2 outstanding articles not to be missed! (Iran, Obama, War Spin)

How does one prepare for a preventive war? How does one justify the war gluttony that has been escalating at a frightening pace? These two pieces are like perfect bookends to understanding the rhetoric that keeps Americans in War by using concepts such as the importance of the well being of the American people, and its need to protect its "freedoms" at all costs (to someone else especially).
Certainly useful reading for Americans, but it's enlightening for us all.

These two smashing pieces by our contributing Writer Nima Shirazi and one of Tlaxcala/PTT's First Word War writers Atilio Boron are essential items in the political discourse. Nima is second to none in research, and his analysis is compelling, convincing and extremely gripping! A must read! Atilio's piece, translated by David Brookbank is an insightful analysis of the "Just War" spin and the Obama-mania. We are also delighted that we're getting more photomontages from Edna Spennato, and this one, Obama, Prince of Peace and Profanity will make you smile in a bittersweet way.

[]   Nima Shirazi – The New York Crimes: All The Lies That Fit to Print»

The American political, academic, and media establishment has long been beating the drums of war with Iran and, as the author of New York Times' latest OpEd encouraging the US bombing of that country, University of Texas professor Alan J. Kuperman has now emerged as the Keith Moon of sensational jingoism and, considering his concept of reality, morality, and legality, is probably twice as crazy.


[]  Atilio Boron – Obama, an "F" in Political Theory (First Word War)»

The paranoid and pathological-to-the-core line of the neoconservative ideologues reappears on the lips of this champion of U.S. liberalism: the ever-present threat to the well being and security of the American people, whether coming from Communists, populism, drug trafficking, Islamic fundamentalism or international terrorism. But these threats, more imaginary than real, are a necessary ingredient in justifying the unlimited and ceaseless expansion of military spending and the enormous profitability that this provides to the giant oligopolies that depend on the immense business of war.

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