invio questo appello per la libertà di espressione in Iraq. Un Ponte per la sta supportando all'interno della ICSSI, coalizione di associazioni ed ONG irachene ed internazionali, che affiancano la popolazione nel resistere alla degenerazione in atto in Iraq. L'appello è urgente poichè il 30 gennaio si riunirà la Corte Federale  Irachena per decidere sul ricorso avanzato dalle associazioni irachene contro la legge che è stata recentemente  approvata dal Parlamento e che prevede una gravissima stretta sulla libertà di stampa ed espressione in Iraq.
Si richiede il maggior numero possibile di firme sia di singoli che di associazioni cliccando sul sito indicato infondo alla petizione . 


FREEDOM OF _expression_ IN IRAQ


The Iraqi Civil Society Solidarity Initiative (ICSSI) urges you to support the lawsuit before the Iraqi Federal Court to abolish the so-called "Journalists’ Rights Law" recently passed by the Iraqi parliament. This law explicitly violates articles 13, 14, 38 and 46 of the Iraqi Constitution, which protect freedom of the press and freedom of _expression_. The law is incompatible with Iraq's international obligations, under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, both signed by the Iraqi State. It especially fails to respect Article 19 of the Universal Declaration, which says: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and _expression_; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”


The law also compromises the constitutionally guaranteed principle of equal citizenship, by conferring illegal and illegitimate benefits and privileges on journalists. Moreover it describes the role of the journalist as working to promote the acts of government authorities, thereby totally undermining public confidence in the media.

A lawsuit to repeal the "Journalists’ Rights Law" has been organized by The Society for Defending Press Freedom, an Iraqi Non-governmental Organisation, and is supported by many Iraqi journalists and media activists. We are collecting signatures from supporters both inside and outside of Iraq to present to Mr. Midhat Almahmud, Chairman of the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court, urging him to compel the Iraqi parliament to undertake the procedures necessary to end these violations of the Iraqi Constitution and international law.

Please sign the petition to Mr. Midhat Almahmud at:



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