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Fw: [ANSWER]: DETAILS on the June 1 National Anti-War Conference in NYC

----- Original Message -----
From: "A.N.S.W.E.R." <answer.general@action-mail.org>
To: <answer.general@action-mail.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 6:13 PM
Subject: [ANSWER]: DETAILS on the June 1 National Anti-War Conference in NYC


 New York City
 West 27th St & 8th Ave (F.I.T.)

 *No new war against Iraq
 *Free Palestine
 *U.S. out of Colombia, the Philippines and Korea
 *Defend Arab and Muslim communities and civil rights
 *Money for jobs, education & housing?not for war

 Bush has declared it?s war time all the time. After the
 massive bombing in Afghanistan, the escalation of
 intervention in Colombia, the brutal U.S.-backed Israeli
 invasion of the Occupied Territories of Palestine, the
 Bush administration has now declared they are preparing
 for a major ground and air war against Iraq. Tens of
 thousands will die unless we act now. The people of the
 world can stop this war before it starts. Join us
 Saturday, June 1 in New York City for a national day-long
 conference of panels and workshop discussions to plan a
 comprehensive anti-war strategy.!

 Registration begins at 8:30 am. ($10 registration
 -9:00am to 10:30am: Opening Plenary
 -10:45am to 12:30pm: Workshop discussions (see below)
 -12:30pm to 1:30pm: Lunch
 -1:45pm to 3:00pm: Palestine: The Fight for Freedom
 -3:15pm to 4:45pm: Action Proposal & Organizing Skill
 Workshops (plan upcoming actions against war & racism)
 -5:00pm to 7:00pm: Closing Plenary

 - From Palestine to Iraq: Understanding U.S. strategy in
 the Middle East
 - Racial and political profiling: What you need to know
 about John Ashcroft?s new ?anti-terrorism? laws
 - Latin America and the struggle vs. capitalist
 globalization: Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela
 - Labor and the war at home and abroad
 - Invisible workers = superprofits: The role of immigrant
 - Bush?s war drive in Asia: U.S. troops from the
 Philippines to Korea


 On April 20, 100,000 people came into the streets of
 Washington DC, and 35,000 more in San Francisco, to say no
 to the U.S. government?s war drive - and to stand in
 solidarity with the people of Palestine who have been
heroically resisting aggression, occupation, racism and
 colonialism.  Millions have come into the streets all over
> the Arab world to show their support for this resistance.

  From Colombia and Argentina, to Venezuela and Cuba, to
 Korea and the Philippines?people on every continent are
 resisting the military and corporate domination being
 carried out through George Bush?s declared war on the

  From Palestine to Colombia to Korea to the Philippines to
 Washington DC - people are standing up to the U.S.
 government?s war drive.

 A.N.S.W.E.R. seeks to build the broadest coalition
 dedicated to creating a new movement that will show
 militant solidarity with all those struggling against the
 evils of corporate capitalism, imperialism, and oppression
 everywhere around the world, including right here at home.


 Initiated by the A.N.S.W.E.R. national steering committee:
 Bayan Int?l-USA, Free Palestine Alliance-USA, IFCO/Pastors
 for Peace, International Action Center, Kensington Welfare
 Rights Union, Korea Truth Commission, Mexico Solidarity
 Network, Middle East Children?s Alliance, Muslim Student
 Association (U.S./Canada), Nicaragua Network, Partnership
 for Civil Justice-LDEF


 For information about HOUSING: see
 http://www.internationalanswer.org or email


 CONTACT ORGANIZERS IN YOUR AREA to find out about travel
 to the June 1 conference and how you can get involved!

 *New York City: 212.633.6646, nyc@internationalanswer.org
 - volunteers meetings every Tuesday at 6:30 pm
 *San Francisco: 415.821.6545, answer@actionsf.org