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Fwd) Urgent: Survival e-news extra

Mi scuso anticipatamente e mi permetto segnalarvi questo 
APPELLO URGENTE per una popolazione che rischia di essere 
letteralmente uccisa per sete.

In calce riporto il testo dell'appello che ho velocemente inviato agli 
indirizzi suggeriti. 

Gianni Zampieri - cdm 

"Non temo le parole dei violenti,
mi preoccupa molto il silenzio degli onesti" (M.L.King)

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:  Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:41:03 +0000
From:         Survival International <publications@survival-
Subject:     Urgent: Survival e-news extra
To:             zampieri.gg@libero.it

Survival's e-news is normally sent out monthly - apologies for this 
extra bulletin, which we are sending because of the extreme 
urgency of  events unfolding in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve 
in Botswana.  

government has now deliberately cut off water to Gana and Gwi 
Bushman villages in the desert. In the last couple of days officials 
have removed parts from the Bushmen's only pump, making it 
impossible for them to get any water. They also deliberately 
emptied the tanks containing their remaining water supplies. 
Bushmen who tried to protest were abused.  

Government officials still falsely claim that Bushmen are leaving 
their homes willingly - although they admit that they want to 
remove all Bushmen from their ancestral lands in the reserve. If 
they succeed it will entail the destruction of the Gana and Gwi 
tribes who have supported themselves on their land for 20,000 

PLEASE HELP! Please send an email (with a blank subject line) 
protesting at this step to as many as possible of: stsiane@gov.bw, 
parliament@gov.bw, dwnp@gov.bw, botswanatourism@gov.bw 
Please forward this message to anyone you know who may be 

More information on the situation and the campaign: 
http://www.survival-international.org/latest.htm Survival 
International, founded 1969, registered charity 267444.  

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
-------- Survival International is a worldwide organisation supporting 
tribal peoples. It stands for their right to decide their own future and 
helps them protect their lives, lands and human rights. It receives 
no government funding and is dependent on donations from the 
public. To find out more or to help see http://www.survival-
international.org or email info@survival-international.org  

Please forward this message to anyone who may be interested.

English: To subscribe: send a blank message to survival-on@mail-
list.com To unsubscribe: send a blank message to survival-
off@mail-list.com To change your address: send a message from 
your new address to survival-change@mail-list.com, with your old 
address in the subject line  

Espanol: Si deseas recibir estas noticias en espanol, envia un 
mensaje en blanco a survivalspan-on@mail-list.com Para dejar de 
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mensagem vazia a survivalport-on@mail-list.com Para parar de 
receber as novidades em ingles, envie uma mensagem vazia a 

------- End of forwarded message -------

To :  stsiane@gov.bw, parliament@gov.bw, dwnp@gov.bw, 

Subj:     (nessuno)

I want express my deep worry and my protest about what 
Botswana Government are doing, because they has deliberately 
cut off water to Gana and Gwi Bushman villages in the desert. 
In the last days officials have removed parts from the Bushmen's 
only pump, making it impossible for them to get any water. They 
also deliberately emptied the tanks containing their remaining 
water supplies. Bushmen who tried to protest were abused. 
Government officials still falsely claim that Bushmen are leaving 
their homes willingly - although they admit that they want to 
remove all Bushmen from their ancestral lands in the reserve. 
If they succeed it will entail the destruction of the Gana and Gwi 
tribes who have supported themselves on their land for 20,000 
The Botswana government is ignoring international law by failing to 
recognise the Gana and Gwi's ownership rights over the land they 
have traditionally lived on and used. 
Services on which the Gana and Gwi Bushmen have become 
dependent should be maintained – the cost is not prohibitive and 
the European Union has offered to fund it. 
The Gana and Gwi Bushmen have the right to decide for 
themselves how they want to live – they are not 'primitive' simply 
because they are hunters . 

Sincerely yours, 
Gianni Zampieri 
via Figliodoni, 2 
23891 Barzanò - Italy

""Non dite: verrà un giorno, portatelo quel giorno!
  E per tutte le piazze portate in alto la pace! ""

via Figliodoni, 2 - 23891 Barzanò (Lc)
tel.039-958264 e-mail: zampieri.gg@libero.it