Palestine Think Tank Obama articles

We've gathered some analysis, views, videos and cartoons that express the way we think about the election results in the USA.

Here are some of the latest, and updates are always coming.

Hasan Afif El-Hasan - For Palestinians there are two Obamas

During his last visit to Israel, Obama spent two days meeting leaders of Israel’s major parties, spent only 45 minutes talking to the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas with no news conference and refused to visit refugee camps. He expressed deep sympathy with the Israeli victims of the conflict and nothing for the Palestinians.

The Palestinians must stop counting on the US government to help them achieve their national goals! Because the US will never side with the Palestinians, they should put an end to the myth that there will be no chance for a peaceful resolution unless the US government intervenes. The Palestinians should find another path to a just peace without the involvement of the US government.

Lasse Wilhelmson - Will the World Change Now?

However, to the best of my knowledge, Obama has said nothing other than that he wants to reprioritise by moving troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, and he has never objected to Israel’s genocidal policies towards the Palestinians. In order to co-ordinate and govern these and other tasks, Obama has now appointed Rahm Emanuelas his White House Chief of Staff. He is the son of one of leaders of the Irgun, the Jewish terrorist organisation responsible for the worst deeds committed during the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948. Emanuel was active as a volunteer during the Gulf War of 1991 – not in the U.S. Army, but in the Israeli Army, stationed at base in the Galilee. He has also been mentioned in connection with the Monica Lewinsky Affair, which was a typical trap set by the Mossad for Clinton.

Judith Butler - Uncritical Exuberance?

If a consequential and dramatic disappointment is to be averted, he will have to act quickly and well.  Perhaps the only way to avert a “crash” a disappointment of serious proportions that would turn political will against him will be to take decisive actions within the first two months of his presidency.  The first would be to close Guantanamo and find ways to transfer the cases of detainees to legitimate courts; the second would be to forge a plan for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and to begin to implement that plan.  The third would be to retract his bellicose remarks about escalating war in Afghanistan and pursue diplomatic, multilateral solutions in that arena.  If he fails to take these steps, his support on the left will clearly deteriorate, and we will see the reconfiguration of the split between liberal hawks and the anti-war left. 

Adib S. Kawar - Open Letter to Barack Obama from an Uprooted Palestinian
It seems that our worries are justified, namely the outgoing regime’s international policy of double standards shall continue, that is you shall proceed with the policy that resulted in the loss of your competitor the race to the White House, and probably continue with the policy of waging wars just to serve a foreign entity. News came also today that the Zionist entity is pushing your new regime to wage a new war against Iran. The lessons Americans should have learned from the chain of wars the administration that preceded yours had always ended with tragedies not only for the countries they attacked, but also to the United States of America too.

The Winter Patriot - Watching the Defectives
For the past two or three weeks I’ve restrained my impulse to rip into the multitudes of fast-asleep Obama supporters. No matter how many times their man has betrayed their interests, they have never wavered in support of the dream their hearts made. Today they are still celebrating.

WAR ALERT: Obama Advisors Discuss Preparations for War on Iran

Behind the backs of American voters, top advisers for President-elect Barack Obama have been setting the stage for a dramatic escalation of confrontation with Iran as soon as the new administration takes office. A report released in September from the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington-based think tank, argued that a nuclear weapons capable Iran was “strategically untenable” and detailed a robust approach, “incorporating new diplomatic, economic and military tools in an integrated fashion”.

Israeli Army Generals Think Obama is Best for Israel VIDEO

Fine, ok, but then this is what is documented from Lebanon War “Hero” Giora Inbar:
Brig.-Gen. (res.) Giora Inbar, a former IDF commander in south Lebanon, said he would personally vote for Obama to help Israel. Inbar said he was not convinced that the Bush method was the right way to deal with the axis of evil and that he would welcome anyone who chose to handle it differently.

Obama… axis of evil… personal endorsement. Could you ask for anything more?

Well, maybe the words from Obamarahma himself:
“First and foremost, I firmly believe in a strong American commitment to the security of Israel. An empowered Iran and emboldened extremist groups in the Middle East present a threat not only to Israel, but also to the United States and the rest of the world. The United States must maintain its historic relationship with Israel, our strongest ally in the region and the only established democracy in the Middle East.”