Why is the UNSMIS Houla Report Missing?


Why is the UNSMIS Houla Report Missing

von Ronda Haube

I-Conflicting Views on the Human Rights Council September 28 Resolution

On September 28, the UN’s Human Rights Council asked for a consensus vote on a resolution holding the Syrian government responsible for the violence in Syria. The resolution particularly referred to the Houla Massacre that took place in Syria on May 25-26, 2012. The resolution said it (1):

“Condemns in the strongest terms the massacre of the village of AL-Houla near Homs, where the forces of the government of the Syrian Arab Republic and members of the Shabbiha were found by the commission of inquiry to be the perpetrators of outrageous and heinous crimes and stresses the need to hold those responsible to account.”

Opposing the call that the resolution be passed by acclamation, Maria Khodynskaya-Golenischv, the Representative of the Russian Federation, explained why her country would vote against the resolution. Among the several reasons she gave was the objection… ( weiter lesen / continua a leggere http://blogs.taz.de/netizenblog/tag/marinella-correggia/ )