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peace journalism, peace business, and more

Welcome! You are receiving this email because of your interest in
peace issues.  You will receive announcements 4-6 times per year.
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in the message body. Regards, Dietrich Fischer (www.transcend.org)

particularly also with journalists and businesspeople. Thank you.

This mailing contains information about the following workshops:

PEACE JOURNALISM, March 21, 2003, Manassas, Virginia, with
Jake Lynch and Johan Galtung

PEACE BUSINESS, March 22, 2003, Manassas, Virginia, with
Jack Santa Barbara and Johan Galtung

PEACEBUILDING, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Reconstruction,
Reconciliation and Resolution, March 28-30, 2003, Columbia
University, New York, with Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen

Galtung, May 8, 2003 and a workshop on Conflict Transformation by
Peaceful Means, May 10-11, 2003, Santa Clara University, California

workshop with Johan Galtung, and a public lecture on "New
Approaches in Peace Studies," UC Berkeley, California, May 9, 2003.

PEACEBUILDING, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Reconstruction,
Reconciliation and Resolution, June 2-6, 2003 in Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, with Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen

MA level courses in Peace, Global Governance and Development at
Landegg International University (Switzerland), June-July 2003



A Workshop with Jake Lynch, University of Sidney and Sky News, and
Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies and Director, TRANSCEND:
A Peace and Development Network

DATE:  Friday, March 21, 2003, 10 am - 1 pm and 3 pm - 6 pm

PLACE: Manassas, Virginia (40 minutes west of Washington, DC)

COSTS: $100 ($40 for students)

TO REGISTER: send name, address and phone to fischer@transcend.org

This Workshop will cover:

What is Peace Journalism?  What are its characteristics?  How does
it differ from War Journalism?

Why is Peace journalism less common and less popular than war

Why is Peace Journalism increasingly important with the
proliferation of weapons and the growth of globalism?

Learn about the Tasks of the Peace Journalist, to identify and
write about:

What the conflict is really about

Who all the participants are that have an interest in the issues

What the roots of the conflict are

What options are available other than the demands of the

What the full effects are of any violence that may occur

Those who are working to prevent violence and how they can be

Those who work for reconstruction, reconciliation and resolution

Learn how War Journalism polarizes the parties involved and can
escalate a conflict to violence, whereas Peace Journalism educates
the public, politicians and the protagonists to creatively consider
new options for nonviolent resolutions

Opportunities will be provided in the workshop for discussion as
well as application of the tools of Peace Journalism.

Real life examples of how familiar violent conflicts could have
been reported from a Peace Journalism perspective will be provided

WHO SHOULD ATTEND?  Journalists, editors, journalism educators and
journalism students will benefit from this workshop.  All media are
relevant.  It is also of interest to anyone concerned with peaceful
conflict transformation and peacebuilding, including diplomats,
professionals working with NGOs and international organizations,
psychologists, family therapists, social workers, as well as
teachers and students from a wide range of disciplines.

PURPOSE OF THE WORKSHOP: To provide a practical introduction to,
and overview of Peace Journalism which will provide participants
with both a new perspective and new tools with which to approach
and report on conflicts (Note: Most examples will deal with
international conflicts, but the same perspective and tools are
applicable to any intergroup or interpersonal conflict.)

JAKE LYNCH is an experienced international reporter for television
and newspapers. He was the Independent correspondent in Sydney in
1998-99 and spent the Kosovo crisis based at Nato headquarters in
Brussels, for the 24-hour channel, Sky News. He has covered
conflicts in Ireland and Yugoslavia as well as countless political
and diplomatic stories in Europe and the UK. The author of Conflict
and Peace Forum papers, "What Are Journalists For?" (1999) and
"Using Conflict Analysis in Reporting" (2000), he teaches the MA
module in Peace-Building Media, Theory and Practice, at the
University of Sydney, and has trained journalists in Indonesia, the
UK, Norway, the Middle East and the Caucasus. He is co-author, with
Annabel McGoldrick, of the TRANSCEND manual, "Peace Journalism -
How to do it?" He is project consultant to Reporting the World, a
series of seminars and interactive website, for London-based
journalists interested in new ethical approaches to international
news, sponsored by the UK government's Department for International
Development, and author of "Reporting the World".

