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uruknet.info: American Taxpayers Donate Oil To Iraq!

    *American Taxpayers Donate Oil To Iraq!*
/Joe Vialls/
If you told most American taxpayers they were funding a fleet of more
than 4,000 road tankers to constantly truck oil into one of the
oil-richest countries on earth, they would think you were mad. Could it
possibly be true that more than 1,500 American military families have
lost fathers or husbands or sons in Iraq, just for the privilege of
seeing their tax dollars used to provide Iraqis with heavily subsidized
imported oil? Sadly it is true, and since the illegal invasion during
March 2003, Iraq has not been "exporting two million barrels of oil per
day to America", as Wall Street and the establishment media would have
you believe...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3558>
    [3558] [ 15-jun-2004 06:45 ECT ]

*VP's office approved Halliburton contract*
The office of Vice President Cheney approved the award by the Pentagon
of two huge contracts to redevelop Iraq's oil industry to Halliburton,
his old company. Cheney's office was briefed twice on the $7 billion
contracts, which were awarded without competition, despite his repeated
public statements that he had no knowledge of or involvement in the
deals, according to pentagon officials...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3557>     [3557] [ 15-jun-2004 02:11 ECT ]

*Torture Incorporated. Oliver North Joins the Party*
/John Stanton and Wayne Madsen, www.globalresearch.ca/
The U.S. Army has employed as many as 27 contractors to run its
interrogation operations, according to media reports. But while CACI and
Titan are getting all the mainstream media play, it appears that far
more than 27 contract employees were involved in recruiting and placing
interrogators in various locations. Some of the firms involved in the
Bush administration's "TortureGate" include an odd assortment of
telecommunications companies and executive placement firms that have
jumped into the lucrative torture business in Guantanamo Bay,
Afghanistan, Iraq and at secret locations throughout Central Asia and
North Africa...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3556>     [3556] [ 15-jun-2004 01:44 ECT ]

*'Torture in a good cause'*
/Ignacio Ramonet, Le Monde diplomatique/
THE trap of colonial war is closing on the invading forces in Iraq. Like
French troops bogged down in an earlier era in Algeria, the British in
Kenya, the Belgians in the Congo, the Portuguese in Guinea-Bissau and
the Israelis today in Gaza, US armed forces are now realising that
crushing military superiority is not enough to save them from
hostage-taking, ambushes and other deadly assaults. For soldiers on the
ground the occupation of Iraq is fast becoming a descent into hell...
  continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3555>     [3555] [
15-jun-2004 01:41 ECT ]

*Iraqi Scientists...Victims Of Violence*
Iraqi scientists continue to fall victims with no protection available
(...) Appealing to the world community to protect them from the U.S.
aggression "aimed at draining Iraq's brains", a number of Iraqi
scientists and university professors had sent an SOS e-mail complaining
American occupation forces were threatening their lives .   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3554>     [3554] [ 15-jun-2004
01:26 ECT ]

*U.S. Trucks Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted In Iraq-Kuwait
The UAE-based daily Al-Khaleej reported on Monday that Kuwaiti tariff
officials have intercepted a truck loaded with radioactive materials in
the Iraq-Kuwait border. The daily quoted informed sources as saying that
the radioactive control team from Kuwait's Health Ministry discovered
that one of the trucks belonging to the U.S.-led coalition forces was
carrying heavy radioactive materials trucks. The trucks were headed for
Iraq...   continua / continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3553>    
[3553] [ 15-jun-2004 00:43 ECT ]

*Justice Dept. Memo Says Torture 'May Be Justified'*
/Dana Priest, Washington Post Staff Writer/
Today washingtonpost.com is posting a copy of the Aug. 1, 2002,
memorandum (PDF) "Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18
U.S.C. 2340-2340A," from the Justice Department's Office of Legal
Counsel for Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel to President Bush...   continua
/ continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3552>     [3552] [ 15-jun-2004
00:40 ECT ]

*The Torturers. New revelations expose the corruption at the heart of
Empire. Are we now torturing children?*
/Justin Raimondo/
..."He said that after he broke Abu Ghraib people are coming out of the
woodwork to tell him this stuff. He said he had seen all the Abu Ghraib
pictures. He said, 'You haven't begun to see evil...' then trailed off.
He said, 'horrible things done to children of women prisoners, as the
cameras run.' He looked frightened...."   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3551>     [3551] [ 15-jun-2004 00:34 ECT ]

*Foto del blitz Un regalo Usa*
/il manifesto/
I generali in Iraq forniscono un fotogramma della liberazione degli
ostaggi italiani. Non prova nulla ma occupa i tg nel giorno del voto. I
pm romani indagano su trattative e riscatto...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3550>     [3550] [ 15-jun-2004 00:22 ECT ]

