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Correspondence from Romanian Social Forum

Romanian Social Forum
<mailto:office at forumul-social.ro>office at forumul-social.ro
<mailto:info at forumul-social.ro>info at forumul-social.ro

Dear Friends

The Romanian Social Forum acts on the basis of the World Social Forum
Charter of Principles and stands for developing its external relations with
all democratic and progressive social movements from Europe and from all
over the world, based on equality, friendship, solidarity, cooperation,
respect, consensus in decision making, non-interference in the internal
problems of other social movements.

In our external relations we promote mutually advantageous cooperation
and we stand for the militant confrontation with: neo-liberalism, arming,
war, racism, neo-colonialism, savage privatization, unemployment,
illiteracy, poor medical assistance and work conditions and failures of the
institutions which plan and implement these policies nationally and
internationally - governments, the European Union, international
organizations and others.

On this framework the Romanian Social Forum will develop its bilateral and
multilateral relations of friendship and cooperation militating for
democracy, progress and peace for a better world of the people for the

We'll be very honoured to learn from your experience and to establish
common initiatives as good friends and direct connections between all our

With solidarity and friendship,

Constantin Cretu
President of Initiative and Coordination Committee of Romanian Social Forum

What is the Romanian Social Forum.

The Romanian Social Forum is a meeting place for all Romanian civil soci
ety: workers, intellectuals ,clerks, unemployed ,young people, students
and their organizations,ecological, feminist, antiracist, immigrant  move
ments ,unions , federations , non-governmentally organizations , coordi
nating committees from social movements and local initiatives.

Romanian Social Forum acts on the base of the World Social Forum Charter of
Principles, issued in Porto Alegre on 2001 and stands for developing his
external relations with all democratic and progressive social movements
from Europe and from all over the world, based by equality, friendship,
solidarity , co-operation ,respect ,consensus in taking the decisions,
noninterference in the internal problems of other social movements,
avoiding the accusations and labeling for any of the social movements.

In his internal activity and external relations Romanian Social Forum
promotes an mutual advantageous co-operation and stands for pluralistic and
democratic actions, creative co-existence of diverse points of views, the
militant confrontation with the :war, arming , racism, neo-colonialism,
neo-liberalism, the savage privatization without an economic base,
unemploy- ment, illiteracy, fault of medical assistance and work places and
with the institutions that are planning and implementing these policies
nationally and internationally .

On this frame the Romanian Social Forum will develop his bilateral and
multilateral relations of friendship and co-operation militating for
democracy , progress and peace for a better world of the people for the

Romanian Social Forum acts for becoming an active member and participant in
the European Social Forum which was established in Florence/Italy on 6 -
10th November 2002, in the World Social Forum which was established in
Porto Alegre / Brazil on 25 - 30th January 2001 and for extending his
relati ons of friendship, co-operation ,solidarity and mutual assistance
with all progressive and democratic social forums, from all over the world.