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Fw: [ANSWER]: ENDORSE the Oct. 26 Nat'l March in Washington DC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 8:52 PM
Subject: [ANSWER]: ENDORSE the Oct. 26 Nat'l March in Washington DC

> with a joint action in San Francisco
> *** To ENDORSE the Call to Action, go to 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/o26endorse.html#endo
> The Bush administration is rushing towards war. The time 
> to act is now. The people of the United States can stop 
> this madness.
> World public opinion and almost every government opposes 
> Bush's planned war of aggression.  But it will take a mass 
> peoples' movement--in the streets, workplaces, 
> communities, campuses and high schools--to stop the coming 
> war.
> On Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- the first anniversary of 
> the signing of the so-called Patriot Act -- anti-war, 
> civil rights, labor, student and other forces are joining 
> together to launch a massive international mobilization in 
> opposition to a new war against the people of Iraq. Mass 
> marches and rallies will be held in Washington DC and San 
> Francisco in the U.S., and in many other countries.
> As the Bush administration violates international law it 
> has been systematically engaged in a campaign of division 
> and repression in the United States including a wholesale 
> assault on the Bill of Rights, institutionalization of 
> racial profiling, and aggregation of near dictatorial 
> powers to the Executive branch.
> In articulating the so-called doctrine of preemptive war, 
> the Bush administration is preparing to violate all 
> existing international law and the UN charter which 
> forbids countries to carry out war except in the case of 
> self-defense. Preemption is merely a slogan to justify a 
> foreign policy of armed aggression and military adventure.
> Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company are planning 
> to send tens of thousands of young GIs to kill and be 
> killed in another war for Big Oil. Simultaneously, the 
> Bush Administration is diverting billions of dollars to 
> feed military conquest and away from jobs, education, 
> healthcare, childcare and housing.
> The so-called debate that is opening now to public view 
> from within the political establishment presents a 
> necessity for all anti-war forces to become a major factor 
> in generating an authentic opposition to U.S. war plans in 
> the Middle East. The October 26 National March in 
> Washington DC and joint action in San Francisco come just 
> one week before midterm Congressional elections. 
> There won't be a real national debate on a planned 
> invasion of Iraq until the people are in the streets. We 
> can't leave it to the military establishment to decide 
> when and how they will go to war and to define the debate. 
> We must tell Bush and his corporate and Big Oil patrons 
> that we will not allow this to happen.
> This war can be stopped. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz 
> and company can be stopped.  But the essential element 
> must be the mobilization of a massive new anti-war 
> movement in the streets. We call for civilians and 
> soldiers alike to exercise their political right to speak 
> out against an illegal war. On October 26, there will be a 
> National March in Washington DC, a West Coast march in San 
> Francisco, and protests around the world.
> JOIN US ON OCTOBER 26, 2002!
> *** To ENDORSE the Call to Action, go to 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/o26endorse.html#endo
> - A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
> - IFCO/Pastors for Peace
> - Free Palestine Alliance
> - Muslim Student Association
> - Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
> - Mexico Solidarity Network
> - Nicaragua Network
> - International Action Center
> - Kensington Welfare Rights Union
> - Middle East Children's Alliance
> - Bayan USA-International (Filipino community)
> - Korea Truth Commission
> - Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
> - National Lawyers Guild
> - Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
> - Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
> - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Auxilliary Bishop, Catholic 
> Archdiocese of Detroit 
> - San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO) 
> - Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth 
> Congregational Church
> - Committee in Support of the Iraqi People
> - Network in Solidarity with the People of the Philippines 
> - Sudanese American Society
> - Congress for Korean Reunification - U.S.A
> - Campaign to End the Sanctions
> - The Network of Arab-American Alumni & Professionals, NY 
> & FL
> - Chuck Turner, City Councilor, Boston, MA
> - College Voice, College of Staten Island, CUNY
> - Michigan State University Students for Economic Justice
> - Exploris Middle School United for Peace, NC
> - Michigan Emergency Committee Against War in Iraq
> - Committee to Protest War Against Iraq
> - Mid-Hudson National People's Campaign
> - The U.S. Greens Abroad
> - Gloria La Riva, President, Typographical Sector, 
> Northern California Media Workers Union*
> - Leslie Feinberg, activist and author 
> - Harlem Tenants Council
> - NJ Independent Alliance
> - Workers World Party
> - Coastal Convergence Society of Huntington Beach, 
> California 
> - Columbia Solidarity Committee, Chicago, IL 
> - The United Peoples
> - Leftbooks.com
> - Turnwind, AZ
> - Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti Imperialist 
> National HQ
> - The Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois/Fellowship of 
> Reconciliation
> - Maine Secessionist Movement
> - Revolution in Focus, Richmond, VA
> - First Congregational Church, UCC
> - Tabra International, CA
> - WESPAC (Westchester People's Action Coalition) 
> - The Charlotte Fellowship of Reconciliation
> - Willco, South Africa
> - TEA Society (Society for Teaching Educational Activism), 
> MO
> - Australian - Iraqi Friendship Association, Melbourne, 
> Victoria
> - Grandmothers for a Just World, NC
> - Justice for Palestinians, CA
> - Vets Against War
> - Green Party of Chatham County
> - Instant Anti-War Action Group, VT
> For the growing list of endorsers, go to 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/endorsers.html
> *** To ENDORSE the Call to Action, go to 
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/o26endorse.html#endo
> ********************
> *Below are several ways that you can get involved*
> BUSES, VANS and CAR CARAVANS are coming to DC from a 
> growing list of cities:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/index.html 
> (updated frequently)
> If you are interested in ORGANIZING TRANSPORTATION FROM 
> YOUR CITY, fill out the form at:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o26/index.html#list
> Help get the word out! DOWNLOAD the FLYER at:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/pdf/o2602flyer.pdf
> If you would like SPEAKERS on the history of the U.S./Iraq 
> conflict at your high school, college, union, or community 
> center, email dc@internationalanswer.org
> Make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION to help stop the war before 
> it starts:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/donate.html
> If you are not on the A.N.S.W.E.R. EMAIL LISTSERVE (low 
> volume), sign up today to receive updates on organizing 
> and analysis of the Bush administration's war drive:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/subscribelist.html
> For background information on U.S. war plans in Iraq, see 
> the "Learn More" section at:
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/
> dc@internationalanswer.org
> New York 212-633-6646
> Washington 202-332-5757
> Chicago 773-878-0166
> Los Angeles 213-487-2368
> San Francisco 415-821-6545
> ------------------
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