The First Word War! Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala declare war against Disinformation

Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala today launch our most recent editorial initiative. Our contributors, affiliates, associates, friends and readers are invited to participate with their own efforts to deconstruct the hasbara and Normative Western Dominant narrative, to reclaim the meaning of words from the masters of disinformation, stripping off the propagandistic baggage attached to them, and to more effectively read and interpret the media we are subject to and involved in. We need to move from being "passive" subjects and consumers of information/propaganda and assume a more "active" role. All of this starts by declaring our liberation from control and resisting the indoctrination, and with this goal, our members are committed to creating new instruments of analysis and a new lexicon of freedom.

Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala will publish in groups of essays, a series of interventions in an international initiative that is like nothing that has come before it. Our essays come to us in various languages and from many places around the globe (Tlaxcala itself has several dozen languages it works with) and will be translated and disseminated on a global basis through Palestine Think Tank, Tlaxcala and many other sources. We encourage you to read our first series and to participate ACTIVELY, as a foot soldier in the First Word War.

Today on and you can find the first group in English, Spanish and French. A brief excerpt follows below. We encourage you to contribute, repost, link, send to your list serves.


The First Word War – Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala declare war against disinformation

Totalitarian regimes have always depended on either ignorance or fear to help them carry out their work of establishing, consolidating and maintaining their dominion over those who otherwise would rebel against them. The same appears to be true in today’s “democracies”. Pressure is put on Islamic charities, groups that combat occupation are categorised as being terrorist movements and diplomatic relations are also dependent upon the blessing of whoever holds the purse strings. Conditions are set that prohibit openly supporting political movements and even governments that are critical of the Zionist state, as if this itself is the barometer of the validity of an entire nation in the global spectrum. In short, even democracies (again, quoting my psychologist friend, “demonocracies”) implement strong indoctrination to instil their hegemonic advantage politically, economically and even morally. They utilise the media, both as information and entertainment, to brainwash and form their model of a good citizen so that the society is fully supportive of whatever political plans their government will back. The effects filter down all the way to the bottom, even to our children, who are asked to a-critically salute “heroes of peace” armed to the teeth in Afghanistan and Iraq. It seems that Orwell had gotten it right after all.

Fighting the empty rhetoric, deconstructing the lies one by one and taking back the power of our critical thinking is something that is no longer a luxury, but an absolute necessity. To contribute to this ideal of consciousness-building, Palestine Think Tank and Tlaxcala are launching a series of essays that examine many of these terms and phrases, one at a time, in order to construct an alternative lexicon and to present a more accurate reading of the words that surround us at the moment primarily as propagandistic emotional triggers. We ask our contributors, members and affiliates to reflect upon and write about these issues, and we also invite our readers to contribute essays for publication, translation and dissemination.

Essays by Mary Rizzo, Ayman El Kayman and Santiago Alba Rico follow, in English, French and Spanish, translated by Manuel Talens, Machetera and Fausto Giudice.
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The members of PTT and Tlaxcala