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Informed Dissent - New Peace News/Undercurrents anti-war video CD-ROM


Dear Friends

Peace News, in cooperation with Undercurrents, have recently produced a new
anti-war video CD-ROM. Described by Time Out, London as "essential viewing
and listening", the disc features over 75 minutes of footage, including:
    * exclusive footage of Noam Chomsky in conversation with peace
activists on Iraq, globalisation, Latin America, the peace movement and
much, much more.
    * micro-documentaries from anti-war actions in Britain and the US,
including naked protests, paint protests, direct action and mass
    * the Undercurrents documentary, "Globalisation and the Media". The
winner of the Canada One World G8 festival 2002, and Japan Video festival
2003, this documentary explores how the media is involved in shaping public
opinion during the "War on Terrorism" and globalisation.
    * Sieze the Day music video "With My Hammer".
    * Iraq Journal - 28 minute audio file.
Informed Dissent can be bought online at the bargain price of £6.50 (inc.
p&p anywhere in the world) by visiting www.peacenews.info. Bulk orders of
ten or more copies can also be ordered at the discounted rate of £4.

The system requirements are: P200 (P500); 64MB (128MB) RAM; sound card; web
browser; media player. The disc is optimised for use in PCs, but will play
in Macs using Quicktime.

For more information, or to request review copies please contact Simon at
promos@peacenews.info or call +44 20 7278 3344. For a full programme, and
to watch the four minute "Paint Protest" short from the disc click on the
link below:


Best wishes

PN Promotions

Peace News for nonviolent revolution
5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DY, Britain
Tel:+44 20 7278 3344 Fax:+44 20 7278 0444
Editor: Ippy <editorial@peacenews.info>
Admin and Finance: John Courtneidge and Lesley Harrison <admin@peacenews.info>
Website manager: Daniel Sewe <webmaster@peacenews.info>
Assistant news editor: Lindsay Barnes <news@peacenews.info>
Reviews editor: Simon Dixon <reviews@peacenews.info>
Promotions <promos@peacenews.info>
Peace News is produced in cooperation with War Resisters' International
***The revolution starts with you***