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V Int'l Conference on Peace & Nonviolent Action, India, 23-27Feb. 2002

PeaceLink-computer network

Dear Sir/Madam

ANUVRAT GLOBAL ORGANIZATION (ANUVIBHA) - a transnational center for peace
and nonviolent action associated with UN DPI is pleased to invite you and
your associates to attend the Fifth International Conference on Peace and
Nonviolent Action (ICPNA). The theme chosen for deliberations on this
occasion is Seeking the True Meaning of a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence
for the Children of the World.  The whole world is shocked and concerned
about the increasing trend of violence among children.  A culture of
violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the
institutions of learning particularly schools.  Even teenagers do not
hesitate to use guns to settle their scores.  We hear horrendous tales of
shootings in schools and colleges and gruesome murder of parents.  It was
this nightmare scenario that caused great concern among the members of the
UN who adopted a unanimous resolution declaring the period 2001-2010 as the
Decade of a Culture Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.
UNESCO has been entrusted with the responsibility to prepare a framework
for a culture of peace for children and launch a worldwide campaign. I am
pleased to say that Anuvibha is a part of this campaign and it has been in
the forefront of a global campaign to promote peace though ahimsa

Vishva Shanti Nilayam (Anuvibha's global Peace Palace) which is the venue
of the V ICPNA is being used as a veritable laboratory for bringing about
attitudinal changes among children through a series of scientifically
designed camps. More than 6000 children have already benefited from this
constructive initiative.  The Peace Palace is situated on top of a hill
overlooking a lake called Rajsamand.  It is charged with powerful spiritual
vibrations which a visitor feels the moment he enters the area. Besides
seven plenary sessions on varying aspects of the culture of peace and
nonviolence, there will be workshops, lectures and roundtable discussions
everyday.  All those who share our concern for the children of the world
are cordially invited.


THEME:     Seeking the True Meaning of a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence
for the Children of the World

VENUE:     Peace Palace (Vishva Shanti Nilyam), Rajsamand near Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India

DATES:      February 23 to 27, 2003.

VALEDICTORY SESSION: on 28th February at Mumbai under the auspices of His
Holiness Acharya Mahapragya

REGISTRATION: Overseas participants US$100, Indian participants Rs. 2,000.
(covers expenses on tea, refreshments, lunches and dinners for all five days).
The registration fees is US $125 and Rs.2,500 respectively after the due date.

Participants are advised to book their return flights from Mumbai.

LAST DATES : December 31, 2002 - for registration as well as for proposals
to speak.

TRAVEL: For travel information, write to Fax: 91-11-6885886, email:

For more details, visit our web site or write to us for the brochure.

We would also request you to publish this conference to
organizations/individuals interested in the subject through emails/
electronic newsletters; or provide us their database with contact
email/address and we would be happy to do the same.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. S.L. Gandhi
Organizing Secretary, V ICPNA
& International Secretary General, ANUVIBHA
P.O. Box 1003, Gandhinagar Post Office,
JAIPUR-302 015 (India)
Phone 91-141-2707347 / 2705439; Fax: 141-2710118
Email: anuvibha@datainfosys.net
URL: http://www.anuvibha.org