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Peace One Day / Att. Executive Director/President/CEO

7th April 2003

Dear Friend

It gives me great pleasure to update you on the development of the United
Nations International Day of Peace, a day of global ceasefire and
non-violence, 21st September annually, and to respectfully request your
much-valued practical support for 21st September 2003.

As you may be aware UN GA Resolution 55/282 (below) was unanimously adopted
by member states on 7th September 2001.  Having driven the initiative to
establish the Day, Peace One Day asked all sectors of society to observe
21st September 2002 in accordance with the resolution.  21st September 2002
saw commemorative activities and events in 98 countries, 27 at the
governmental level.   As a result Peace One Day is confident that an
estimated 240 million people are now aware of the Day; our goal for 21st
September 2003 is to take the message of the Day to 1 billion people.

I would like to request, therefore, the involvement of your organisation in
commemorating Sunday 21st September 2003 in an appropriate manner and to
inform Peace One Day of your plans.  All commitments will appear on the
website www.peaceoneday.org; this website is a central resource for
activities on the day, allowing interested parties to access local and
regional information, and ultimately be inspired to become involved
themselves.  The archive of activities that took place on 21st September
2002 can be viewed on the website.

It is the firm intention of Peace One Day to do everything possible to keep
this unique day alive in the hearts and minds of the world's people, so that
it may build year by year into an annual day of global unity.  Accordingly,
Peace One Day is developing a documentary film charting the evolution of
this day, an annual live event and an educational resource; these will
become key tools in reaching people of all nations.

A similar letter has been sent to some 4000 non-governmental organisations,
the heads of all UN member states, education and sports ministers, UN
Ambassadors, the heads of all UN agencies, inter-governmental organisations,
religious/spiritual groups, global trade unions, corporations, universities,
schools, Nobel Peace Laureates and other key individuals around the world.

I look forward to hearing of your organisation's plans to mark 21st
September 2003 and remain

Respectfully yours

In peace

Jeremy Gilley
Founder, Peace One Day

Peace One Day Ltd
The Old Truman Brewery
Block D, 91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7456 91 80
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7375 20 07
Email: commitment@peaceoneday.org
Web: www.peaceoneday.org

Fifty-fifth session
Agenda item 33

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/55/L.95 and Add.1)]

55/282. International Day of Peace

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 36/67 of 30 November 1981, by which it declared
that the third Tuesday of September, the opening day of the regular sessions
of the General Assembly, shall be officially proclaimed and observed as
International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and
strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and

Recalling also its other relevant resolutions, including resolution 55/14 of
3 November 2000,

Reaffirming the contribution that the observance and celebration of the
International Day of Peace makes in strengthening the ideals of peace and
alleviating tensions and causes of conflict,

Considering the unique opportunity it offers for a cessation of violence and
conflict throughout the world, and the related importance of achieving the
broadest possible awareness and observance of the International Day of Peace
among the global community,

Desiring to draw attention to the objectives of the International Day of
Peace, and therefore to fix a date for its observance each year that is
separate from the opening day of the regular sessions of the General

1. Decides that, with effect from the fifty-seventh session of the General
Assembly, the International Day of Peace shall be observed on 21 September
each year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for
the celebration and observance of peace;

2. Declares that the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed
as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations
and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day;

3. Invites all member states, organizations of the United Nations system,
regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate,
in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through
education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in
the establishment of the global ceasefire.

111th Plenary meeting
7th September 2001

Source: United Nations Website www.un.org


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