JOHAN GALTUNG has integrated rigorous scholarship and research, the
development of innovative educational programs around the world,
social activism, and high level consultation/mediation in many of
the world's major trouble spots.  He is generally regarded as the
father of modern peace research and education, having founded the
world's first Peace Research Institute in Oslo in 1959, which
remains one of the leading institutes of its kind. Over the past 40
years his bibliography requires a book in itself, identifying 108
books and over 1500 articles. One of the many innovative concepts
he developed that has become widely known is that of structural
violence, first articulated in his book by that title. His writings
reflect original thinking across a broad range of issues - the
European Community as an emerging superpower, violence and
imperialism, terrorism, non-violent defense, Gandhi, alternatives
to NATO, methodology in sociology, economic sanctions, peace
culture, and the role of the media in peace and conflict situations
- to name but a few. Early in his career, he was an active
journalist, and has since collaborated with the BBC World Service.



A Workshop with Jack Santa Barbara, Centre for Peace Studies,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, and
Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies and Director, TRANSCEND:
A Peace and Development Network

DATE:  Saturday, March 22, 2003, 10 am - 1 pm and 3 pm - 6 pm

PLACE: Manassas, Virginia (40 minutes west of Washington, DC)

COSTS:  $100 ($40 for students or retired).

TO REGISTER: send name, address and phone to fischer@transcend.org

This workshop will appeal to those business leaders interested in
contributing to a culture of peace through their business
operation, to NGOs and activists groups attempting to encourage
businesses to operate in a just and sustainable manner, and to
those training or consulting to business leaders, whose objective
is to instill a purpose of business activities as a means of doing
good (ie meeting basic human needs, operating in an environmentally
sustainable manner, and avoiding or reducing violence as a means of
resolving conflicts or meeting one's own business goals).


This workshop will examine the various relationships between
business activities and a culture of peace.  We will identify those
characteristics of the current business paradigm which support a
stronger relationship between business activities and a culture of
war/violence, rather than a culture of peace.  The characteristics
of peace business will be highlighted, and we will develop a
framework for assessing business' potential to contribute to a
culture of peace.  Obstacles to peace business will be examined, as
well as strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

The workshop format will be interactive and participatory.  It will
consist of mini-lectures, discussions, and small group application
of concepts discussed to case examples from around the world.


The objectives of the workshop are as follows:

1. to develop an understanding what peace business is and its key
characteristics (ie business activities that contribute to peace)

2. to develop an understanding of how business activities can
contribute to a culture of peace

3. to understand the role of basic human needs in peace business

4. to become familiar with examples of peace business at various
levels (local, regional and global)

5. participants will explore how to: identify the "peace prospects"
of various business practices; how to identify and overcome
obstacles to practicing peace business; how to think creatively
about how to approach business opportunities from a peace business

Some of the issues that will be touched on in this workshop will
include: basic human needs; sustainability and sustainable business
development; equity and justice; economic growth and qualitative
development; corporate charters and codes of conduct; relevant
accounting practices; and the roles of local authorities.

JACK SANTA-BARBARA, Ph.D. is a TRANSCEND member, and an Associate
of the Centre for Peace Studies of McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada. Initially trained as an experimental social
psychologist, Jack's thesis work in the 1970's was on conflict
resolution.  Following several years as an academic and researcher,
Jack founded a company that became the largest of its kind in
Canada, and in 1997, the company won the "50 Best Privately Managed
Companies," award sponsored by the Financial Post as a national
competition. Subsequent to selling his company at the end of 1999,
Jack has become more active in peace work, participating in the
Centre for Peace Studies' Afghanistan Project, which also involved
Johan Galtung.  More recently, Jack has founded a new institute to
promote integration of ecological and economic goals in government
decision making.

(A biographical note about Johan Galtung is given above).

TO REGISTER for the Peace Journalism and/or Peace Business
workshop, send your name, address, phone, email address, and 100-
200 words about your work to fischer@transcend.org or call +1-609-
799-8319. Please indicate whether you wish to participate in both
workshops, or only peace journalism, or only peace business.
Please send the information IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL MESSAGE, not as
attachment!  No advance payment is required, please bring cash or
a check made out to TRANSCEND to the door.  Sorry, we cannot accept
credit cards. The costs are $100 for one workshop ($40 if student
or retired) and $200 for both workshops ($80 if student or retired).
Detailed Driving directions will be sent to those who register.



