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Fw: Upcoming anti-war events

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org" <moveon-help@list.moveon.org>
To: "Lori Matteucci Tubbs" <lori@web4all.it>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:36 PM
Subject: Upcoming anti-war events

> Dear MoveOn member,
> Over the next two weeks, hundreds of events will be taking place
> across the country to voice opposition to the push for war.  The
> events are catalogued at a great website:
>    http://www.unitedforpeace.org
> We suggest you check it out.
> Here's the context: yesterday, Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons
> inspector, told the security council that his team hadn't found any
> "smoking guns."  On January 27th, Blix will make a full report to the
> council; he's widely expected to repeat that to date, no evidence of
> Iraqi weapons of mass destruction have been found.  And according to
> newspaper reports, Tony Blair's "assessment of the situation is
> increasingly in line with that of Mr. Blix."
> Meanwhile, at the White House, Presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer
> continued to make the case for invading Iraq.  It's widely believed
> that President Bush will use the January 27th report by Hans Blix to
> the Security Council, and his State of the Union address the day
> after, to launch his final push for war.
> We face the prospect of an imminent war against Iraq, fought alone.
> Luckily, as the British newspaper The Guardian put it, the tides are
> turning.  The world community wants to see the inspections process
> work, and some of our closest allies are questioning the push for war.
> Throughout this month, leading up to the 27th, hundreds of groups
> across the country will be holding marches, workshops, vigils, and
> other events indicating the public opposition to war.  There will be
> major marches in Washington, DC and San Francisco.  And from
> Fayetteville, Arkansas, to Las Vegas, Nevada, people are gathering
> to voice their concern.  The events are listed at:
>   http://www.unitedforpeace.org
> You can also list local events on the site if they're not already
> there. We can't make any promises about the organization or tone of
> the events listed at the sites.  But we do feel it's important that
> people speak up at this critical time.  Take a look -- maybe there's
> an event in your area that will appeal to you.
> Of course, MoveOn will also be doing quite a bit over the next two
> weeks.  Next Thursday, we'll be launching a controvertial and hard-
> hitting "Let the Inspections Work" TV ad, supported by local press
> conferences in 12 major media markets.  And then on the following
> Tuesday, we'll be holding meetings with members of Congress and their
> staff.  After less than two days, over 6,900 people are signed up.
> We've got less than a month to convince President Bush to let the
> inspections work.  Please consider joining an event in your community.
> Sincerely,
> --Eli Pariser
>   International Campaigns Director
>   MoveOn.org
>   Friday, January 10th, 2002
> P.S. Our work is supported by the contributions of our members. If
> you'd like to chip in, you can do so quickly and easily at:
> https://www.moveon.org/donatec4/creditcard.html
> P.P.S. Here are two interesting news articles on the inspections
> process and the current prospects for war:
> The Guardian: "The tide, after all, appears to have turned.  What
> limited enthusiasm there was for invading Iraq ebbs slowly away in
> today's papers."
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/thewrap/
> The Associated Press: U.N. Iraq Report May Complicate U.S. Plan
> "U.N. inspectors have yet to turn up any sign of prohibited weapons in
> Iraq, complicating the Bush administration's task of justifying an
> armed invasion. Allies already are expressing misgivings, and the
> inspectors' first comprehensive report, due Jan. 27, could further
> cramp the timing of any attack."
> http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20030106_1884.html
> ________________
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