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Press Release 21.1.2002

Press Release 21.1.2002

Dear friends,

attached you find our press release for publication after 22 January 2002.

You find the "Manifesto against Conscription and the Military System" on
our website:


You find an English language summary of our publications in print on our



Christian Bartolf (Chair; Gandhi Information Center)

Gandhi Information Center Postfach (P.O. Box) 210109
10501 Berlin
email: mkgandhi@snafu.de
Internet: http://www.snafu.de/~mkgandhi

Berlin, 21.1.2002


Manifesto against Conscription and the Military System

Since the end of the year 1993 the "Gandhi Information Center", a Berlin
society for education with international membership, has collected 1.000
signatures of people of integrity, many of them famous, from many countries
of all continents, who support the new "Manifesto against Conscription and
the Military System ".

In addition, the "Gandhi Information Center", after years of archive
research, succeeded in documenting four yet almost unknown history texts of
manifestoes which had been signed by famous humanists in the tradition line
of Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi, among them Albert Einstein, Sigmund
Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Romain Rolland, Bertrand
Russell, Rabindranath Tagore, Ernst Toller, Arnold Zweig and Stefan Zweig:

1.) "Declaration of Independence of the Spirit" (1919) 2.)
"Anti-Conscription Manifesto" (1926)
3.) "Against Conscription and the Military Training of Youth" (1930)
4.) "Nobel Prize Laureates' Manifesto Appeal" (1981)

These two new publications published in English resp. German languages can
now be received via international book order or via email:

"Manifesto against Conscription and the Military System"
ISBN 3-930093-16-2 - pp.105 ; 7,57 Euro in Germany; 7,80 Euro abroad

"Manifest gegen die Wehrpflicht und das Militärsystem"
ISBN 3-930093-17-0 - pp.120 ; 7,57 Euro in Germany; 7,80 Euro abroad

sgd. Christian Bartolf (Chair; Gandhi Information Center)