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Fw: [ Mumia's Life Is Not Safe!

> Subject: [angola3] Mumia’s Life Is Not Safe!
> Date: 04 May 2003 20:16:28 -0400
> Racist Governor Ed Randell Promises The Execution Of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
> Life Is Not Safe!
> By Steve Argue
>   Facing protest and international pressure in support of framed political
> prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, Federal Judge Yohn threw out his death sentence
> December 18th 2001.    Judge Yohn's ruling, while possibly sparing Mumia
> death penalty, did not overturn Mumia's conviction or grant him a new
> based on new proof of his innocence.
>   This decision is under appeal by the State of Pennsylvania, which is
> to reinstate Mumia’s death penalty sentence.  In addition, political
> is being applied by Pennsylvania Governor (D) Ed Randel for the execution
> Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Ed Randel, a racist Democrat Party leader, promised the
> execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal when he ran for governor.
>   Mumia’s attorneys have also appealed Yohn’s ruling and continue to fight
> to have the evidence heard and Mumia freed.
>   In earlier sentencing Mumia had been given the death penalty largely
> on arguments that he had been a member of the Black Panther Party.  This
> sentencing based on political beliefs was in violation of Mumia's 1st
> ment rights.  Former membership in the Black Panther Party was used
against Mumia
> effectively.  This is largely because of the way the Black Panther Party
> falsely portrayed in the corporate media while the FBI, working with local
> police departments, carried out a systematic campaign of murder and
> against the members of the Black Panther Party in 1969 and 1970 killing 39
> members.
>   While Mumia Abu-Jamal survived that period of bloody political
> in American history, he was later framed up for a 1981 crime he did not
> commit.
>   As a freelance journalist Mumia exposed the murderous police brutality
> political repression carried out by the police against the MOVE
> in Philadelphia.  That murderous repression was then directed at Mumia
> Abu-Jamal in
> 1981 when the Philadelphia Police shot Mumia, beat him, and interfered
> his medical treatment.  Failing to murder Mumia in the street and in the
> hospital the Philadelphia Police and DA then framed him on the false
> of murder on Police Officer Faulkner.
> -- 
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