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quello che l'ANSA non dice....

    " le ultime notizie dal sito ufficile dell'ANP risalgono al 31 dicembre
e descrivono le violazioni del cessate il fuoco del governo israeliano

Israeli Breaches of Cease-fire

From: 19.00hrs Sunday December 30 To: 19.00hrs Monday December 31

 Despite President Arafat's speech on December 16, 2001 and its historical
content, the military siege imposed on the Palestinian territories is still
maintained by the occupation forces and the breaches of cease-fire continued
as well as the Israeli army and settler induced aggressions as detailed

 The occupation forces breached the cease-fire [14] times:

[6] Palestinians were assassinated among them [3] children, [11] were
wounded, among them [7] children, and [5] were arrested. . [113] Trees were
uprooted, [87] Dunams were bulldozed and [8] Buildings, [5] vehicles and [3]
economic establishments were damaged. [1760] Dunams were confiscated for
settlement expansion and Palestinian controlled areas were invaded [5] times
and bombarded [7] time.

 Jerusalem: The occupation authorities have approved the building of (630)
new settlement units in Armon Hantsaif neighborhood on an area of (260)

Ramallah & AL Birah: The occupation forces re-erected AL Malofia checkpoint
in Samiramis area and the occupation soldiers tortured three Palestinians
after detaining them for more than three hours. They also handed over
summonses to several Palestinians to report to the Israeli General
Intelligence Service.

Nablus: The occupation forces continued to bulldoze (1500) Dunams and uproot
hundreds of olive and citrus trees in Kufor Qadoum and Qoseen villages in a
preparatory step to annex them to the settlement of Qadomeem. They also
bulldozed vast areas of lands and built two new settlement roads in Yanon,
Beit Foreek , Rojeet, and Jaloud villages.

Jenin: The occupation battle tanks destroyed three Palestinian vehicles on
Jenin northern entrance.

Tolkarem: The occupation forces stormed in Shuwaika high school and expelled
all students and teachers under the threat of arms. They also beat up
several Palestinians, opened fire at residential houses in Baqa AL Sharqia
causing damage and stormed in Nazlet Issa village and arrested four

Qalqilya: The occupation forces stormed in Azzoun village, broke into
several houses and commercial stores and arrested several youths. They also
prevented Palestinians from entering the city.

Northern Gaza: The occupation forces assassinated Ismael Abu Qomsan (32),
Ali Muhanna (27) and Mohammed Salah (27) east of Beit Hanoun. Mohammed Lubad
(17), Mohammed AL Madhoun (17) and Ahmad Banat (17) were killed when the
occupation forces bombarded the Bedouin village.

Khan Younis: The occupation forces bombarded residential houses in AL
Araysha, AL Satar AL Gharby, AL Amal and Iskan AL Qala neighborhoods causing
severe damage. They also arrested Mohammed AL Masry at AL Matahen junction.

Rafah: The occupation forces opened fire at Rafah refugee camp causing


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