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The Federalist Debate, 2004 - 1

č uscito il primo numero del 2004 della rivista internazionale "The
Federalist Debate". La rivista intende partecipare attivamente al dibattito
politico sulla globalizzazione, non solo dal punto di vista federalista ma
di tutte le organizzazioni e movimenti che si battono per una diversa
globalizzazione basata sui diritti, sulle responsabilitā e sulla democrazia.
La rivista  offre spunti di riflessione e attende un vostro contributo con
articoli e/o recensioni di libri.

Vi mando la lettera di presentazione della rivista e l'indice del numero
appena pubblicato. 

Nicola Vallinoto


Dear Friends,

We are hearing more and more often about the need to 
control globalisation.

On the other hand we very seldom hear institutional 
proposals put forward to allow the democratic achievement 
of this objective.

With a wholly renewed lay-out, The Federalist Debate 
intends to become the promoter and an active part of this 
political debate, not only on the federalists' side but 
also with non-governmental organisations, from which it 
intends to obtain and to which it intends to offer 
opportunities of reflection.

To be able to implement this project, The Federalist Debate 
needs to be supported by its subscribers, the main 
financing source of the magazine.

Therefore, if you have not done it yet, we would be 
grateful if you could subscribe by filling in the form that 
you will find attached to our promotional issues or 
available in PDF on <http://www.federalist-debate.org> and if 
you could give us the name and address of people who may be 
interested in our magazine.

We thank you in advance, 
The Federalist Debate


The Federalist Debate, Year XVII, Number 1, February 2004
is now available for distribution


Constitution or Directoire
Lucio Levi


A European Constitution Open on the Future
Dusan Sidjanski

Need for New World Organisation
P.B. Sawant

A Coalition for a World Parliament
Nicola Vallinoto

A World Citizen Initiative for Reforming International 

From Baruch to Bush: an Initiative that Deserves Federalist 
Ira Straus

A Federal Iraq?
John Roberts

The World Summit on the Information Society
Rik Panganiban

The UN is still Relevant, but Needs Restructuring
Visvanathan Muthukumaran

World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments
Mercedes Bresso

The Crisis of the EU Stability and Growth Pact
Annamaria Viterbo

Euzkadi: the Long Fight of the Nationalist Basque Party for 
a Federal Europe
Jean-Claude Larronde

The Story of World Federalism
Ross Smyth


A European Response to the Global Challenges
John Pinder

Europe's Global Mission is to Win the Peace
Christian Glöckner

The European Parliament Calls for a EU Seat on the Security 
Council and a UN Parliamentary Assembly
Lucio Levi

GALILEO: the Potential for a World-Wide Success
Francesco Ferrero


The WFM Strategic Planning
Ramin Shahzamani

Results of JEF-Europe XVII Congress, Stockholm

The American Federalist Association Has a New Name: 
Citizens for Global Solutions

Statement on the Future of Federalism in the US and the 


The New World Disorder
Francesca Lacaita

From the Enlightened Dictatorship to a Democratic Economic 
Ernesto Gallo

Do We Need a World Parliament?
Maria Cocciolo

Are we Heading for an Illiberal Democracy?
George Lingbour


Mundell Calls for Global Currency

Vajpayee Moots Single Currency and Open Border in South 

US Gives Up the Protectionist Measures on Steel

A Free-Trade Area in the Balkans


James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank


The Federalist Debate is published three times a year and 
is promoted by the Jeunes Europeens Federalistes (JEF), the 
Union Europeenne des Federalistes (UEF) and the World 
Federalist Movement (WFM) under the auspices of the 
Einstein Center for International Studies (CESI)


The Federalist Debate

Papers for Federalists in Europe and the World

Administrative Office:
Via Schina 26, I - 10144 - Torino

The problem of establishing a perfect civil Constitution
depends on the problem of law-governed external relations
   among nations and cannot be solved unless the latter is

                                            Immanuel Kant
