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Fw: [ANSWER]: APRIL 12: Help spread the word about Nat'l March in DC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 6:02 AM
Subject: [ANSWER]: APRIL 12: Help spread the word about Nat'l March in DC

> about the April 12
> National March on Washington DC
> Momentum for the April 12 International Day of Protest is 
> growing. Actions are now planned in London England; 
> Brazil; Mexico; Nicaragua; Puerto Rico; South Korea; the 
> Philippines; Spain; Italy; Denmark; Sweden; Germany, and 
> the U.S. The list of countries holding protests continues 
> to grow every day.
> In the U.S., there will be a National March on Washington 
> DC to Surround the White House -- with buses traveling 
> from all over the East Coast, South and Midwest -- and 
> joint actions in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In 
> Washington, gather at the Washington Monument at 12 noon.
> Many new pieces of literature are available to help spread 
> the word about the April 12 National March on Washington 
> DC. A NEW FLYER for April 12 is available on the 
> A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition web site. You can easily download a 
> PDF of the national flyer for the Washington DC 
> demonstration, as well as a version for those in New York 
> City planning to travel to DC. Two-sided flyers are 
> available in black and white, and in a two-color version, 
> as well as in Spanish. Also available are 1/4-page and 
> 1/10-page designs, which can be used either for stickers 
> or for palm cards.
> http://internationalanswer.org/campaigns/resources/index.html
> Acrobat Reader is required to download these files. If you 
> don't have this program, it can be downloaded for free at:
> http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
> If you cannot download and print the flyers and stickers, 
> you can pick up stacks at A.N.S.W.E.R. offices around the 
> country, or you can call us at 202-544-3389 and request a 
> packet of flyers. Please make your request immediately so 
> they can be sent in time for massive distribution.
> Additional pieces of literature, including posters, will 
> be available in the coming days.
> In Washington, huge numbers of people will gather at the 
> Washington Monument at 12 noon.
> Buses, vans and car caravans will travel from the East 
> Coast, Midwest and South to be at the White House on 
> Saturday, April 12. For a listing of transportation being 
> organized from cities around the country, go to:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/a12/a12transp.html
> If you are organizing transportation, fill out the 
> easy-to-use form at 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/a12/index.html#a12transp 
> so that we can help spread the word to others (if the link 
> does not take you directly to the form, scroll down)
> Please check the April 12 page on the A.N.S.W.E.R. website 
> at
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/a12/index.html
> frequently for additional organizing information. This 
> will include additional pieces of downloadable literature; 
> a daily update to the list of cities organizing 
> transportation; logistical information; & more.
> ---------------------
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org
> http://www.VoteNoWar.org
> info@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-544-3389
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> To make a tax-deductible donation, go to
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html
> Sign up to receive updates (low volume):
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/subscribelist.html
> ------------------
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> This is the ANSWER activist announcement
> list. Anyone can subscribe by sending 
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