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> > Da: "Noah Salameh" <salamehn@hotmail.com>
> > Data: 05/04/2002 10:06
> > Oggetto: Lara
>My friends, brothers and sisters,
>Again I'm comiming back to write to you this day also under the curfew and
>the the roar of the chains of the Israeli army tanks, I'm as you may know
>still at home and difinitly in the lawer rood to avoide the shooting with
>less food and with more fear . The Israeli army declair in the morning
>that they will entensify their operation against Palestinian People to
>finish before the pressure of the international community increased, so we
>are now with more shooting and more tanks. Today in Bethlehem city more
>than 120 tanks, the Israeli army destroyed some doors of the church of
>Netivity, and the focus this day in the center if the city which is the
>church, I'm living one Kilometer from the church, I'm lucky because it
>means that I will be save for this moment, until they invade the church, I
>hope not and the international protest will give some results.
>Yesterday I tried to get some hope from Bush speach about the Middle East,
>but I disappointed when I heard that his priority is to change our leader
>and not to stop his allience from this continuation killing of people and
>the hope of peace. May be Bush wand a government like Afghanistan
>government which has nine (9) ministers who have USA grean card( USA
>resedents) Sorry Mr. Bush to select our leader is a Palestinian work not
>American nor Israeli busniss.
>If Bush is realy interested in peace and justice he has to stop sending
>the machines pf killing to our area, and stop supporting occupation,
>discrimination and apartheid. I hope he gives more time to crticise
>violation of human rights and damaging the Infra structure of Palestinian
>areas, I hope he send food and milk to our children not tanks, and F16, we
>need peace not arms.Please don't use the 11th of Sept to justify killing
>us, we are also against Ben Laden, and against fundemetalisim and against
>terror including your terror and your allies the Israelis who occupied
>three milion Palestinians whitout giving civil rights to us.
>I'm sorry for my American friends, I know that many of you don't know what
>your government do in different part of the world and if you know you
>don't accept or support that. But I hope you understand my pain as
>Palestinian who work for peace, justice, freedome and reconciliation in
>Nonviolence means and faced of Tanks, curfew, starving, preventing food
>and milk, and collective punishment for a whole people, for three milion
>people. I'm asking you if an American man attack and kill one hundred
>person, do you think that the government will punish all the vity or even
>his mother of his father, Why we have to be punished collectivily to feed
>the feeling of revenge, and revenge who? the children and women, ....!!
>I'm trying all my time not to talk about politics, I don't know if now I
>talk politics, is talking about my life is politics, I'm teaching Human
>Rights and I'm expert in Human Rights and I don't find any item in the Un
>decleration of Human Rights or the Internationale convenent suppoty or
>justify what is going and done by Israeli army, How to prevent the aid
>team from reaching the injurds and let the bleeding until they died, or
>prevent them from evacuating the dead persons, Two Palestinian civiliand
>killed in a house in Bethlehem a women of 60 years old and her son of 38
>years old, and they left with the children ( 6 children between 6-16) in
>the same room for more than three days, the army prevent red crecent or
>the red cross from evacuating them. On family burried their father in the
>garden in the darkness because they were not allowed to take him out.Is
>this go with and standerd of human rights laws or human measures or any
>My friends, Excuse me today, I'm not feeling good because the food is
>getting less, and the worst from all of this that today the Fifth of April
>is the Birthday of my daughter LARA, she will be five years old and I
>can't give her a gift or have a party or even a cake , she asked me in the
>morning , Where is my gift, and she came to kiss me, and said today is a
>feast, I will have a lot of things, but I didn't know what to say to her,
>that she will not have agift or a party, she doesn't understand what is a
>curfew or what means this shooting around us....
>Please, excuse me if I used some violent words, I realy don't want that or
>mean that, I'm not against any one or hate any one. My GOD is just love,
>peace, justice and reconciliation, I would like to sleep and walk up and
>find no wars or no weapons in our country fron any sort or any side.
>Enough killing enough torture, enough humilation, insultation and occupation.
>My wife asked me to say that she feels upset and so sad that she can't go
>to her hospital( Rihab is a nurse) and there are just three nurses in her
>section working day and night for the intensive work,
>It is now the test for our values, ethics and morals of standing in front
>of the wave of killing and violation of hesuman rights, this test not
>external but internal, from inside us, do we agree of what the occupation
>army doing now? Do we agree with militery occupation in the third
>millinuem? Do we have to keep silent of this crimes? I'm asking your
>values, principles, ethics,morals and religios rules. I will not judge
>you, no one have the right to judge any one, it is your values and ethics
>will judge you, you have to judge yourselfe, I'm just asking you to act
>according to your inner judgments.
>Yours in Peace & Reconciliation
>Noah Salameh
>The Center for Conflict Resolution
> and Reconciliation - CCRR
>P.O.Box 861
>Bethlehem - Palestine
>Telfax: 972-2-2745475
>Tel: 972-2-2767745
>Email: ccrr@palnet.com /salamehn@hotmail.com