March 28-30, 2003, Columbia University, New York, New York

This intensive training workshop explores all three phases of
violence and war -- pre-violence, violence, post-violence -- and
what can be done, for practitioners, aid and development workers,
international diplomats and civil servants, and policy makers.

Topics: Introduction to the TRANSCEND Method of Conflict Trans-
formation by Peaceful Means; Violence Prevention; Peacebuilding and
Post-War Reconstruction, Reconciliation and Resolution and Healing.
Mapping Actors, Resources, and Strategies; People and Community
Centred Approaches to Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding;
Peacebuilding in War-Torn Societies; Building a Culture of Peace
and Reconciliation: Peace Education and Peace Praxis.

THE TRAINER AND FACILITATOR: Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen is founder
and Director of the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute
of Romania (PATRIR) and Co-Director of TRANSCEND.  He has worked
extensively in Afghanistan, Nepal, Russia, South Eastern Europe,
North America, and the Middle East at the invitation of
governments, inter-governmental organisations, UN agencies, and
local organisations and communities.  He is author of The Struggle
Continues: The Political Economy of Globalisation and People's
Struggles for Peace (Pluto, forthcoming), co-author, with Johan
Galtung and Carl Jacobsen, of Searching for Peace: the Road to
TRANSCEND (Pluto, 2000 & 2002) and Editor of the TRANSCEND book
series "Critical Peace Studies: Peace by Peaceful Means."  He is
also an advisor to several governments, foreign ministries, the
Commonwealth Secretariat and the Council of Europe.  Since 1996 he
has given over 130 training programs in peacebuilding, development,
and constructive conflict transformation to more than 3000
participants in 26 countries.

COSTS: $200 for the three day workshop.

For more information: <training@transcend.org>.  To register,
please send your name, organization, address, phone, email and a
short description of your work to <training@transcend.org>.


SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY in Santa Clara, California, will host Johan
Galtung for two events (sponsored by the Institute on
Globalization, the Bannan Center and International Programs):

- A public lecture entitled "Globalization for Peace and
Development" on Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 7pm in the Mayer Theater.

- A two-day workshop entitled "Conflict Transformation by Peaceful
Means" on Saturday, May 10, 2003 from 8:30am to 5:30pm, and Sunday,
May 11, 2003 from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Because seating is limited,
please register as soon as possible.

This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the
TRANSCEND method which is based on 40 years of research and
practice. Conflicts can never really be completely "resolved" or
made to disappear, but they can be transformed from being fought
with violent means to being conducted by peaceful means. In that
sense, conflicts can have a constructive function of helping bring
about desirable change.

The workshop format will be highly interactive, with a combination
of lectures, seminars, and facilitated discussions. Participants
are invited to contribute case studies from their own experience.
Participants will learn:

- to analyze conflicts and design methods of intervention that help
reduce violence

- methods of mapping conflict formations

- principles of dialogue and negotiation as methods of conflict
transformation; the psychology of the dialogue process, and more

The workshop fees are $150 ($60 for students, free for students,
faculty and alumni of SCU).  Scholarships are available for
qualified participants. ALL participants must register!!

Johan Galtung is Professor of Peace Studies and Director of
TRANSCEND - A peace and Development Network. As founder of the
International Peace Research Institute in 1959 and the Journal of
Peace Research in 1964, Prof. Galtung is considered by many to be
the key founding figure in the academic discipline of peace and
conflict studies. He has published over 100 books and 1500 articles
and taught at countless universities worldwide. He is recipient of
10 honorary doctorates and numerous other honors such as the Right
Livelihood Award (the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize), the Norwegian
Humanist Prize, the Socrates Prize for Adult Education, the Bajaj
International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values and the Alo'ha
International Award.  He is engaged in consultative processes in
over 50 current inter - and intra-national conflicts. Galtung is a
renowned, dynamic speaker offering constructive advice in this time
of global crisis.