*Abu Ghraib, marchio indelebile per le donne*
/GIULIANA SGRENA, il manifesto/
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3549>      Lo scorso mese prigioniere del
carcere di Abu Ghraib avevano fatto uscire dalla prigione dei volantini
in cui denunciavano di essere state stuprate» (National public radio, 4
maggio 2004). Una donna dell'universitą di Baghdad, che lavora per
Amnesty international, ha descritto l'abuso sessuale da lei subito a un
posto di blocco: un soldato americano «mi ha puntato il laser al centro
del petto e poi ha puntato il suo pene. E mi ha detto: vieni qui cagna,
che ti scopo»...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3549>     [3549] [ 15-jun-2004 00:16 ECT ]

*Casualties in powerful Baghdad blast*
...At least four and up to 12 people have been killed in a car bomb
explosion in central Baghdad. Hospital sources said at least four people
had died in the attack, which targeted vehicles being driven by
officials connected to the occupation authorities...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3548>     [3548] [ 14-jun-2004
10:33 ECT ]

*British battalion 'attacked every day for six weeks'*
/Sean Rayment/
An infantry battalion serving in Iraq has been awarded the dubious
distinction of having been attacked more times than any British Army
unit since the Korean War...   continua / continued
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3547>     [3547] [ 14-jun-2004 09:23 ECT ]

*Red Cross ultimatum to US on Saddam*
/Jonathan Steele, The Guardian/
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3546>      Saddam Hussein must either be
released from custody by June 30 or charged if the US and the new Iraqi
government are to conform to international law, the International
Committee of the Red Cross said last night. Nada Doumani, a spokeswoman
for the ICRC, told the Guardian: "The United States defines Saddam
Hussein as a prisoner of war. At the end of an occupation PoWs have to
be released provided they have no penal charges against them." Her
comments came as the international body, the only independent group with
access to detainees in US custody, becomes increasingly concerned over
the legal limbo in which thousands of people are being held in the
run-up to the transfer of power at the end of the month...   continua /
continued <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3546>     [3546] [ 14-jun-2004
08:53 ECT ]

*www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: daily information on
occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and
English. *
/Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link
coordinates from our homepage.
Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our

*www.uruknet.info <http://www.uruknet.info>: **informazione quotidiana
sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e
in inglese. *
/Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il
banner e trovare le coordinate sulla testata della ns. homepage.
Informateci di ogni nuovo link, in modo da poter contraccambiare e
segnalarlo. grazie!/

American Taxpayers Donate Oil To Iraq!
Joe Vialls
If you told most American taxpayers they were funding a fleet of more than
4,000 road tankers to constantly truck oil into one of the oil-richest
countries on earth, they would think you were mad. Could it possibly be
true that more than 1,500 American military families have lost fathers or
husbands or sons in Iraq, just for the privilege of seeing their tax
dollars used to provide Iraqis with heavily subsidized imported oil? Sadly
it is true, and since the illegal invasion during March 2003, Iraq has not
been "exporting two million barrels of oil per day to America", as Wall
Street and the establishment media would have you believe...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3558>continua / continued      [3558] [
15-jun-2004 06:45 ECT ]

VP's office approved Halliburton contract
The office of Vice President Cheney approved the award by the Pentagon of
two huge contracts to redevelop Iraq's oil industry to Halliburton, his old
company. Cheney's office was briefed twice on the $7 billion contracts,
which were awarded without competition, despite his repeated public
statements that he had no knowledge of or involvement in the deals,
according to pentagon officials...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3557>continua / continued      [3557] [
15-jun-2004 02:11 ECT ]

Torture Incorporated. Oliver North Joins the Party
John Stanton and Wayne Madsen,
The U.S. Army has employed as many as 27 contractors to run its
interrogation operations, according to media reports. But while CACI and
Titan are getting all the mainstream media play, it appears that far more
than 27 contract employees were involved in recruiting and placing
interrogators in various locations. Some of the firms involved in the Bush
administration's "TortureGate" include an odd assortment of
telecommunications companies and executive placement firms that have jumped
into the lucrative torture business in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, Iraq
and at secret locations throughout Central Asia and North Africa...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3556>continua / continued      [3556] [
15-jun-2004 01:44 ECT ]

'Torture in a good cause'
Ignacio Ramonet, Le Monde diplomatique
THE trap of colonial war is closing on the invading forces in Iraq. Like
French troops bogged down in an earlier era in Algeria, the British in
Kenya, the Belgians in the Congo, the Portuguese in Guinea-Bissau and the
Israelis today in Gaza, US armed forces are now realising that crushing
military superiority is not enough to save them from hostage-taking,
ambushes and other deadly assaults. For soldiers on the ground the
occupation of Iraq is fast becoming a descent into hell...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3555>continua / continued      [3555] [
15-jun-2004 01:41 ECT ]

