Mohamad al-Musfir of Qatar University, in an article in the al-Quds
al-Arabi daily of London, said about the difference between the occupation
of Kuwait and that of Iraq: "In the first, Arab rulers rushed to support
the American war plan against Iraq and sent their armies and took part in
the so-called liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. Thus they took
part in destroying their sisterly country by enforcing the terrible
sanctions regime since August 1990 for 13 years and facilitating and taking
part in the devastating 1991 war which continued intermittently for the
next 12 years. However, in the second case, where a bigger and much more
important Arab country was occupied, many Arab rulers rushed to support the
occupation of their sisterly country and opened their territories, waters,
and airspace to invading armies aiming to occupy Iraq, destroy its state,
play havoc with the life of its people, and install a government whose
members boast of being CIA puppets...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3633>continua / continued      [3633] [
18-jun-2004 11:35 ECT ]

I prigionieri «scomparsi»
Stefano Chiarini, il manifesto
Il Segretario alla difesa Usa, Donald Rumsfeld, su richiesta dell'allora
capo della Cia, George Tenet, nell'ottobre del 2003 autorizzò la detenzione
di un sospetto «terrorista» in Iraq, senza che la sua presenza venisse
registrata o comunicata, come esige la Convenzione di Ginevra, alla Croce
rossa internazionale. Lo ha ammesso ieri in serata lo stesso Donald
Rumsfeld, confermando non soltanto la violazione della convenzione di
Ginevra da parte dell'Amministrazione americana nel caso del misterioso
detenuto, forse un islamista del gruppo Ansar al Islam, ma anche, per la
prima volta, l'esistenza del fenomeno dei «prigionieri fantasma»,
centinaia, forse migliaia, tenuti in carcere, interrogati e, in alcuni
casi, torturati, senza che nessuno sappia nulla della loro sorte...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3634>continua / continued      [3634] [
18-jun-2004 11:56 ECT ] <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3634>

The Rule of the Turban
Mary Jacoby
Paul Wolfowitz eulogized the fallen Shiite leader as an Iraqi Abraham
Lincoln. But his group seems more intent on making Iraq conform to the
principles of the Ayatollah Khomeini...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3632>continua / continued      [3632] [
18-jun-2004 11:33 ECT ]

Here Come the Death Squad Veterans
Louis Nevaer, Pacific News Service
If José Miguel Pizarro has his way, he will recruit 30,000 Chileans as
mercenaries to protect American companies under Pentagon contract to
rebuild Iraq. And undoubtedly, within those ranks will be former members of
death squads that tortured and murdered civilians when dictatorships ruled
in Latin America...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3631>continua /
continued      [3631] [ 18-jun-2004 11:29 ECT ]

Legal scholars say condoning abuse could be impeachable offense
LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer
More than 400 legal scholars from across the country urged Congress
Wednesday to consider impeaching President Bush and any high-level
administration officials who approved the Iraqi prisoner abuses...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3630>continua / continued      [3630] [
18-jun-2004 11:25 ECT ]

Saddam's lawyer confirms that his client was tortured
Arabic News.com
Muhammad al-Rashdan, the lawyer of the former Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein said that he had received a report from the International Committee
of the Red Cross confirming that Saddam Hussein -- who is held by the
American forces -- has painful wounds in various parts of his body...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3629>continua / continued      [3629] [
18-jun-2004 11:20 ECT ]

Official verdict: White House misled world over Saddam
Andrew Buncombe, The Independent
The Bush administration's credibility was dealt a devastating blow
yesterday when the commission investigating the attacks of 11 September
said there was no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had
assisted al-Qa'ida - something repeatedly suggested by the President and
his senior officials and held up as a reason for the invasion of Iraq...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3628>continua / continued      [3628] [
18-jun-2004 11:08 ECT ]

Military Contractors in Iraq:Privatizing Unaccountability and Torture?
"Occupation authorities in Iraq have awarded a $293 million contract
effectively creating the world's largest private army to a company headed
by Lieutenant Colonel Tim Spicer ... who has been investigated for
illegally smuggling arms and planning military offensives to support
mining, oil, and gas operations around the world"...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3626>continua / continued      [3626] [
18-jun-2004 10:04 ECT ]

Who's Sovereign Now?
Michael Schwartz
...However, the notion of "Iraqi sovereignty" can't be anything but a
fiction, not only during the interim administration, but well past the
projected December, 2005 date when an elected government is scheduled to
take over...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3625>continua / continued
[3625] [ 18-jun-2004 09:58 ECT ]

Friends of Al Qaeda
Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek
While rejecting claims that Al Qaeda had collaborated with Saddam Hussein's
regime on strikes against the United States, the federal panel
investigating the September 11 attacks today disclosed intriguing new
evidence that Osama bin Laden's organization may have cooperated with
Iraq's volatile next door neighbor: Iran...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3623>continua / continued      [3623] [
18-jun-2004 09:49 ECT

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