TRANSCEND is a peace and development network of invited
scholars-practitioners doing action/training/research/dissemination
within 20 programs, based on 40 years experience. Reports and
downloads are available at www.transcend.org

For more information and to register, please visit:


Johan Galtung will offer a 6-hour workshop on "Peaceful Conflict
Transformation: the TRANSCEND Approach" in BERKELEY, MAY 9, 2003.
For information about the program, fees, and to register, please
contact Marilyn Langlois <langlois-rine@attbi.com>, Tel 510-232-
4493.  Johan Galtung will also give a lecture at the University of
California at Berkeley on May 9, 7:30-9:30 pm, on the topic "New
Approaches in Peace Studies."  It is free and open to the public.
For information, please contact Marilyn <langlois-rine@attbi.com>.


RECONCILIATION AND RESOLUTION, June 2-6, 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

This is the only five-days intensive training programme/workshop of
its kind, exploring all three phases of violence and war --
pre-violence, violence, post-violence -- and what can be done, for
advanced practitioners, aid and development workers, international
diplomats, national and local level politicians, and policy makers.

Bridging the fields of theory and practice, it will be highly
effective for those working to prevent the outbreak of violent
conflict in their countries/communities, to transform violent and
intractable conflicts towards peaceful and constructive outcomes,
and/or to promote reconstruction, reconciliation, resolution and
healing in post-war situations.

THE TRAINER AND FACILITATOR: Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen, founder
and Director of the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute
of Romania (PATRIR) has given over 130 training programs in
peacebuilding, development, and conflict transformation to more
than 3000 participants in 26 countries (for a biographical note,
see above).  He will be supported by the staff of PATRIR.

COSTS: Participants from North America, Western Europe and
South-East Asia/Oceania: US$500;  Participants from Latin America,
Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe: US$300

The participation fee covers participation in the training program,
and all materials, including: Conflict Transformation by Peaceful
Means: The TRANSCEND Approach (UNDP 2000); Searching for Peace: The
Road to TRANSCEND by Johan Galtung, Carl Jacobsen and Kai Frithjof
Brand-Jacobsen (Pluto Press, 2002); Peace by Peaceful Means by
Johan Galtung (Sage Press, 1996); After Violence: 3R -
Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Resolution by Johan Galtung

Accommodation in double rooms is included in the fee.  Single rooms
are available for US$100 extra for the week.

For more information: training@transcend.org


LANDEGG INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Switzerland) offers the following
intensive MA level courses in Peace, Global Governance and
Development in June and July 2003:


LEAD 685: Development, Civil Society and the UN System
Dr. Graham Hassall - 02-06 June 2003

LEAD 670: Global Economy
Drs. A. Sabet & C. Lerche - 09-13 June 2003

CRES 652/LEAD 635: Law in a Global Society
Mr. Diba Majzub - 16-20 June 2003

CRES 650: Models of World Order - Peace II
Ms. Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims - 23-27 June 2003


LEAD 685: Development, Civil Society and the UN System
Dr. Graham Hassall - 02-06 June 2003

CRES 600/DEVL 600: Introduction to Peace Studies
Dr. Howon Jeong - 09-13 June 2003

CRES 652/LEAD 635: Law in a Global Society
Mr. Diba Majzub - 16-20 June 2003

CRES 650: Models of World Order
Ms. Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims - 23-27 June 2003


CRES 664: Topics in Conflict Resolution: Negotiation and Business
Conflict Resolution
Faculty - 09-13 June 2003

CRES 662: Curriculum Development and Systems Design
Faculty - 16-20 June 2003


CRES 640: Mediation, Arbitration and Negotiation
Dr. Steven Gonzales - 11-20 June 2003

CRES 635: Conflict Free Conflict Resolution
Dr. H.B. Danesh & Mr. R. Danesh - 23 June-2 July 2003

Seminar:  Conflict and Religion - 3-4 July 2003

CRES 656: International Conflict Resolution
Drs. Yaakov Bar-Siman-Tov & Dietrich Fischer - 7-11 July 2003


DEVL 520: Concepts and Ethics of Development
Dr. Roxanne Lolande  - 23-27 June 2003

DEVL 545: Community Building Processes
Dr. Glen Eyford - 30 June-04 July 2003

DEVL 560: International Institutional Frameworks for Development
Dr. K. Hassall and Mr. Lars Rogers - 07-11 July 2003

DEVL 540: Development Economics
Dr. Geeta Kingdon - 14-18 July 2003

More information on the courses and application procedures is
available at www.landegg.edu

We appreciate if you can share this information with others who may
be interested.  Thank you, Dietrich Fischer, Co-Director, TRANSCEND

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