Iraqi Scientists...Victims Of Violence
Iraqi scientists continue to fall victims with no protection available
(...) Appealing to the world community to protect them from the U.S.
aggression "aimed at draining Iraq's brains", a number of Iraqi scientists
and university professors had sent an SOS e-mail complaining American
occupation forces were threatening their lives .
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3554>continua / continued      [3554] [
15-jun-2004 01:26 ECT ]

U.S. Trucks Carrying Radioactive Materials Intercepted In Iraq-Kuwait Border
The UAE-based daily Al-Khaleej reported on Monday that Kuwaiti tariff
officials have intercepted a truck loaded with radioactive materials in the
Iraq-Kuwait border. The daily quoted informed sources as saying that the
radioactive control team from Kuwait's Health Ministry discovered that one
of the trucks belonging to the U.S.-led coalition forces was carrying heavy
radioactive materials trucks. The trucks were headed for Iraq...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3553>continua / continued      [3553] [
15-jun-2004 00:43 ECT ]

Justice Dept. Memo Says Torture 'May Be Justified'
Dana Priest, Washington Post Staff Writer
Today washingtonpost.com is posting a copy of the Aug. 1, 2002, memorandum
(PDF) "Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 U.S.C.
2340-2340A," from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel for
Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel to President Bush...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3552>continua / continued      [3552] [
15-jun-2004 00:40 ECT ]

The Torturers. New revelations expose the corruption at the heart of
Empire. Are we now torturing children?
Justin Raimondo
..."He said that after he broke Abu Ghraib people are coming out of the
woodwork to tell him this stuff. He said he had seen all the Abu Ghraib
pictures. He said, 'You haven't begun to see evil...' then trailed off. He
said, 'horrible things done to children of women prisoners, as the cameras
run.' He looked frightenedŠ."   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3551>continua
/ continued      [3551] [ 15-jun-2004 00:34 ECT ]

Foto del blitz Un regalo Usa
il manifesto
I generali in Iraq forniscono un fotogramma della liberazione degli ostaggi
italiani. Non prova nulla ma occupa i tg nel giorno del voto. I pm romani
indagano su trattative e riscatto...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3550>continua / continued      [3550] [
15-jun-2004 00:22 ECT ]

Abu Ghraib, marchio indelebile per le donne
GIULIANA SGRENA, il manifesto
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3549>  Lo scorso mese prigioniere del carcere
di Abu Ghraib avevano fatto uscire dalla prigione dei volantini in cui
denunciavano di essere state stuprate» (National public radio, 4 maggio
2004). Una donna dell'universitą di Baghdad, che lavora per Amnesty
international, ha descritto l'abuso sessuale da lei subito a un posto di
blocco: un soldato americano «mi ha puntato il laser al centro del petto e
poi ha puntato il suo pene. E mi ha detto: vieni qui cagna, che ti
scopo»...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3549>continua / continued
[3549] [ 15-jun-2004 00:16 ECT ]

Casualties in powerful Baghdad blast
...At least four and up to 12 people have been killed in a car bomb
explosion in central Baghdad. Hospital sources said at least four people
had died in the attack, which targeted vehicles being driven by officials
connected to the occupation authorities...
  <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3548>continua / continued      [3548] [
14-jun-2004 10:33 ECT ]

British battalion 'attacked every day for six weeks'
Sean Rayment
An infantry battalion serving in Iraq has been awarded the dubious
distinction of having been attacked more times than any British Army unit
since the Korean War...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3547>continua /
continued      [3547] [ 14-jun-2004 09:23 ECT ]

Red Cross ultimatum to US on Saddam
Jonathan Steele, The Guardian
<http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3546>  Saddam Hussein must either be released
from custody by June 30 or charged if the US and the new Iraqi government
are to conform to international law, the International Committee of the Red
Cross said last night. Nada Doumani, a spokeswoman for the ICRC, told the
Guardian: "The United States defines Saddam Hussein as a prisoner of war.
At the end of an occupation PoWs have to be released provided they have no
penal charges against them." Her comments came as the international body,
the only independent group with access to detainees in US custody, becomes
increasingly concerned over the legal limbo in which thousands of people
are being held in the run-up to the transfer of power at the end of the
month...   <http://www.uruknet.info/.?p=3546>continua / continued
[3546] [ 14-jun-2004 08:53 ECT ]

<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: daily information on occupied
Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts, in Italian and English.
Any link will be greatly appreciated: you can get our banner or link
coordinates from our homepage.
Please let us know about new links, so that we can recall them in our


<http://www.uruknet.info>www.uruknet.info: informazione quotidiana
sull'iraq occupato: notizie, analisi, documenti e testi, in italiano e in
Un grazie fin d'ora per ogni link al ns. sito: potrete scaricare il banner
e trovare le coordinate sulla testata della ns. homepage.
Informateci di ogni nuovo link, in modo da poter contraccambiare e
segnalarlo. grazie!